Chris Matthews compares Bernie Sanders win in Nevada to France’s defeat to Nazi Germany in 1940 

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews was having a tough time coming to terms with Senator Bernie Sanders’ win in Nevada on Saturday, likening his victory to Nazi Germany’s conquest of France in 1940. 

While he did not inexplicably name Nazi Germany, it was clear that Matthews was equating the Democratic establishment to the French during World War II.

‘I was reading last night about the fall of France in the summer of 1940,’ he said. ‘And the general, Reynaud, calls up Churchill and says, “It’s over.” And Churchill says, “How can that be? You’ve got the greatest army in Europe. How can it be over?” He said, “It’s over.” So I had that suppressed feeling.’


While he did not inexplicably name Nazi Germany, it was clear that Matthews was equating the Democratic establishment to the French during World War II

Matthews' comments followed similarly antagonistic remarks from Democratic strategist James Carville after Sanders dominated the Nevada caucuses

Matthews’ comments followed similarly antagonistic remarks from Democratic strategist James Carville after Sanders dominated the Nevada caucuses

Matthews’ comments followed similarly antagonistic remarks from Democratic strategist James Carville after Sanders dominated the Nevada caucuses.  

‘It looks like Bernie Sanders is hard to beat right now,’ the Hardball host said on Saturday. ‘I’m with Carville all the way in terms of the dangers of what lies ahead in November. They’re sitting on so much oppo research on Bernie.’ 

The Hardball host claimed that Republicans would be able to release opposition research about things Sanders ‘said in the past about world affairs, how far left he is,’ adding that that would then ‘kill him’ by the time of the match-up against Trump in November.  

He then declared: ‘But I think it’s a little late to stop him.’ 

The Hardball host claimed that Republicans would be able to release research about what Sanders 'said in the past about world affairs, how far left he is'

The Hardball host claimed that Republicans would be able to release research about what Sanders ‘said in the past about world affairs, how far left he is’

Mike Casca, communications director for Sanders’ campaign, took to Twitter to slam Matthews’ incendiary remarks. 

‘Never thought part of my job would be pleading with a national news network to stop likening the campaign of a jewish presidential candidate whose family was wiped out by the nazis to the third reich,’ he said. ‘But here we are.’

The sentiment was shared by other Sanders’ supporters, along with several users on Twitter, who pointed out that MSNBC’s Chuck Todd had made statements comparing supporters of the candidate to Nazis.   

‘A few days ago, @chucktodd read a passage likening Bernie voters to Nazi brown shirts,’ said speechwriter and Sanders advisor David Sirota. ‘Now Chris Matthews is likening Bernie’s campaign to a Nazi invasion. Bernie is Jewish and his family was killed by the Nazis. None of this is OK.’

Mike Casca, communications director for Sanders' campaign, took to Twitter to slam Matthews' incendiary remarks

Mike Casca, communications director for Sanders’ campaign, took to Twitter to slam Matthews’ incendiary remarks

'A few days ago, @chucktodd read a passage likening Bernie voters to Nazi brown shirts,' said speechwriter and Sanders advisor David Sirota. 'Now Chris Matthews is likening Bernie¿s campaign to a Nazi invasion. Bernie is Jewish and his family was killed by the Nazis. None of this is OK'

‘A few days ago, @chucktodd read a passage likening Bernie voters to Nazi brown shirts,’ said speechwriter and Sanders advisor David Sirota. ‘Now Chris Matthews is likening Bernie’s campaign to a Nazi invasion. Bernie is Jewish and his family was killed by the Nazis. None of this is OK’

Sara Nelson added: ‘This is inexcusable, @MSNBC! Comparing the nomination of @BernieSanders to the fall of France to the Nazis??? @HardballChris needs to be taken off the air, go to confession, and immediately apologize to the candidate – who also happens to be Jewish – energizing the electorate.’

‘Let’s try to detangle this,’ stated Jeremy Scahill. ‘Bernie, a Jewish man whose family members were killed in the holocaust, wins the Nevada caucus, and Bernie and his unprecedented diverse coalition are the Nazis and Chris Matthews, the DNC and MSNBC are now occupied France?’  

Bernie Sanders was declared the winner of the Nevada caucuses Saturday despite only a fraction of the vote in.

Sanders had a formidable lead, taking 54 per cent of the delegates with 4 per cent of precincts reporting.

Trump went ahead and congratulated Sanders before most networks had called the race.

The sentiment was shared by other Sanders' supporters, along with several users on Twitter

The sentiment was shared by other Sanders’ supporters, along with several users on Twitter

‘Looks like Crazy Bernie is doing well in the Great State of Nevada. Biden & the rest look weak, & no way Mini Mike can restart his campaign after the worst debate performance in the history of Presidential Debates,’ Trump said. ‘Congratulations Bernie, & don’t let them take it away from you!’ the president wrote.

Sanders is coming off a win in New Hampshire, with Pete Buttigieg coming in a close second in the Granite State. In Iowa, Buttigieg beat Sanders in the delegate count by a hair, while the Vermont senator won the popular vote. Biden finished in fourth place in Iowa and fifth place in New Hampshire.

Reporting for Nevada started to filter in the early afternoon Saturday, though stayed at 3 per cent for more than an hour, as Democrats tried to avoid having reporting problems like they did in Iowa thanks to a malfunctioning app. CNN reported that some precinct chairs had trouble calling in and reporting the results.

Despite the major momentum for the Vermont senator in the Silver State, the candidate had already left to campaign in Texas before the Nevada caucus sites adjourned.

Sanders is holding two campaign rallies in the Lone Star State Saturday, where a more moderate Democratic electorate could spell trouble for the democratic socialist. He’ll also hold a Houston rally Sunday. Texas votes on March 3, with 13 other ‘Super Tuesday’ states.

Bernie Sanders was declared the winner of the Nevada caucuses Saturday despite only a fraction of the vote in

Bernie Sanders was declared the winner of the Nevada caucuses Saturday despite only a fraction of the vote in