CNN’s Don Lemon and reporter’s moment of body positivity

  • Sara Sidner has been reporting on Hurricane Irma in Florida for CNN 
  • In a recent report to Don Lemon, she described being thrown around by the heavy winds in Daytona Beach 
  • ‘I am a chunky girl, and it is blowing me around when the gusts come really, really hard,’ Sidner said 
  • Lemon responded with a moment of body positivity 
  • ‘You’re a beautiful woman no matter what size you are. There’s nothing wrong with having a little curve,’ Lemon said 

A heartwarming moment played out on CNN during Hurricane Irma coverage, when a reporter described herself as ‘chunky’. 

Sara Sidner was reporting from Daytona Beach, Florida Monday morning, and spoke about her size to emphasize to anchor Don Lemon just how strong the winds were there. 

‘What we’re also seeing is a lot of projectiles, you’ve been hearing from everyone that that’s the danger here. The things that cover the lights are flying around. The tops of trash cans flying around. 

CNN’s Don Lemon called reporter Sara Sidner (right) beautiful after she described herself as chunky during Hurricane Irma coverage 

Sidner was reporting from Daytona Beach early on Monday morning, and said the winds were so forceful that they were pushing her over 

Sidner was reporting from Daytona Beach early on Monday morning, and said the winds were so forceful that they were pushing her over 

‘You’re a beautiful woman no matter what size you are. There’s nothing wrong with having a little curve,’ Lemon told Sara Sidner, who has worked all over the world as a reporter for CNN

‘And this wind — I am not a small woman, as you know, Don. I am a chunky girl, and it is blowing me around when the gusts come really, really hard,’ Sidner said. 

Lemon, who is openly gay, responded with a smile, saying:  ‘You’re a beautiful woman no matter what size you are. There’s nothing wrong with having a little curve.’ 

That comment won Lemon a lot of fans online, including one Twitter user who called him a ‘class act’.

‘As a fellow “chunky” girl, THANK YOU Don Lemon. P.S. Sara Sidner, you are BEAUTIFUL!’ another Twitter user wrote. 

But it also made him the butt of a joke on the Daily Show. 

‘Wow,’ Daily Show host Trevor Noah said after showing the clip. 

‘Okay, that was a bit weird because, uh… Don Lemon, that report said nothing about being beautiful… I wished the camera would have cut back to Sara [Sidner] to respond like, “Yeah Don, I never said I wasn’t beautiful.”‘

The reaction to Lemon's comments were mostly positive online 

The reaction to Lemon’s comments were mostly positive online