Christmas revellers brave cold and flock to Bondi Beach

The mercury barely climbed about 20C for a chilly Sydney Christmas, but that didn’t stop hundreds of keen swimmers flocking to the beach.

Though some rugged up in traditional ugly jumpers, others braved the elements and put on only their bikinis, board shorts and bathers as they frolicked in the sand and surf of Bondi Beach.

Some, perhaps used to even colder festive seasons, made a ‘snowman’ out of sand, complete with a Santa hat and, in an Australian touch, a pair of sunglasses despite the overcast skies.

The mercury barely climbed about 20C for a chilly Sydney Christmas, but that didn’t stop hundreds of keen swimmers taking to Bondi Beach

Some, perhaps used to even colder festive seasons, made a 'snowman' out of sand, complete with a Santa hat and, in an Australian touch, a pair of sunglasses despite the overcast skies

Some, perhaps used to even colder festive seasons, made a ‘snowman’ out of sand, complete with a Santa hat and, in an Australian touch, a pair of sunglasses despite the overcast skies

Some opted for even more festive attire with entire Santa outfits as they braved the chilly day to celebrate Christmas

Some opted for even more festive attire with entire Santa outfits as they braved the chilly day to celebrate Christmas

Some opted for even more festive attire with entire Santa outfits, including one with pants made to look like he was being given a piggy back ride by Father Christmas.

Lifesavers erected a decorated Christmas tree on the beach to create a festive atmosphere for those making the beach their home for the day.

Some beachgoers even brought their whole Christmas dinner to the sand, laying out a picnic rug and dragging deck chairs from home for a more comfortable meal.

A few morning showers were forecast to go with the gloomy skies but to the joy of all none eventuated and not a single drop of rain fell on the entire city. 

But some on the east coast will have to lay out their ham and turkey across the dinner table with downpours expected in Brisbane, Darwin and the northern NSW coast. 

Some rugged up in traditional ugly jumpers, a perhaps more sensible option than those wearing little clothing

Some rugged up in traditional ugly jumpers, a perhaps more sensible option than those wearing little clothing

Christmas morning looks very gloomy in Sydney with totally overcast skies and a few earlier showers - but that didn't deter people from early-morning dips

Christmas morning looks very gloomy in Sydney with totally overcast skies and a few earlier showers – but that didn’t deter people from early-morning dips

Swimmers braved the elements and put on only their bikinis, board shorts and bathers as they frolicked in the sand and surf of Bondi Beach 

Swimmers braved the elements and put on only their bikinis, board shorts and bathers as they frolicked in the sand and surf of Bondi Beach 

This woman pulled on a Santa hat for the day and brought her adorable dog along, the pooch looking festive too with a tree decoration attached to his ears

This woman pulled on a Santa hat for the day and brought her adorable dog along, the pooch looking festive too with a tree decoration attached to his ears

Some beachgoers even brought their whole Christmas dinner to the sand, laying out a picnic rug and dragging deck chairs from home for a more comfortable meal

Some beachgoers even brought their whole Christmas dinner to the sand, laying out a picnic rug and dragging deck chairs from home for a more comfortable meal

This group didn't care that the temperature only made it to 20C as they swam about in the ocean

This group didn’t care that the temperature only made it to 20C as they swam about in the ocean

The farther north you get, the worse weather you’re likely to get, with rain hitting everything north of Newcastle by afternoon and storms developing in Brisbane by evening.

It’s not all gloom in Brisbane as daytime should be mostly sunny, so enjoy the 34C temperatures outdoors while you can. 

Melbourne also looks a bit gloomy this morning but that won’t last long as the clouds should clear by lunchtime with a comfortable top of 22C.

Hobart residents also need to enjoy the fine weather while it lasts with a maximum of 21C forecast for the day but rain expected by evening.

This group posed in their bikinis and bathers despite the cold, about which they seemed unconcerned

This group posed in their bikinis and bathers despite the cold, about which they seemed unconcerned

An entire family headed to Bondi Beach on Christmas morning, keeping warm with jumpers in temperatures of less than 20C

An entire family headed to Bondi Beach on Christmas morning, keeping warm with jumpers in temperatures of less than 20C

Lifeguards tried to make the beach festive for the early-comers by sticking a decorated tree in the sand

Lifeguards tried to make the beach festive for the early-comers by sticking a decorated tree in the sand

A man with a board slung over his shoulder has a very festive pair of novelty pants making it appear he is riding on Santa's shoulders

A man with a board slung over his shoulder has a very festive pair of novelty pants making it appear he is riding on Santa’s shoulders

A couple donned festive Santa hats and rugged up as they sat on the beach waiting for the weather to warm up

A couple donned festive Santa hats and rugged up as they sat on the beach waiting for the weather to warm up

Elsewhere in Australia will have comparatively scorching temperatures but little chance of rain, like Adelaide where the mercury will hit 29C but without a cloud in the sky.

Perth will as usual have hot and dry conditions, hitting 33C while being completely sunny, with much higher temperatures farther north pushing into the 40s.

Huge parts of the Northern Territory and North Queensland will feel the heat with maximums of up to 42C, but northern WA will have the hottest days with Paraburdoo hitting 45C.

Darwin will be a comparatively chilly 30C, but with wet season in full swing can expect a rainy Christmas with showers likely developing into thunderstorms. 

Sydney’s cooler temperatures and forecast rain will be welcome news for some at least, with firefighters still battling out-of-control fires in the west fuelled by 40C weather earlier in the week.

Families in Mulgoa, near Penrith, had to flee their homes on Christmas Eve as dangerous fires broke out and were spread quickly by high winds that continued on Christmas morning.

A rapidly-moving fire is devouring bushland and forcing resident evacuations  in Sydney's west

A rapidly-moving fire is devouring bushland and forcing resident evacuations in Sydney’s west

At 9.20pm, the bushfire was still blazing out of control at Mulgoa as firefighters defend houses

At 9.20pm, the bushfire was still blazing out of control at Mulgoa as firefighters defend houses

A rapidly-moving fire is devouring bushland in Sydney's west as temperatures soared to 41°C

A rapidly-moving fire is devouring bushland in Sydney’s west as temperatures soared to 41°C

It has been one of the warmest years on record, with many parts of Australia reaching 40C heat earlier in December, but the weather looks to be a mostly gloomy affair for Sydney and Brisbane on Christmas Day.

‘It’s going to be a beautiful day for many parts of the country, probably one of the most stable and quietest weather days we’ve seen for most, not all, parts of the country,’ senior forecaster Dean Narramore said.

Mr Narramore said the temperature will warm up mid-week in much of southeast Australia before the next ‘weather maker’ moves through on Thursday into Friday, which could result in some showers and storms.

It is too early to predict the weather for New Year’s Eve, he added.

Senior climatologist Dr Andrew Watkins said Sydney and Brisbane should be a little cooler than normal during January, while Melbourne, Hobart, Adelaide and Perth are looking a little warmer.

While most of the country will enjoy a spectacularly sunny day on December 25, the sunshine will struggle to peak through the clouds and intermittent showers across NSW and Queensland (Pictured is Sydney)

While most of the country will enjoy a spectacularly sunny day on December 25, the sunshine will struggle to peak through the clouds and intermittent showers across NSW and Queensland (Pictured is Sydney)

Senior climatologist Dr Andrew Watkins said Sydney and Brisbane should be a little cooler than normal during January, while Melbourne, Hobart, Adelaide and Perth are looking a little warmer (Stock image)

Senior climatologist Dr Andrew Watkins said Sydney and Brisbane should be a little cooler than normal during January, while Melbourne, Hobart, Adelaide and Perth are looking a little warmer (Stock image)

The following two days in Melbourne (pictured) will be a welcome change from the heavy rains which battered the region this week

The following two days in Melbourne (pictured) will be a welcome change from the heavy rains which battered the region this week

‘We’re looking at some warmer conditions through southeastern Australia and also in the southwest as well – warmer days but also unfortunately a few warmer nights, a bit more uncomfortable for sleeping,’ Dr Watkins said.

‘In terms of rainfall, possibly a little wetter through NSW and Queensland, particularly in the eastern half of the state, but elsewhere the odds aren’t really strongly swinging towards a wetter or drier January.’

Dr Watkins said Australia is experiencing La Nina conditions, but nowhere near as strong as the last La Nina in 2010-12 that caused widespread flooding rain over January.

He said 2017 is expected to have been among the top five warmest years on record for Australia, and in the top 10 for NSW, Queensland, Victoria and possibly South Australia.

Annual rainfall will have been close to average. 



DECEMBER 25: 23C, Morning shower or two

DECEMBER 26: 24C, Possible shower


DECEMBER 25: 29C, Sunny

DECEMBER 26: 33C, Sunny


DECEMBER 25: 34C, Mostly sunny with late storm

DECEMBER 26: 29C, Showers


DECEMBER 25: 25C, Cloudy

DECEMBER 26: 26C, Cloudy


DECEMBER 25: 22C, mostly sunny

DECEMBER 26: 29C mostly sunny


DECEMBER 25: 33C, Sunny

DECEMBER 26: 27C, Mostly sunny


DECEMBER 25: 21C, Late showers

DECEMBER 26: 24C, Partly cloudy


DECEMBER 25: 30C Storm

DECEMBER 26: 31C Possible storms

 Source: BOM