Comedian horrifies ABC panel with story of her run-in with a ‘rat’: ‘It went straight up my leg’

The panel of the ABC’s Question Everything was left in stitches on Monday after a guest comedian related a truly bizarre animal story.

Melbourne-based Kirsty Webeck, 39, told the panel of the Wil Anderson hosted show she recently had a shocking encounter with a ‘rat’ after it ran up her leg while she was out in public.

‘I went for a morning stroll down the laneway and I heard this high-pitched squeal. Out of the corner of my eye I saw this rat legging it towards me,’ she began.

‘It went straight up my shoe, straight up my leg, into my shorts, into the crotch. It was right in there and I did not handle it well. 

Webeck then said after causing a huge ruckus the animal finally exited her body and that is where things took an unexpected twist.

‘I was screaming, a massive scene, hopping from foot to foot. Eventually I shook it out of my shorts and it ran around the corner. 

I peaked around and it wasn’t actually a rat, it was a baby possum. Horror to heartwarmed! But then I was annoyed because if it is a baby possum I have to care for it.

She then said she rang animal control for advice and they told her some surprising news. 

The panel of the ABC’s Wil Anderson hosted Question Everything was left in stitches on Monday after a guest comedian related a truly bizarre animal story

Melbourne-based Kirsty Webeck (pictured), 39, told her co-stars she recently had a shocking encounter with a ringtail possum after it ran up her leg while she was out in public

Melbourne-based Kirsty Webeck (pictured), 39, told her co-stars she recently had a shocking encounter with a ringtail possum after it ran up her leg while she was out in public

‘They said it was a ringtail possum. They said I have to take it to the vet and then they asked if it is ginger.’

‘They weren’t asking me so they could tease it,’ she joked.

‘They diagnosed it with thrush. I was like, “If it’s got thrush and it’s been in my shorts does that mean…?” So I took it to the vet and they asked me if I washed my hands after I picked it up.’

'I went for a morning stroll down the laneway and I heard this high-pitched squeal. Out of the corner of my eye I saw this rat legging it towards me,' she began. 'It went straight up my shoe, straight up my leg, into my shorts, into the crotch. I did not handle it well

‘I went for a morning stroll down the laneway and I heard this high-pitched squeal. Out of the corner of my eye I saw this rat legging it towards me,’ she began. ‘It went straight up my shoe, straight up my leg, into my shorts, into the crotch. I did not handle it well

‘I said my hands are the least of my worries,’ she joked.

Kirsty’s jaw-dropping tale had her co-panelists Mel Buttle and Dilruk Jayasinha burst into fits of laughter. 

Webeck is a standup comedian who has appeared on a range of popular TV shows, including The Weekly with Charlie Pickering, Metro Sexual and Quiz Night.

Kirsty's jaw-dropping tale had her co-panelists Mel Buttle and Dilruk Jayasinha burst into fits of laughter

Kirsty’s jaw-dropping tale had her co-panelists Mel Buttle and Dilruk Jayasinha burst into fits of laughter
