Climate change protester is booted out of Q&A after heckling host Tony Jones

Climate change protester is kicked out of Q&A after heckling host Tony Jones and screaming ‘you’re hurting me’ as security interrupted his rant on live TV

  • A climate change protester has been kicked out of O&A during filming in Perth
  • The audience member interrupted the show by heckling host Tony Jones
  • The middle-aged man was wearing white T-shirt promoting ‘Extinction Rebellion’

A climate change protester has been kicked out of Q&A after heckling host Tony Jones.

The ABC’s panel discussion program was being filmed in Perth on Monday night when the incident happened.

Ryan Small was invited to ask the panel a question when another audience member wearing a white T-shirt promoting ‘Extinction Rebellion’ interrupted.

A climate change protester has been kicked out of O&A after heckling host Tony Jones (pictured)

‘Thanks Tony for coming across to Western Australia, we really appreciate you coming over here,’ the man began by saying. 

But as he started speaking the audience could be heard groaning.

‘Okay that is not Ryan. You are not here asking a question. You have just jumped up interrupting the questioner,’ Mr Jones said.

‘So please if you wouldn’t mind, just sit down.’

However, the man refused to sit and continued to speak, despite the crew removing the roving microphone from him.

‘There is no microphone on you. No one can hear you. It’s pointless,’ Mr Jones said.

‘It is pointless. It’s pointless. We can’t hear you. There’s no microphone.’

As security attempted to remove him from the venue the man could be heard yelling.

‘You are hurting me. Let me go,’ he screamed. 

Ryan Small was invited to ask the panel a question when another audience member wearing a white T-shirt promoting 'Extinction Rebellion' interrupted (pictured)

Ryan Small was invited to ask the panel a question when another audience member wearing a white T-shirt promoting ‘Extinction Rebellion’ interrupted (pictured)

However, the man refused to sit and continued to speak, despite the crew removing the microphone from him (pictured: the audience member being asking to leave)

However, the man refused to sit and continued to speak, despite the crew removing the microphone from him (pictured: the audience member being asking to leave)

Mr Jones then asked for the real Ryan Small to stand up and ask his question.

As Mr Jones asked his question the protester could still be heard yelling.

Extinction Rebellion is a worldwide group pushing for action on climate change.

The Extinction Rebellion group began organising protests early this year in major capital cities across Australia.

In August the group organised a large scale protest in Brisbane where members of the crowd superglued themselves to the asphalt at busy intersections.

The supergluing practice spread to protest in other cities with more major protests being held in Brisbane, Melbourne, and Sydney in September.

Mr Jones then asked for the real Ryan Small to please stand up and ask his question

Mr Jones then asked for the real Ryan Small to please stand up and ask his question