A teenage entrepreneur who runs his own coffee cart and manages a number of staff has had his business temporarily shut down by council, leaving his mother furious.
Dante Valentinis might only be 15 but already he’s become something of a veteran of small business, doing everything from selling snow cones to breeding chickens.
But the young businessman’s most recent idea took a hit after the local council forced him to shut down the coffee cart he’d erected by the beach at Newcastle, north of Sydney.
The decision has outraged Dante’s mother, who told Daily Mail Australia she doesn’t understand why her son is being punished when there are far worse things he could be doing.
Dante Valentis (pictured) has had his coffee cart business shut down by local council much to the anger of his mother

‘He’s not on the streets spray painting logos or doing drugs’: Suzanne Valentis (right) said her son (left) was following in the footsteps of his grandfather as he tried to become a self-made businessman
Suzanne Valentis said there had been enormous support for her son since his coffee cart was temporarily shut down, but she didn’t see why it was necessary.
‘It’s just ridiculous, I just think give the kid a go,’ Ms Valentis told Daily Mail Australia.
‘He’s not on the streets spray painting logos or doing drugs… all his cousins look up to him because they think: “What is Dante going to do next?”.’
Beginning with part-time work at a pet shop, he spent time at a local butcher before walking neighbours’ dogs and later buying and fitting out a trailer for his coffee cart.
Ms Valentis said Dante had dreamed of running businesses since he was young and had taken inspiration from his grandfather, himself a self made multi-millionaire.
‘It comes from my father, he’s very driven too and Dante has seen him build up a big empire with more than 100 properties around the country,’ she said.
‘From a very young age he’s said he wants to own a house like you Mum. He just likes to do things and he’s a very hands on kid.
‘He’s got a couple of thousand in his bank from all his jobs… my father’s pretty blown away by it all.’

‘It comes from my father (right), he’s very driven too and Dante has seen him build a big empire with more than 100 properties around the country,’ Ms Valentis said of her son’s (left) ambition

After a meeting with Newcastle City Council the young entrepreneur will be allowed to set up his coffee cart at private functions and certain locations
Showing maturity beyond his years Dante, fronted up to discuss his coffee cart with Newcastle City Council on Tuesday.
The result was him being allowed to operate at private functions and needing up to date food handling certificates – something the young entrepreneur was fine with.
‘I’ve just got to meet their requirements in health and safety which I don’t mind doing because I may as well learn it sooner rather,’ Dante told Daily Mail Australia.
‘I want to have my own franchise with the coffee cart spread out across Australia and maybe even the world, so it’s good to start now.
‘I also want to get into property like my grandfather. He’s just inspired me and shown how you can come from so little but still do so much.’