‘Our prayers have been answered’: Felix Ngole and his wife Pepsy after their victory last week
Felix Ngole hardly thought about his Facebook post before sending it.
The devout Christian had quoted from the Bible to defend an American official jailed for refusing to register a same-sex marriage because of her religious beliefs.
But sharing those words from scripture and his own beliefs in an informal discussion on the social media site was to have horrifying consequences.
Wrongly accused of homophobia, Felix was expelled from the university where he was training to become a social worker, his hoped-for career in ruins.
Dogged by the false allegation that he was a bigot, he was turned down for one job after another, until the only work he could get took him far from his family for months at a time.
Now, more than three years after his ordeal began, the Court of Appeal has ruled in Felix’s favour, with a landmark ruling for the rights of Christians.
The judges also made it clear that Felix, 41, is not homophobic and has never discriminated against anyone.
Yet he can still hardly believe how he was made to suffer for his Christian beliefs – a faith he had believed would be strongly protected in Britain.
In the cruellest irony, Felix arrived in this country as an asylum seeker after fleeing persecution in his native Cameroon for his religious beliefs.
Even now, despite the court’s decision, he still fears for the rights of freedom of speech and faith amid the increasing oppressive climate of the politically correct far-Left, as he reveals in this exclusive interview.
His voice trembling, he says: ‘This is supposed to be a Christian country and we still swear on the Bible in a court of law. Yet I was hounded out of my university course for quoting from it.
‘Are we going to lock people up for reading the Bible, or ban it?’
A gentle and softly spoken man, Felix firmly believes it is the Left-wing ideology that he says holds sway at the University of Sheffield that led to him being kicked out.
He says: ‘I don’t hate anyone. I have never treated anyone badly because of their sexuality. I came here as an asylum seeker because I strongly believe this is a country that welcomes different points of view. Where people of all faiths can live together.

Wrongly accused of homophobia, Felix was expelled from the university where he was training to become a social worker
‘Some of the people on my campus, however, were clearly uncomfortable with my Christian faith. They wanted me thrown off the course because they thought my views were incompatible with being a social worker.’
Felix is only now able to tell the full story. A teacher in Cameroon, he arrived in Britain in 2003 after political unrest in his country left him fearing arrest for his religious beliefs. He ended up in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, where he met his wife, Pepsy, 50, also a teacher, who is originally from Zimbabwe.
They were married in 2011 and share three children from previous relationships, as well as two grandchildren. Both are active in their local church. In 2014, Felix started a two-year MA course in social work at Sheffield. He says he felt a calling to help others. He was popular, and in the second year he was voted student representative. He says he never hid his deeply held religious convictions.
In September 2015, Felix was scrolling through Facebook when he came across a discussion about Kim Davis, a US county clerk who refused to issue marriage certificates to same-sex couples.
‘They were calling her a bigot and other nasty things, so I wanted to defend her,’ he says.
‘I posted that she had done nothing wrong and was only expressing her beliefs as a Christian.’
One participant in the Facebook discussion challenged him to show where in the Bible it is written that homosexuality is a sin. In response, Felix posted verses from the Book of Leviticus and the Gospel of Matthew.
But when the debate became overheated he left. ‘I made no reference to the university and did not insult anyone,’ he says. And that, he thought, was the end of it.
But three months later, Felix received an email from his course leader asking him to attend a disciplinary hearing.
At first he thought it was a prank, then he started to wonder what he had done wrong.
He says: ‘Initially they wouldn’t tell me what I was being accused of. But I knew that university procedures meant I had a right to know what they had against me.’
He adds: ‘When they eventually sent the information, my wife and I couldn’t believe it was about that [Facebook] discussion. Someone, they said, had complained anonymously.
‘Someone from my course maliciously went digging through all my previous posts looking to find something offensive.
‘I was targeted just because I’m a devout Christian and my views do not chime with theirs.’
The university accidentally revealed the identity of the anonymous accuser – a woman Felix had been friendly with. ‘I felt betrayed and wondered why she had not approached me personally,’ he says.
But Felix was more hurt than angry. ‘This person must have gone through many pages on my Facebook thread to find my remarks. She was clearly very motivated.’
Remarkably, Pepsy had dreamt some years earlier that her husband would one day come to change the law in Britain.
But sitting by Felix’s side now, she says: ‘I therefore suspected that we were in for a spiritual battle. But I had no idea it would have dragged on for so long.’
The university referred Felix’s case to its fitness to practise committee, at which he had a right to present written or verbal evidence. But from the start of the hearing in January 2016, Felix felt the atmosphere was hostile: ‘I think the university had taken an ideological stand and they had already decided to expel me.’
The staff seemed to show no understanding of Christianity and treated him as a bigot, he claims.
‘They wanted to know why I thought homosexuality was wrong,’ he says. ‘One professor told me, ‘Sex is just sex, it doesn’t matter whether it’s between a man and man or woman and woman.’
‘I told them that I didn’t treat gay people any differently from anyone else. That I had worked and socialised with homosexuals. That we were all God’s children and deserved love.’
However, he stood by the comments he had made in the Facebook discussion and refused to admit wrongdoing, even though he knew this would not go down well.
Felix’s worst fears were confirmed when the hearing concluded he had breached the code of conduct covering social workers, and claimed he had failed to maintain the high standards of professional conduct, damaging public confidence in the profession.
The normally imperturbable Felix was distraught. ‘I was really very angry and confused. I had done nothing wrong, but I saw my dream of becoming a social worker come crashing about me. All I ever wanted was to help people. Their ideology was blinding them to the passion I had for the profession. I told them I would never discriminate because the Bible tells me not to.’
Hatred and discrimination, he says, have never entered his heart. Indeed, his first social work student placement report praised his ability ‘to work with people from all backgrounds’.
In desperation before the committee hearing, Felix had contacted campaigning group Christian Concern and was put in touch with Pastor Ade Omooba, an experienced mediator who urged Sheffield University to find a way for Felix to complete the course without renouncing his faith. They did not do so and the decision to expel him was upheld the following month.
Felix says: ‘I felt I was being punished for being too traditional and that the university wanted to censor a view they didn’t like. After all, they aggressively support and promote LGBT issues and it didn’t matter if they offended students with different views. But there is zero tolerance for Christians who stand by the biblical perspective on marriage.’
With the help of Christian Concern, Felix then took his case to the High Court in 2017, claiming his right to freedom of speech and religion had been breached. But Rowena Collins Rice, a deputy judge, ruled that university bosses had acted within the law.
The university’s decision to expel Felix and the confirmation by the court cost him dearly. Offers of teaching jobs would be made, but then withdrawn after he told the truth about his situation.
He ended up as a live-in carer, which meant being away from home for months at a time. ‘Once I was away in Ipswich when my wife had a car crash and had to stay in bed. I wanted to be there to support and help her but if I took any time off I would not get paid,’ he says.
Debts piled up. It was especially distressing because he and Pepsy are financially responsible for four adopted children in Africa. ‘I have suffered tremendously,’ says Felix. ‘I feel that four years of my life have been taken away from me.’
Though Pepsy says the experience has brought them closer together, she were times when she worried about Felix’s mental health. ‘He was not himself for a long while, but we prayed hard… And look, the Lord has answered our prayers.’
Last week the devastating High Court verdict was overturned.
Appeal judges found the university had ‘wrongly confused the expression of religious views with the notion of discrimination’. The mere expression of such theological views as homosexuality being a ‘sin’ did not mean a person of faith ‘will discriminate on such grounds’.
Felix’s legal team believes the landmark decision will help to protect the right of freedom of thought and expression in Britain.
Felix says the university acted in a manner more akin to a totalitarian state, rather than a place that is supposed to be a beacon of free thinking. ‘They violated my human rights because of their blinkered Left-wing principles.’
The Appeal Court judgment is not just about Christians, Felix maintains. ‘All of us are winners. Freedom of speech is a mainstay of this society and though it has been gradually eroded in recent times, this feels like a fightback.’
Despite everything he has been through, Felix is still hoping he will be readmitted to Sheffield.
A university spokesman told The Mail on Sunday that it supported the rights of students to hold and debate a wide range of views and beliefs, but added: ‘We have a responsibility to look at how any concerns raised could impact a student’s fitness to practise once registered.’ The university is considering its options.
The court has urged it to reconsider Felix’s expulsion.