Collingwood AFL crisis: Jack Ginnivan and Isaac Quaynor apologise for rating women on TikTok 

Collingwood stars Jack Ginnivan and Isaac Quaynor have made a video apology after footage of them rating women on TikTok emerged, with the club saying they would ‘undertake further education on the appropriate use of social media’.

The since-deleted video shows the pair lying in bed together, both shirtless, laughing as they rated various women and their physical features.

It’s understood to have been part of a viral TikTok rating game, where participants re-rate a score out of 10 based on new information.  

The viral game features users rating members of the opposite sex out of 10 but adds to the rating of the imaginary person with a statement about their appearance or other traits.

The clip of the pair captioned ‘3 mins of hell’ was posted on Ginnivan’s TikTok account. 

In the club’s statement, Collingwood said they made the players understand ‘it is not an acceptable trend to participate in’, and ensured the video was taken down.

Both players will also have to undertake further education on social media in regards to the content they post, but won’t face any fine or club-imposed suspension.

Collingwood’s statement on Jack Ginnivan and Isaac Quaynor 

The Club was aware of Jack Ginnivan’s since-deleted social media post where he and teammate Isaac Quaynor took part in a Tik Tok trend.

After speaking to the Club, the players understood it is not an acceptable trend to participate in and immediately removed the video from their social media platforms.

The players have apologised to everyone at the club, across all programs, members and the wider community for the impact of their actions.

In addition to apologising, both players will undertake further education on the appropriate use of social media with respect to the content they create.

Ginnivan and Quaynor took to Twitter on Tuesday afternoon to apologise for participating in the video, and for disseminating it online. 

‘We did a trend that we did not think about before posting,’ Quaynor said.

‘We’re really sorry for making the mistake of participating in it and then posting it. We’ve since realised it isn’t acceptable, and it doesn’t align with the values that both of us hold.

‘We’ll keep learning about what we should and should not post, as there is a lot to learn from,’ said Quaynor.

Isaac Quaynor (left) and Jack Ginnivan (right) celebrate after Collingwood’s win over Carlton

Ginnivan apologised for those affected by their TikTok.

‘We’re sorry to everyone at the club across all platforms and our members, supporters for any impact we have caused. Thanks guys and we are so sorry, again,’ he said.

Viral TikTok rating game explained 

TikTok’s hugely popular rating game is a hypothetical game between friends and a new take on the superficial rating scales of ages past. 

Participants are asked to re-rate a mark out of 10 based on new information.

The rules are simple – ratings on a scale of one to 10 are welcome if paired with a hyper-specific and relatable qualifier.

The video featured the pair making distasteful remarks about the women they were rating. 

‘She’s a two, but she smells really nice,’ Ginnivan says in the video.

Quaynor disagreed and gave her a three before moving on to the next woman.

‘She’s a 10, but got some broccoli teeth, like them teeth are going every which way, diagonal, everything,’ Quaynor said.

‘F***** hell. Four,’ Ginnivan responded while laughing.

‘She’s a nine and a half, but is homeless,’ Quaynor says.

‘Two and a half,’ Ginnivan replied.

Quaynor responds: ‘I’m off him.’

‘When she’s a four, but she’s rich,’ Quaynor laughs.

Ginnivan disagrees with the rating.

‘12.5,’ he replied.

Jack Ginnivan's since deleted TikTok shows the players participating in a ratings game

Jack Ginnivan’s since deleted TikTok shows the players participating in a ratings game

Veteran journalist Caroline Wilson told Channel 9’s Footy Classified Collingwood became aware of the video on Monday and ordered both players to take down the footage.

Essendon legend and fellow panellist Matthew Lloyd said the latest off-field incident isn’t a good look for the club.

‘It’s embarrassing to watch isn’t it? You’re cringing just watching it. They’ll learn from that those two, I’m not sure what the ramifications will be, but it’s embarrassing,’ he said.  

The public backlash against the pair continued on Tuesday morning as Today show hosts Karl Stefanovic and Allison Langdon weighed into the saga.

Karl Stefanovic and Allison Langdon criticised the two Magpies players for the video

Karl Stefanovic and Allison Langdon criticised the two Magpies players for the video

‘I think the moment you do take up a role like that, you are in the public eye,’ Langdon said.

‘I’m sorry, you set an example for young kids coming through the right way to act and wrong way to act.

Her co-host agreed and found the personal nature of the video deeply offensive.

‘You are not just representing yourself, but your club and the sport in general, Stefanovic said.

‘What it says to me is that they don’t either care, or have knowledge that that kind of stuff is really hurtful.

‘The stuff that they are going on about, about teeth, and the way people present themselves is personal and that they think it’s funny says more about them than anything else.’

Jack Ginnivan has been in superb form for Collingwood this season

Jack Ginnivan has been in superb form for Collingwood this season

Stefanovic, however, was bewildered as to why the pair wouldn’t think their actions would be offensive.

‘I don’t take the excuse,’ he said.

‘They will come out today and say, ‘Sorry for any offence caused. It was out of ignorance’ or whatever.

‘How do you not know it is offensive? How do you then tell the world that your club has got a handle on these kind of issues when clearly you don’t.’

Isaac Quaynor has been strong playing off the half-back line for Collingwood

Isaac Quaynor has been strong playing off the half-back line for Collingwood

Many fans agreed.

‘They are immature and sexist comments that the players made. They are adults. They should know better,’ one man tweeted.

Female fans hit back with their own views of the players.

‘The AUDACITY of Jack Ginnivan publicly rating women on TikTok when he has a barely there puberty ‘moustache’ and untoned blonde hair that clearly needs his roots done. Don’t rate us. We’ll pick you apart every way we possibly can,’ one woman posted.

Jordan De Goey has been in hot water for a social media video of him partying in Bali

Jordan De Goey has been in hot water for a social media video of him partying in Bali

The latest saga comes just days after footage emerged of Jordan De Goey partying with two women in Bali during the club’s bye weekend, putting the controversial off-contract star’s future with the Pies in doubt.

De Goey returned to Melbourne on the weekend and met with furious club officials on Monday over his wild antics in Bali during the mid-season break.

The club announced on Tuesday afternoon he was given a $25,000 fine, which will be suspended until the end of the season.

He will also have to undergo further education and counselling. 
