Chris Christie opens his own law firm- denies accusations Rudy Giuliani sent clients his way 

Former New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie, opened a law practice and Rudy Giuliani made the claim that he sent Christie two of his former clients. A claim which has been denied by Christie’s team.

Christie was a lawyer by trade before he entered the political arena, and it helped him become an elected official. It makes sense that he is staying in his wheelhouse as he finds his way in civilian life.

The Christie Law Firm was registered with the state Office of Attorney Ethics in April and has an address registered to Christie’s home in Mendham, according to a report in New Jersey The Record. 

It is unclear what kind of law Christie will be working with, but Giuliani- former New York mayor-turned private practice lawyer- turned Trump’s personal counsel, told the Record he had sent Christie two clients he was no longer able work with under his new position with Trump.

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (pictured with wife Mary Pat) has started a law firm not that he has left the political arena 

Rudy Giuliani had commented he sent two clients Christie's way, but a spokesman for the former governor says that is simply not the case

Rudy Giuliani had commented he sent two clients Christie’s way, but a spokesman for the former governor says that is simply not the case

However, a representative for Christie says that that is not the case.  

‘Gov. Christie has not been referred any clients from Mayor Giuliani,’ Christie spokesperson Pete Sheridan said in an email.  

Before representing Trump, Giuliani worked for the Greenberg Traurig law firm.

Christie, nearing the end of his formal transition out of state government, established the new practice based in his Morris County hometown.  

State records also show the Republican has an attorney identification number and his law license is in good standing.

Christie, a Republican, left office in January after two terms when he handed over state government to Democrat Phil Murphy. He soon announced he was taking a position with ABC News as a political analyst and legal contributor. 

Christie received his law degree from Seton Hall University and worked on securities and election law as a partner with a Cranford-based law firm before starting his political career. 

He was the U.S. attorney for New Jersey from 2002-2008 before winning the governor’s seat in 2009. He was re-elected four years later.

The former governor's new law firm was registered to his home in Mendham (shown) in April

The former governor’s new law firm was registered to his home in Mendham (shown) in April

Christie was an early supporter of Donald Trump during the 2016 GOP primary, backing the businessman soon after his own presidential run ended in failure. 

He was tapped to head the president’s transition team but lost that job shortly after Trump’s victory in November when the position was turned over to Vice President Mike Pence.

The former governor had said in his final months in office that he intended to pursue a job where he could make money. 

His wife, former first lady Mary Pat Christie, retired from her financial job on Wall Street after Christie’s presidential run.