Common Forces of Mechanics and the Different Types Of Forces for Class 8

Aristotle defined a force as “something that causes an object to move in an unnatural manner.” One of the earliest scientists to explore gravity and force was Sir Isaac Newton. Any force is simply a push or a pull. A push or pull on an object can be described as it. In this article, we will look at different types of forces.

What is force?

A force is defined as the pushing or pulling of an object. Objects interacting with one another cause push and pull. Force can also be described using terms like stretch and crush.

Force is defined in physics as:

The force exerted on a mass item causes it to alter velocity.

A force is an external agent capable of altering a body’s condition of rest or motion. There is a magnitude and a direction to it. The force’s direction is known as the force’s direction, and the location where force is applied is known as the point where force is applied.

A spring balance can be used to determine the force. Newton is the SI unit of force (N).

Contact Force

A contact force is a force exerted by things that come into touch with one another. The contact force is applied at the point when the two objects come into direct touch. This force might be continuous in the form of a continuous force or brief in an impulse.

Newton’s Laws determine the force of contact. Most of the encounters we have in our everyday lives are due to contact force. Contact force, such as pushing a car up a hill, writing your name with a pen, or picking up a textbook from the table, are all instances of continuous force.

Hammering a nail, kicking a ball, and other similar actions are instances of impulse or instantaneous force.

  • Spring Force: We’ve all experienced and used spring at some point in our lives. You’ve probably seen that when you apply force to one side of the spring, it shrinks. The spring returns to its original state as soon as you release the force. The spring force is defined as the force acting in the opposite direction of the object’s displacement.
  •  Normal Force: The normal force is the force that acts on a body at rest. When one object rests on another, it is subjected to a normal force that is perpendicular to the surface. When an object is placed on a surface, this happens to support the weight of the thing.
  •  Frictional Force: The force acting on a moving item is known as the frictional force. The surface will be in constant contact with a moving object. The frictional force is the force exerted by the surface in the opposing direction of the moving object. When walking, everyone encounters a frictional force.
  • Tension Force: The draw force that a rope or string experiences as an item tugs it is tension force.
  • Applied Force: One of the most common types of force class 8 is the applied force. Every day, you may see this power in action. The applied force is the force we exert on objects with our hands or legs or with any other item. When you push your chair, you’re using force to move it in a particular direction.
  • Air Resistance Force: The inherent resistance in the air is called air resistance force. When you toss something up in the air, you will see that it begins to decelerate owing to air resistance and gravitational force.

What is Non-Contact Force, and how does it work? 

A force applied to an item by a body that is not in direct touch with it is known as a non-contact force. When objects do not make physical touch with one another or when a force is delivered without interaction, non-contact forces are present.

There are extremely few non-contact forces when compared to the various forms of contact forces.

  • Nuclear Force: The nuclear force is a strong link between two or more nuclei or protons. The nuclear force is also regarded as a powerful force of attraction.
  •  Electromagnetic Force: The magnetic and electric forces between atoms and molecules make up the electromagnetic force. A magnet is the most common illustration of electromagnetic force. Like poles repel each other in a magnet, whereas dissimilar poles attract each other.
  • Gravitational Force: There is the gravitational force between two things that contain mass or substance. The gravitational force, for example, might be regarded as an attractive force since it continues to draw the item to it.
  •  Electrostatic Force: The force between two electrically charged particles is the electrostatic force definition for class 8. Similar charges repel each other, whereas dissimilar charges attract each other. They have the potential to be either repellent or beautiful.


You will encounter a wide spectrum of forces when studying mechanics. Contact and non-contact forces are the two types of forces that may be found. The gravitational force and electrical and magnetic forces between charged and magnetic things are examples of non-contact forces.