CMU student charters planes to deliver aid to Puerto Rico

A college student crowdfunded tens of thousands of dollars for Puerto Rico before chartering a plane and delivering the aid herself.

Rosana Guernica, 22, was disturbed by stories from her native territory following Hurricane Maria and decided to take action.

The sciences major at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, had heard stories about people getting off the island by chartering a private plane.

She then got the idea of using an aircraft to bring in medical supplies and evacuate sick people.

Rosana Guernica, 22, was disturbed by stories from her native country following Hurricane Maria and decided to take action 

Carnegie Mellon said in a Twitter post on Saturday that the student is on her second trip to Puerto Rico this weekend with a team of volunteers

Carnegie Mellon said in a Twitter post on Saturday that the student is on her second trip to Puerto Rico this weekend with a team of volunteers

Her grandmother told her it was a crazy thought, but Guernica raised enough money to take a plane to the stricken island nation twice.

Carnegie Mellon said in a Twitter post on Saturday that the student is on her second trip to Puerto Rico this weekend with a team of volunteers.

They are bringing supplies and hope to evacuate people.

A week after the hurricane, Guernica set up a crowdfunding page and sought contributions from everyone on her contact list while asking them to share the message with others.

Guernica set up a crowdfunding page and sought contributions from everyone on her contact list while asking them to share the message with others

Guernica set up a crowdfunding page and sought contributions from everyone on her contact list while asking them to share the message with others

Guernica raised $7,000 in 24 hours and $11,000 by the following day. By the middle of last week, she had $48,000

Guernica raised $7,000 in 24 hours and $11,000 by the following day. By the middle of last week, she had $48,000

She wrote: ‘We are desperate to help the island and don’t seem to know how.

‘By the time normal distribution channels open, it will be too late for the people who needed it the most.’

She raised $7,000 in 24 hours and $11,000 by the following day. By the middle of last week, she had $48,000.

On October 4th, she spent her first $20,000 in donations to bring 1,000 pounds of supplies to the island including infant formula, batteries, water, water filters, medicine and medical supplies. She also brought back six evacuees. 

Guernica is pictured with fellow students from Carnegie Mellon University who also chipped in to help out with the aid

Guernica is pictured with fellow students from Carnegie Mellon University who also chipped in to help out with the aid

On her latest trip, she and her fellow students planned to take double the amount of supplies to mountain and coastal areas that have been difficult to access, bringing back two dozen people who have urgent medical needs.

Ann English, of the Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy, shared Guernica’s message with the entire Heinz alumni list and said she was ‘absolutely in awe’ of the youngster.

She said: ‘The first time I met with her I told her that I didn’t know whether to think that she was crazy, or the most determined and passionate student I’ve ever heard of.’