Christopher Pyne denies ‘liking’ gay porn video on Twitter

Cabinet Minister Christopher Pyne has claimed his Twitter account was ‘hacked’ after it ‘liked’ a hardcore gay porn video overnight. 

The explicit video, which shows two men engaged in a number of sex acts, was ‘liked’ by the account of the Defence Industries minister shortly after 2am on Thursday.

It is not clear how the tweet, posted by an apparently Mexican porn website, came to be ‘liked’ by Mr Pyne’s account, but it had been removed by around 6.45am.

At around the same time Mr Payne told his Twitter followers his account had been ‘hacked’. 

Cabinet Minister Christopher Pyne has claimed his Twitter account was ‘hacked’ after it ‘liked’ a hardcore gay porn video overnight (pictured) 

The explicit video, which shows two men engaged in a number of sex acts, was 'liked' by the account of the Defence Industries minister (pictured) shortly after 2am on Thursday 

The explicit video, which shows two men engaged in a number of sex acts, was ‘liked’ by the account of the Defence Industries minister (pictured) shortly after 2am on Thursday 

At around the same time Mr Payne told his Twitter followers his account had been 'hacked' after the 'like' was removed

At around the same time Mr Payne told his Twitter followers his account had been ‘hacked’ after the ‘like’ was removed

‘I was hacked overnight! I was [sleeping] at 2am. Someone tried to hack my social media yesterday. Maybe they are making mischief over the plebiscite?’ he posted. 

Mr Payne has been very active with the Yes campaign.

Daily Mail Australia is not suggesting Mr Pyne himself ‘liked’ the tweet. Mr Pyne’s office has been contacted for comment.

Mr Payne has been very active with the Yes campaign

Mr Payne has been very active with the Yes campaign

Most of Mr Pyne's followers appeared to joke about buying into his hacking claim 

Most of Mr Pyne’s followers appeared to joke about buying into his hacking claim 

The minister has 28,300 followers and has tweeted more than 4,600 times, most recently about a dinner hosted by the Australian War Memorial on Wednesday evening.  

Commeters appeared to joke about buying into Mr Pyne’s claim. 

‘Don’t think so darling. Welcome to the club,’ one man said.  

‘Blame the Russians. Everyone else does,’ another wrote.

‘It’s ok Chris, you were just caught up in the YES moment,’ one follower joked. 

Daily Mail Australia is not suggesting Mr Pyne (pictured) himself ‘liked’ the tweet