Clashes erupt as Greece and Macedonia sign agreement

Furious nationalists clashed violently with police after the foreign ministers of Greece and Macedonia endorsed an agreement to resolve a long fight over the Macedonia name.

The Greek village of Psarades, located on the shores of Great Prespa Lake, was picked for the historic occasion on Sunday since the borders of Greece and Macedonia meet in the water.

The two countries’ prime ministers, Greece’s Alexis Tsipras and Macedonia’s Zoran Zaev, were there to see the deal they reached on Tuesday get signed by their foreign ministers, Nikos Kotzias and Nikola Dimitrov, respectively.

Macedonians Zaev and Dimitrov arrived from across the lake on a small speedboat. Their Greek counterparts welcomed them with hugs on a jetty that was enlarged for the event.

Riot police scuffle with opponents of the deal between Greece and Macedonia on the latter country’s new name during a protest outside Macedonia’s parliament in Skopje

A protester waves former Macedonian and Russian flags atop of a police vehicle during a protest on Sunday night

A protester waves former Macedonian and Russian flags atop of a police vehicle during a protest on Sunday night

Under the agreement, Greece’s northern neighbor will be renamed North Macedonia to address longstanding appropriation concerns in Greece, which has a Macedonia province that was the birthplace of Alexander the Great.

Greece in return will suspend the objections that prevented Macedonia from joining NATO and the European Union.

But the agreement has aroused the fury of nationalists on both sides who claim, simultaneously, that it gave too much to the other side.

A night-time demonstration outside Macedonia’s parliament in the capital of Skopje turned violent when a group of people described by police and media as soccer hooligans started pelting officers with rocks and flares and tried to break through the police cordon. 

Police used tear gas and stun grenades to beat back the crowd and detained one person.

Seven police officers and three protesters were reported injured as the atmosphere remained tense late on Sunday.

During the day, police cordoned off all approaches to Psarades to prevent protesters from reaching the site.

Riot police use tear gas during a protest of opponents of the deal between Greece and Macedonia

Riot police use tear gas during a protest of opponents of the deal between Greece and Macedonia

The preliminary deal signed by the two countries' foreign ministers in the Prespes Lakes area, Greece, launches a long process that will last several months

The preliminary deal signed by the two countries’ foreign ministers in the Prespes Lakes area, Greece, launches a long process that will last several months

The agreement between Greece and Macedonia has aroused the fury of nationalists on both sides

The agreement between Greece and Macedonia has aroused the fury of nationalists on both sides

More than 4,000 Greek nationalists, who oppose another country having the Macedonia name, instead gathered near Pissoderi, a village 40 kilometers (25 miles) away. 

Banners in the crowd read ‘There is only one Macedonia and it is Greek’ and ‘Macedonian identity can’t be given away.’

Several hundred marched to a nearby police blockade and began throwing rocks.

Police responded with tear gas and stun grenades.

The clashes went on into the afternoon and Greek police said 12 people were injured, including six police officers.

A demonstration against the deal attracted an estimated 3,000 people in the southern city of Bitola, Macedonian media reported.

Riot police use tear gas to disperse protesters during a violent protest of opponents in Skopje

Riot police use tear gas to disperse protesters during a violent protest of opponents in Skopje

The rally was peaceful, but opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski of the VMRO-DPMNE party, the keynote speaker, used fighting words. He reiterated that his party would not support putting the new name in the Macedonian constitution, one of the terms of the deal.

‘I, Hristijan Mickoski, speaking from the heart and with a clear mind…, never, at any price, even if that would cost (my) life, will I support this act of capitulation by Zoran Zaev,’ Mickoski told the protesters.

But the two countries’ leaders have said the signing would be the start of closer relations between them and an example for all nations in the Balkans region.

Recalling his first meeting with Zaev this year at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Tsipras told him that ‘very few believed we would succeed’ in ending ’26 years of sterile dispute between our countries.’ 

The demonstration turned violent when a group of people described by police as soccer hooligans started pelting officers with rocks and flares and tried to break through the police cordon

The demonstration turned violent when a group of people described by police as soccer hooligans started pelting officers with rocks and flares and tried to break through the police cordon

Police used tear gas and stun grenades to beat back the crowd and detained one person

Police used tear gas and stun grenades to beat back the crowd and detained one person

‘This is our own appointment with history,’ Tsipras said, adding that Balkan peoples long have suffered from ‘the poison of chauvinism and the divisions of nationalist hatred.’

Zaev, for his part, hailed an ‘end to decades of uncertainty.’ Greece and Macedonia would henceforth be ‘partners and allies’ in modeling successful diplomacy for the whole region, he said.

‘May we stay as united forever as we are on this day,’ Zaev said.

Following the signing, the officials took a boat to the Macedonian lake resort of Oteshevo for a celebratory lunch.

But church bells in Psarades and nearby villages rang sorrowfully throughout the ceremony.

Most of the village’s 60 inhabitants watched from afar, clearly in a sour mood.

‘The church bells rang mournfully because something died today in Greece,’ said local Orthodox Christian priest Irinaios Hajiefremidis. 

‘They are taking from us our soul, our name.’

People protest against the deal between Greece and Macedonia on Macedonia's new name, North Macedonia, in the southern Macedonia town of Bitola

People protest against the deal between Greece and Macedonia on Macedonia’s new name, North Macedonia, in the southern Macedonia town of Bitola

Hajiefremidis noted the ethnic and religious conflicts that generations of Greeks, Serbs and Bulgarians fought over the land that makes up present-day Macedonia.

‘Today, we commemorated Father George Papadopoulos, who was butchered on June 16, 1907 because he did not say Mass in Bulgarian,’ he said.

Feelings run as strongly in Macedonia, but there are wide differences of opinion.

‘I didn’t follow the signing. Follow what? The capitulation? The vanishing of my identity?’ retired doctor Vera Jovanov said. 

‘I didn’t get their approval to be what I am. Nothing will be good in the future. Nothing good for Macedonia.’

Taxi driver Devan Stojanoski said ‘whatever we are called,’ Macedonia’s people need ‘a chance for a better life and better standards.’

‘I do not care about the name any more. I am so disappointed about everything that I have stopped thinking and caring,’ he said.

The signing ceremony was recognised internationally as a significant event. 

Among those attending were U.N. Under-Secretary for Political Affairs Rosemary di Carlo, EU foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini and EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn.

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras (right) with his counterpart Zoran Zaevat (left) at Prespa Lake in northern Greece

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras (right) with his counterpart Zoran Zaevat (left) at Prespa Lake in northern Greece

Pictured (top left to right), Prime Minister for FYROM Zoran Zaevat, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras (front left to right), Nikola Dimitrov Minister of Foreign Affairs of FYROM and Greek foreign minister Nikos Kotzias at Prespa Lake in northern Greece

Pictured (top left to right), Prime Minister for FYROM Zoran Zaevat, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras (front left to right), Nikola Dimitrov Minister of Foreign Affairs of FYROM and Greek foreign minister Nikos Kotzias at Prespa Lake in northern Greece

The United Nations’ mediator for the name dispute, Matthew Nimetz, also was on hand. 

Nimetz spent the last 24 years trying to mediate between Greece and Macedonia, first as an envoy of U.S. President Bill Clinton and then representing successive UN secretaries-general.

Nimetz congratulated Tsipras and Zaev, adding that they demonstrated ‘political courage and strategic vision’ not often found. 

He received warm applause, not only for his often-frustrated effort to make the name dispute a thing of the past, but because Sunday was his 79th birthday.

Since Macedonia seceded from the former Yugoslavia in 1991, Greece had objected to its use of the name ‘Macedonia’ because it claimed that implied territorial designs on its own northern province of Macedonia.

Greek objections delayed U.N. recognition of Macedonia until April 1993 and then only as The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). 

In 1995, the two countries signed an interim agreement after Macedonia agreed to modify its flag.

‘I like to think positively and really hope this will be better. Finally, the agony ends and (membership in) EU and NATO will become real,’ Suzana Eftiska, an art curator in Macedonia, said.