Chinese woman slaps policeman for being stopped for check

  • Ms Tian claimed that she had to visit her ill father after being stopped by police
  • Officers refused to let her go, so she slapped them and smashed their cameras
  • She was detained for obstructing public order after the incident in east China

A raging car passenger has been caught attacking traffic police officers before going on an epic rant in the middle of a busy road in east China.

Ms Tian, 35, had been stopped by the officers for a regular inspection. The furious woman can be seen slapping one policeman before breaking several body cameras on two officers. 

She claimed they stopped her rushing to a hospital to visit her ill father. She was detained by police for obstructing public order.

She snatches a body camera from a policeman and throws it on the floor

Ms Tian complains of being pulled over for a road inspection to the traffic police in east China (left). She snatches a body camera from a policeman and throws it on the floor (right)

Footage emerged online showing Ms Tian, who was a passenger on a white mini van, gets onto the road and shouts at the police on the morning of January 8.

Beijing News reported the road inspection was carried out in Mudan district of Heze city, Shandong Province.

Ms Tian shouted: ‘Are you still recording? My father is ill, do you know? My father is still at a hospital, do you know?’

She then slapped one traffic police officer in the face and threw his body-worn camera onto the floor.

Ms Tian had broken at least two body-cameras as the video shows.

She then angrily slaps one officer in the face and destroys another body camera

The 35-year-old claims she has to rush to the hospital to visit her ill father

She then angrily slaps one officer in the face and destroys another body camera (left). The 35-year-old claims she has to rush to the hospital to visit her ill father (right)

The traffic policemen refused to let her go past the road inspection although she claimed she had to rush to visit her ill father in a hospital.

Heze Police Bureau confirmed in a press statement that two assistant policemen were assaulted by a 35-year-old woman, surnamed Tian.

Ms Tian is detained by the police for obstructing public order act.