Christmas cards sought for terminally ill Maine boy

Nine-year-old Jacob Thompson loves Christmas, but his doctors in Maine have told his parents he may succumb to his advanced-stage cancer before then. 

So his family is planning an early Christmas for him and asking people to send Jacob homemade Christmas cards now.

WCSH-TV reports Jacob was diagnosed at age 5 with stage 4 neuroblastoma, a cancer that starts in the nerve cells and generally affects infants and young children.

Doctors say that nine-year-old Jacob Thompson, who was diagnosed at age 5 with stage 4 neuroblastoma, may not live through the month

Jacob is pictured with his grandparents, John, and Memere T. His family has asked for homemade Christmas cards to be sent to him as a means to help him celebrate Christmas early

Jacob is pictured with his grandparents, John, and Memere T. His family has asked for homemade Christmas cards to be sent to him as a means to help him celebrate Christmas early

He has survived to the age of 9, but his doctors now say he might have less than one month to live, Good Morning America reports.

The TV station says Jacob’s family will decorate his hospital room with a Christmas tree, lights and fake snow. Santa Claus also will be there.

Roger Guay says his son loves getting Christmas cards and is particularly fond of homemade cards.

‘Jacob loves Christmas,’ Guay told the TV station. 

The cards should be sent to Jacob at Maine Medical Center, 22 Bramhall St., Portland, ME 04102.

Since the initial announcement, Jacob has been inundated with cards and presents, the latter of which will be shared with fellow children at the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital at Maine Medical Center. 

‘It’s been surreal really,’ his mother, Michelle Thompson Simard, told WCSH 6. ‘There has been a huge outpouring of support, prayers and love.’

Jacob is pictured opening a present at the Barbara Bush Children's Hospital at Maine Medical Center in Portland

Jacob is pictured opening a present at the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital at Maine Medical Center in Portland

He is pictured reading a homemade Christmas card. His family wrote on his GoFundMe page: 'We want to send out a huge thank you for all the love and support. We will be paying this forward and giving back to the children’s cancer community. Please continue to keep checking for detail'

He is pictured reading a homemade Christmas card. His family wrote on his GoFundMe page: ‘We want to send out a huge thank you for all the love and support. We will be paying this forward and giving back to the children’s cancer community. Please continue to keep checking for detail’

An update to his GoFundMe page yesterday reads: ‘We want to send out a huge thank you for all the love and support. We will be paying this forward and giving back to the children’s cancer community. Please continue to keep checking for detail.’

‘We were lucky enough today to celebrate a family Thanksgiving, naturally because it comes before Christmas. We also have continued to open Christmas cards and gifts. Thank you everyone for your well wishes, generosity and continued support!’