Commuters are enraged by short trains and as police patrol stations as trains return to 70% capacity

Passengers face major changes on the railways as services are ramped back up to 70 per cent of normal levels today – but panicked commuters complained of packed trains and some mainline services ran with half the usual number of carriages.

Travellers will be required to wear face coverings during their journey and to allow for social distancing, passengers on at least four major lines will be told to reserve a seat in advance if they have to travel – or face not being able to board.  

And going forward  commuters could even be told to book a slot to enter their local railway station to prevent overcrowding.

But those who commuted into major cities complained that while there were more trains – services were not up to scratch. The Tube was also busy again today, especially on routes from east London into central London most used by blue collar workers such as those in the construction industry.

And Giovanni Cefaliello tweeted from his London-bound train today: ‘Hardly any passengers going towards London have face masks on, I would say maybe one in every 50 have one on! That is not good enough!’ 

While Edward Reeves. who travelled to London on a Greater Anglia service tweeted: Why was the 0443 service to LST from Colchester this morning only a 4 carriage? It’s usually an 8 carriage. Social distancing is difficult enough without halving the capacity of a train’.  

Last night Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said that he understood booking in advance was not as convenient for passengers, but it was important to help stop the spread of the virus.

The majority of people who crammed on to this Tube train at Canning Town before 7am today were not wearing face masks as Britain returns to work 

Tube services are being returned to 70 per cent of capacity today but many say that it should be at 100% to maintain social distancing

Tube services are being returned to 70 per cent of capacity today but many say that it should be at 100% to maintain social distancing 

Passengers face major changes on the railways as services are ramped back up to 70 per cent of normal levels today. Pictured: Passengers wear face masks at Liverpool Street Rail Station in London

Passengers face major changes on the railways as services are ramped back up to 70 per cent of normal levels today. Pictured: Passengers wear face masks at Liverpool Street Rail Station in London 

To allow for social distancing, passengers on at least four major lines will be told to reserve a seat in advance if they have to travel. Pictured: Liverpool Street Rail Station in London

To allow for social distancing, passengers on at least four major lines will be told to reserve a seat in advance if they have to travel. Pictured: Liverpool Street Rail Station in London

Transport police recruited to man railway stations  

An army of transport police will be drafted in at rail stations amid fears of chaos after commuters were warned not to board ‘overcrowded’ trains.

Passenger numbers are expected to rise by as much as a quarter this week. But train firms yesterday urged people not to travel, with services operating at as little as ten per cent capacity to maintain social distancing rules.

British Transport Police said thousands of officers will patrol platforms at mainline stations and on the Tube. But a spokesman admitted there was nothing illegal in a passenger breaking social distancing guidelines and no law that could prevent a commuter boarding a ‘crowded’ train.

Nigel Goodband, of the BTP Police Federation, told the Daily Telegraph: ‘As a force, we have had a call to arms this weekend. We will be there to ensure that tensions don’t reach a point where people are spitting, coughing or assaulting staff.’


Rail operators are also likely to scrap first-class carriages to free up space so commuters can sit further apart, with season ticket holders refunded and given standard passes. 

In the weeks ahead, some rail companies on commuter routes are also proposing to allocate time-restricted ‘travel slots’ to enforce staggered commute times. Operators have agreed that train guards will no longer walk up the aisles checking tickets.

Buffet cars and trolleys are to be axed and passengers will be discouraged from eating their own food and drink on board.

Although timetables will be restored to 70 per cent of normal levels, passengers are being urged to stay at home amid fears of crowding. 

The Government has said that people should still only travel for limited reasons such as going to work if they cannot do their job from home. Public transport should be avoided where possible, with people using cars, walking or cycling if they can.

Those who must use train services will be asked to limit contact with staff and ticket machines by downloading e-tickets to smartphones. 

They will also be required to wear face coverings – different from medical masks – during their journey. Passengers will face queues to get into stations at the busiest times.  

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said that he understood booking in advance was not as convenient for passengers, but it was important to help stop the spread of the virus. Pictured: Passengers social distance in the queue at Liverpool Street Rail Station in London

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said that he understood booking in advance was not as convenient for passengers, but it was important to help stop the spread of the virus. Pictured: Passengers social distance in the queue at Liverpool Street Rail Station in London

Pictured: Liverpool Street Rail Station in London

Pictured: Liverpool Street Rail Station in London

Government WON’T vary lockdown rules across the country despite the R coronavirus infection rate varying widely in different regions 

The government will not vary the lifting of coronavirus lockdown by region, despite the R infection rate varying widely in different parts of the UK, the business minister confirmed today.

Speaking at the latest Downing Street press conference, Alok Sharma said the government would be sticking with its national approach to the lockdown.

The Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy added that it was ‘too soon’ to discuss a phased lifting of lockdown by region.

Different parts of the UK have a different R rate, which is used to indicate how fast the virus is spreading.

R rates calculated by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine suggest the East Midlands has the fastest spread of infection, with a rate of between 0.8 and 1.2.

On the other hand, London, which was the hardest hit part of the UK, has a current R rate of 0.5 to 0.8, the lowest in the country.

It has led to speculation that different parts of the country could see different forms of lockdown.

However, responding to a member of the public who asked if a phased lifting of lockdown would be better based on the virus reproduction R number regionally, Mr Sharma said it is ‘too soon’ and the Government is sticking with its national approach.

NHS England national medical director Stephen Powis added: ‘There will be variations between different parts of the country, that occurs naturally in epidemics.

‘We see that, for instance, in flu season each winter.

‘What’s important going forward is increasingly we will be able to measure R direct.’

Operators also have powers to close busy platforms and use social media to warn passengers to stay away. A vast public information campaign has been introduced at stations. 

Ministers are braced for a potential clash from transport unions, which are deeply opposed to any increase in services and have threatened to walk out if social distancing is not observed. 

Union leaders are calling on the Government to issue free face masks to passengers and to make sure social distancing is enforced.

To control passenger numbers, London North Eastern Railway has announced it will only accept customers with advance tickets.

The operator said numbers on board each train will be limited to a fifth of seats. Avanti is also asking passengers to pre-book – along with Great Western Railway and Chiltern Railways.

Dave Kaye, of rail giant Abellio, said: ‘This is going to be a game changer for travel habits. I think it’s a paradigm shift in rail travel.’

He added: ‘We may have to become slightly closer to airline-style pricing, meaning tickets might cost more or less on certain days or at certain times.’

Mr Shapps told the Mail last night: ‘From today we’re introducing an important new ticketing system to help fight the spread of Covid-19 and keep the travelling public safe. 

‘Until further notice, anyone wishing to travel on either the Avanti or LNER cross-country services should book their ticket in advance. 

‘This change will enable social distancing for all passengers by allowing us to block off certain seats and provide a safer environment for everyone.

‘We understand that this isn’t as convenient as walking up and purchasing your ticket, but I know the travelling public will understand that – in these exceptional times – we want to take every possible measure to help people stay alert and stop the spread of the disease. The system is likely to be extended to other inter-city services soon.’ 

By car, by bike and on foot… tourists ignore stay away plea

By Rebecca Camber Chief Crime Correspondent for The Daily Mail  

Day-trippers flocked to parks and beaches yesterday to take advantage of the loosening of lockdown, ignoring pleas from tourism bosses to stay away.

Roads surrounding beauty spots in the Peak District and locations including Birling Gap on the South Coast were jammed with traffic as visitors ventured out to enjoy the warm weather.

National police chief Martin Hewitt had pledged a continued crackdown on large gatherings but city parks, seaside promenades and national parks were crammed with those meeting for picnics and parties.

In Lancashire, police were astonished to find a mother had laid on a baby shower in a communal play area with dozens of guests, a buffet and bouncy castle.

Walkers, runners, dog owners and cyclists flock to Wimbledon Common in London yesterday

Walkers, runners, dog owners and cyclists flock to Wimbledon Common in London yesterday

When two community officers tried to break up the event in Morecambe, they were told it did not matter as ‘schools were going back’ soon while some of the party-goers became abusive.

In Telford, Shropshire, police shut down a rave attended by 70 revellers who said they were ‘sick of self-isolation’. West Mercia Police said a DJ had set up the party at Granville Country Park on Saturday night.

Over the weekend, the Peak District National Park urged day-trippers not to visit the area after car parks filled up. On Twitter, they said: ‘This area [Langsett] is extremely busy with car parks currently full and social distancing difficult.

‘Please don’t travel to the area or park outside designated bays.’ But tourists simply parked up on local roads instead.

Cars fill up the verges as day-trippers head off to the cliffs at Birling Gap near Beachy Head in East Sussex

Cars fill up the verges as day-trippers head off to the cliffs at Birling Gap near Beachy Head in East Sussex

In Dartmoor car parks were closed due to overcrowding which made them too busy for social distancing.

The Dartmoor Ranger Team asked visitors to stay away from locations including Bellever, Two Bridges, Postbridge, Newbridge, Hennock, reservoirs and sites on the western side of Dartmoor. There were similar scenes at Birling Gap, near Eastbourne, East Sussex, where visitors parked on grass verges to stroll along the clifftop.

In Brighton, the council asked people to stay away from its seafront but yesterday the promenade was packed as temperatures soared.

A couple were told they faced prosecution for travelling from Scotland to Snowdonia to camp beside Lake Geirionydd.

Hundreds of motorcyclists descended on Matlock Bath in Derbyshire, where the appeared to ignore social distancing rules yesterday

Hundreds of motorcyclists descended on Matlock Bath in Derbyshire, where the appeared to ignore social distancing rules yesterday 

Hundreds of bikers flooded into Matlock Bath in the Peak District, a popular destination for motorcyclists. Passers-by said they were shocked as the bikes lined the main street while visitors were enjoying ice creams and fish and chips.

Steve Manion, 30, said: ‘It was disgusting. There were bunches of people brushing up against each other. No one was adhering to social distancing.’

In the Yorkshire Dales, campers were fined after pitching tents near Surrender Bridge, Swaledale. Police are set to face more problems enforcing the rules with Wednesday predicted to be the hottest day of the year with temperatures predicted to climb as high as 27C (80.6F).