Coles announces big change to home brand milk: Here’s what it means for you

Coles is making a big change to its own-brand milk and will be getting rid of the plastic seals on two- and three-litre milk bottles. 

The seal, which acted as a second lid and had to be pulled off by consumers, was originally designed to reduce the risk of spills and leaks and keep unopened milk fresh.

The switch is being rolled out to hundreds of stores across Australia where shoppers have already come across new signage advising of the change on store shelves.

It means that Coles milk bottles will become 100 per cent recyclable. 

Coles will phase out the plastic seal under the lid of its 2L and 3L bottles of milk

Shoppers have been notified that Coles milk bottles will soon come without the plastic seal

Shoppers have been notified that Coles milk bottles will soon come without the plastic seal

‘Coles is always looking for ways to reduce unnecessary plastic from circulation and while our seals were originally used to reduce instances of leaking bottles, over time, packaging design of both the bottle and the lid have improved and the seals are no longer required,’ a spokeswoman told Daily Mail Australia. 

‘This decision to no longer require seals on Coles milk will see more than 10,000kg of plastic removed from circulation when this packaging change is completed nationally.’

Coles milk suppliers have spent the last year changing their processing sites to make the change possible.

‘While some of our suppliers have commenced this transition, not all processing sites have, and we will be working on the implementation of this change with each state when suitable,’ the spokeswoman added.

It’s one of the host of changes made by supermarket retailers in recent years to reduce their carbon footprint, including the phasing out of single use plastic bags.

Woolworths recently replaced the standard blue bottle cap on its milk bottles with clear ones to improve recycling.

Woolworths milk bottles don’t have the plastic seal.

It's the latest move announced by Coles to slash their carbon footprint (stock image)

It’s the latest move announced by Coles to slash their carbon footprint (stock image)
