Commons in chaos as every SNP MP walks out of PMQs

The House of Commons descended into chaos today as the SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford was expelled for trying to call a stunt vote in the middle of PMQs.

Speaker John Bercow completely lost control of the Commons as the SNP raged about the cutting short of a debate on devolution last night.

The SNP Westminster leader said Brexit was being used as a ‘power grab’ from the Scottish Parliament and branded last night’s debate a ‘democratic outrage’.  

Mr Blackford tried to use an arcane procedure demanding the ‘House sit in private’ – a motion that requires a vote of MPs on whether to clear public galleries.

Mr Bercow shouted ‘not now’ and demanded the SNP chief resume his seat – eventually expelling him for the rest of the day when he refused.

The suspension prompted all SNP MPs to walk out of Commons chamber, pointing and jeering at Tory MPs. Several then missed their questions to the Prime Minister. 

SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon said she was ‘right behind’ Mr Blackford and accused Westminster of treating Scotland with ‘contempt’.

The House of Commons descended into chaos today as the SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford (pictured today during PMQs) was expelled for trying to call a stunt division in the middle of PMQs

Mr Blackford's protest was over the shrinking of debate on amendments to the EU Withdrawal Bill relating to devolution last night.

Mr Blackford’s protest was over the shrinking of debate on amendments to the EU Withdrawal Bill relating to devolution last night.

Mr Bercow shouted 'not now' and demanded the SNP chief resume his seat - eventually expelling him for the rest of the day when he refused

Mr Bercow shouted ‘not now’ and demanded the SNP chief resume his seat – eventually expelling him for the rest of the day when he refused

The protest was over the shrinking of debate on amendments to the EU Withdrawal Bill relating to devolution last night.

A marathon series of 11 votes on the first section of debate left just 20 minutes for discussion of changes relating to the Scottish Parliament.  

Prime Minister’s Questions was held up for more than five minutes as Mr Bercow scrambled to try and restore order.

Mr Blackford claimed the ‘powers are being grabbed back’ by Westminster as part of the Brexit process.

He claimed last night’s debate on Brexit laws were a ‘democratic outrage’ after no Scottish MP was able to speak.

And lodging his protest Mr Blackford blasted: ‘This is a power grab and MPs from Scotland were not even given the courtesy of debating it last night.

‘Under the circumstances, given the disrespect shown I have no option but to ask that this House now sits in private.’

SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon said she was 'right behind' Mr Blackford and accused Westminster of treating Scotland with 'contempt'

SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon said she was ‘right behind’ Mr Blackford and accused Westminster of treating Scotland with ‘contempt’

Ms Sturgeon (pictured today in Largs) has so far refused to give Scottish Government sign off for the EU Withdrawal Bill 

Ms Sturgeon (pictured today in Largs) has so far refused to give Scottish Government sign off for the EU Withdrawal Bill 

Speaker Bercow insisted he would not hear the motion – but was forced to consult with his Clerks on what he was able to do.

He repeatedly shouted ‘not now’ at the SNP leader, who repeatedly tried to move his motion and force a vote in the middle of the PMQs session.  

After Mr Blackford refused to sit down, Mr Bercow eventually banned Mr Blackford from the Commons for the rest of the day – prompting all SNP MPs to walk out.   

A Downing Street spokesman said: ‘That sort of stunt effectively means that the SNP members who were down on the order paper to ask the Prime Minister a question can’t represent their constituents.

‘We have said on a number of occasions that the politics of independence can be divisive and I think that’s probably an illustration of that.’ 

As the bizarre incident unfolded SNP MPs marched out of the Commons chamber - but the stunt was barely caught on camera because of rules on filming in Parliament 

As the bizarre incident unfolded SNP MPs marched out of the Commons chamber – but the stunt was barely caught on camera because of rules on filming in Parliament 

After the Scottish MPs were gone, a huge space was left on the Commons green benches following the stunt 

After the Scottish MPs were gone, a huge space was left on the Commons green benches following the stunt 

Following his stunt Mr Blackford said: ‘I called for the House to sit in private – using parliament’s own procedures to ensure Scotland’s voice is heard on Brexit. 

‘Proceedings on the EU Withdrawal Bill last night were a democratic outrage and the Scottish Parliament must be respected. 

‘The Prime Minister gave a commitment that she would treat Scotland as part of a ‘union of equals’.

‘Yet last night she pressed ahead with a power-grab in direct opposition to Scotland’s elected Parliament.

‘We hear from the Prime Minister about respecting devolution. But the Prime Minister has ignored Scotland.

SNP MP Angus MacNeil tweeted a picture of MPs walking out of Parliament this afternoon following the stunt 

SNP MP Angus MacNeil tweeted a picture of MPs walking out of Parliament this afternoon following the stunt 

The Scotland Secretary David Mundell said he was baffled at the SNP stunt when they could have secured the debate they were searching for 

The Scotland Secretary David Mundell said he was baffled at the SNP stunt when they could have secured the debate they were searching for 

‘The Tories haven’t won a democratic mandate from the people of Scotland for over 60 years, yet they press on to claw back powers from Holyrood without consent. Their respect for Scotland is skin-deep at best

‘History will remember this defining moment when the UK Parliament chose to reject devolution. This will haunt the Scottish Tories for a generation.’  

Scottish Conservative MP Kirstene Hair said: ‘This rehearsed move just demonstrated that the SNP care more about headlines than actually achieving anything for Scotland.

‘They are the masters of manufactured grievance and the people of Scotland are sick of it.

‘The SNP have played games with the constitution, played games with Brexit and now are playing games with Parliament. It is a joke.’

Scottish Secretary David Mundell said the SNP was about to be granted a debate on the devolution aspects of the EU Withdrawal Bill.

He added: ‘Disappointed, if not surprised, that if they really felt so strongly about it, they chose a stunt over holding the Government to account.’

Speaker John Bercow completely lost control of the Commons as the SNP raged about the cutting short of a debate on devolution last night

Speaker John Bercow completely lost control of the Commons as the SNP raged about the cutting short of a debate on devolution last night

Speaker Bercow insisted he would not hear the motion - but was forced to consult with his Clerks on what he was able to do

Speaker Bercow insisted he would not hear the motion – but was forced to consult with his Clerks on what he was able to do

Mr Bercow later appealed for MPs to end the use of ‘stunts’ in the Commons chamber.

Replying to a point of order, the Speaker said people cannot complain if they absent themselves when they have an opportunity to make an emergency debate application – a nod towards Mr Blackford.

Mr Bercow added: ‘I really do think it would be a good thing if we perhaps brought to a close the operation of stunts and focus instead on the proper discharge of our responsibilities in this place.’

Labour MP Dennis Skinner, who has been thrown out of the chamber previously, asked Mr Bercow to detail what had happened to Mr Blackford.

Mr Bercow confirmed: ‘(Mr Blackford) was excluded from the chamber and from the precincts of the Palace of Westminster for the remainder of the day.’