CNN publishes ‘article’ paid for by Beijing that glosses over human rights criticism

CNN is facing pressure to reveal how much is was paid to run sponsored content from a Chinese state-run newspaper on its website promoting the Winter Games in Beijing. 

The content supplied by Xinhua News Agency – a newspaper founded and run by government agency State Council of the People’s Republic of China – promotes the Beijing Olympics as a ‘winter sporting event like no other.’ 

In an upbeat article, it focuses on the dazzling effects of the Games – which runs from February 4 to 20 – from ‘green construction’ to the extensive ‘safety protocols.’ 

Remarkably absent is any mention of the current criticism surrounding the Winter Games – including the human rights issues with the Uyghur, athletes and journalists being warned to used burner phones to protect themselves from censorship and hacking, as well as extreme COVID-19 measures causing athletes to slam the unbearable quarantine hotels. 

‘The 2022 winter games in Beijing will provide a stage for the world’s top winter sports athletes and highlight China’s efforts to host a safe, sustainable global-scale event,’ the sponsored content read on the site. ‘It’s an event like no other for winter sports athletes and fans.’ 

It also boosts about China’s new ‘state-of-the-ark Fuxing bullet train’ that was unveiled earlier this year to ‘serve the Games.’  

It is unknown how much CNN was paid by the Chinese newspaper to post the content on their site. has contacted CNN for a comment. 

CNN posted sponsored contented with Xinhua News Agency – a government run news source

The article boosted that the Winter Games would be a 'sporting event like no other.' Despite the ongoing criticism of the Games - especially surrounding the Uyghur people in the country - the article paints a dazzling image of the Games

The article boosted that the Winter Games would be a ‘sporting event like no other.’ Despite the ongoing criticism of the Games – especially surrounding the Uyghur people in the country – the article paints a dazzling image of the Games 

But, regardless, many Americans and other Western countries are boycotting the Games – largely over the reported genocide to the Uyghur people. 

China has denied any wrongdoing, and even featured a Uyghur cross-country skier in the opening ceremony. However, China refuses to allow the UN in the region. 

Reports of the mass genocide and sterilization have been pouring out recently, causing many countries to pull support from the Games. 

Recently Gulbahar Haitiwaji, who was imprisoned in one of the facilities, wrote for Mail on Sunday that ‘re-education camps’ were meant to ‘eradicate an entire ethnicity.’ 

The Olympics have been dubbed the Genocide Games as many countries - including the US - are boycotting the games over the reported treatment of the Uyghur people in China, who have been forced into camps and have faced mass genocide and sterilization

The Olympics have been dubbed the Genocide Games as many countries – including the US – are boycotting the games over the reported treatment of the Uyghur people in China, who have been forced into camps and have faced mass genocide and sterilization 

Protesters are calling for 'no more Olympic shame Games.' One sign even feature a skier, which could have been a reference to the Beijing Opening Ceremony featured an Uyghur cross-country skier

Protesters are calling for ‘no more Olympic shame Games.’ One sign even feature a skier, which could have been a reference to the Beijing Opening Ceremony featured an Uyghur cross-country skier 

‘The camps, which China describes as ‘schools,’ claim to ‘eradicate Islamist terrorism from Uighur minds,’ she wrote for the paper in January. ‘In reality, they aim to eradicate an entire ethnicity.’ 

She spoke of receiving a ‘vaccine’ that many other women in the camp had said stopped their periods. 

Haitiwaji was sentenced to re-education for seven years after being tried as an Islamic terrorist in a nine-minute trial. She recalled the experience as ‘dragging my body through hell and my mind to the brink of madness’ and being ‘stripped of your individuality.’ 

Uyghur Muslims have also been shackled with ‘tiger chains,’ tortured and sterilized in brutal camps in China. 

More than 1million Uyghurs are missing in China.  

Even more criticism fell on the country after the FBI and the International Olympic Committee released a warning about potential cyber-attacks at the Games and advised using burner phones.  

It cited the mandatory health app could pose a risk, as well as digital wallets and vaccine cards. 

In a bulletin, the FBI said: ‘The FBI urges all athletes to keep their personal cell phones at home and use a temporary phone while at the Games. The FBI to date is not aware of any specific cyber threat against the Olympics, but encourages partners to remain vigilant and main best practices in their network and digital environments.’

Many people have reported these 're-education camps' (pictured) are grounds for mass genocide, but China refuses any wrongdoing. However, the UN refuses to allow the UN into the region

Many people have reported these ‘re-education camps’ (pictured) are grounds for mass genocide, but China refuses any wrongdoing. However, the UN refuses to allow the UN into the region 

Tens of thousands of Uyghurs have been thrown into forced re-education camps, forcibly sterilized and had their families broken up in a Chinese crackdown on the minority

Tens of thousands of Uyghurs have been thrown into forced re-education camps, forcibly sterilized and had their families broken up in a Chinese crackdown on the minority 

The government agency also cited that were 450million cyber attacks were attempted during the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, however, none were successful.

Now, athletes are calling out the ‘inedible meals’ and the harsh quarantine conditions for those who test positive for COVID-19. 

Valeria Vasnetsova, a Russian biathlete, claims she was served the same inedible meal three times a day for five days in a row – and that it left her so emaciated that her ‘bones [were] sticking out.’

Head of German team Dirk Schimmelpfennig also blasted ‘unacceptable’ conditions for his athletes, saying isolation rooms are too small, not hygienic enough, the food is poor and PCR tests that athletes must take to free themselves are not being given.

Natalia Maliszewska, a Polish speed skater, described being repeatedly moved into and out of quarantine over successive days due to conflicting Covid test results, an experience she described as a ‘trauma’ that left her ‘crying and crying.’

During one ‘night of horror’ she said officials dragged her out of bed at 3am in order to take her back to the athlete’s village after ruling she was COVID-free – only to later say they made a mistake before taking her back into solitary.

Valeria Vasnetsova, a Russian biathlete, uploaded a since-deleted Instagram post showing the meal that she claims Chinese Olympic officials gave her to eat three times a day for three days in a row while in COVID-19 isolation

Valeria Vasnetsova, a Russian biathlete, uploaded a since-deleted Instagram post showing the meal that she claims Chinese Olympic officials gave her to eat three times a day for three days in a row while in COVID-19 isolation

Olympic teams say the isolation rooms are too small for athletes to train in, the food is poor, hygiene standards are not being observed and tests that competitors must take to free themselves are not being given in time

Olympic teams say the isolation rooms are too small for athletes to train in, the food is poor, hygiene standards are not being observed and tests that competitors must take to free themselves are not being given in time

‘I was sitting in the ambulance. It was 3am. I was crying like crazy because I didn’t know what was going on. I did not feel safe at all,’ the 26-year-old said.

Hundreds of athletes were placed in quarantine as Beijing attempts to hold a virus-free event.  

Overall viewership of the Games – which is airing on NBC – has also been incredibly low. American viewership is devastatingly low with only 14 to 16 million tuning in for the Opening Ceremony – the lowest since 1988 in Calgary that only saw 20.1 million. It even dropped lower than the last Winter Games in 2018, which was 43 percent higher at 28.3 million.  

This isn’t the first time CNN has been accused of promoting Chinese propaganda when the news source published articles about China’s vaccination rates and the celebration of the Chinese Communist Party turning 100. 

CNN has jokingly been dubbed the China News Network by critics for glorifying the communist party in an article. 

‘Not sure what there is to celebrate. In the last 100 years, the CCP has murdered and stolen from millions of people. Xi is committing genocide in Xinjiang, annihilating One Country Two Systems in Hong Kong, and threatening war in Taiwan, to name a few of Xi’s crimes,’ Republican Representative Ken Buck wrote on Twitter on June 30, 2021. 

While another critic slammed CNN for ‘celebrating the CCP and praising Xi.’ 

CNN was also slammed for publishing an article about China administering ‘its billionth coronavirus shot’ and for using Chinese data.  
