Controlling boyfriend who flushed his partner’s rabbit down the toilet is still on the run in Thailand: Fugitive thug, 23, is jailed in his absence after campaign of abuse which saw him shoot victim with a BB gun and goad her into taking an overdose

A man who flushed his girlfriend’s pet rabbit down the toilet has been sentenced to eight years in jail – but the convict remains on the run.

Nicholas Cash, 23, from Bournemouth, Dorset, controlled and coerced Olivia Croft, 21, during their nine-month relationship.

Cash claimed he was too ill to attend his trial in October but then fled to Thailand with a new partner.

During the relationship with Miss Croft, he slashed her face with a piece of broken glass, locked her in their home and repeatedly shot her with a BB gun.

He also goaded her into taking an overdose before forcing a large number of pills down her throat.

Fugitive Nicholas Cash, 23, (pictured) from Bournemouth, Dorset, controlled and coerced Olivia Croft, 21, during their nine-month relationship

When Miss Croft started to gag, Cash phoned an ambulance, telling the operator she had attempted to take her own life.

He threatened to hurt Miss Croft and her family if she revealed the truth because she ‘wasn’t worth going to jail for.’

Cash gaslit Miss Croft, turning her into a vulnerable and isolated young woman.

He stopped her wearing makeup, monitored her mobile phone and social media use and showed up at her work to humiliate her in front of colleagues, causing her to lose two jobs.

He used other people to spy on her and even locked her in their home and removed door handles as well as installed CCTV to watch her.

Miss Croft said when she finally left him, Cash drowned one of her rabbits by flushing it down the loo.

When he was arrested Cash tried to paint himself as the victim but police refused to believe his story and charged him with engaging in controlling and coercive behaviour.

Cash claimed he was too ill to attend his trial in October last year and had a doctor’s note.

Yet he showed ‘absolute cowardice’ by jetting off to Thailand with a new partner.

Cash was convicted and sentenced in his absence at Bournemouth Crown Court.

After the case, Miss Croft, who has a new job as a carer, said: ‘The things he did to me were sickening but I was too scared to leave because I didn’t want him to hurt anyone else. 

Miss Croft said when she finally left him, Cash drowned one of her rabbits by flushing it down the loo (File image)

Miss Croft said when she finally left him, Cash drowned one of her rabbits by flushing it down the loo (File image)

‘He relentlessly abused me, emotionally and physically.

‘I had to be strong in the end as I knew it would just get worse and worse.

‘When I did finally leave he flushed one of my pet rabbits down the toilet, killing it.

‘That was the last straw for me to go to the police.

‘It feels like a weight off my shoulders now it’s done but I don’t think it would have mattered how long he got.

‘It was really hard going through the trial, being questioned by his lawyer while he was living it up in Thailand.

‘I’m still unable to sleep. I have horrific nightmares about him coming to snatch me back. I feel emotionally blunted and numb most of the time.

‘I have very serious trust issues and I’m very uncomfortable in social settings.

‘Before I was a social and outgoing person. I felt a part of the world I lived in and was comfortable in my own skin. He took all that away from me.’

The court heard the pair began a relationship in February 2020, when Miss Croft was just 17. Within just three weeks Cash had become controlling over her.

Althea Brooks, prosecuting, said: ‘His controlling behaviour caused her to change in a number of ways. It caused her to be isolated in her own home, she was discouraged from wearing makeup and fake tan, embarrassed in front of her work colleagues, isolated from family.

‘He monitored her phone use and social media activity, monitored her whereabouts and made it clear he was doing so and used other people to spy on her for him.

‘He repeatedly broke her mobile phone, was conducting relationships with other women, abandoned her in public without transport, locked her inside her own home, removing handles from doors and installed CCTV to intimidate her.

‘When she ended the relationship he made nasty, violent threats towards her and her family. He was regularly violent with her, he strangled her, dragged her by the hair, punched, pushed and slapped her and caused visible injuries.’

Miss Croft said: 'It was really hard going through the trial, being questioned by his lawyer while he was living it up in Thailand.' Pictured: Thailand (File image)

Miss Croft said: ‘It was really hard going through the trial, being questioned by his lawyer while he was living it up in Thailand.’ Pictured: Thailand (File image)

The court heard that whenever they argued he would drag Miss Croft her by her hair and ‘throw her around like an object’.

During another argument Cash shot his victim about 20 times with his gas-powered BB gun, some at point blank range, hitting her leg, breast, behind her ear and her bottom.

He warned her that if she showed anyone the marks he would tell them she was using heroin and that was responsible for the marks.

On another occasion when Miss Croft wanted to leave their home to go jogging Cash pulled her by her hair, shot her with the BB gun again and picked up a piece of glass from a broken picture frame which he used to cut her cheek.

In passing sentence, Judge Jonathan Fuller KC said: ‘The motive behind it was mean, callous and designed to humiliate [her] to the maximum.’

He said Cash showed ‘absolute cowardice’ by failing to face the complainant at trial.

Judge Fuller added: ‘He sought to cast himself as the victim, not the perpetrator. Nothing could be further from the truth.’

He jailed Cash for eight years for engaging in controlling and coercive behaviour, two offences of occasioning actual bodily harm, one of administering a poison or noxious substance and a charge of criminal damage.

In 2021, Cash was also given a 19-month sentence suspended for two years for offences against another victim. 

Judge Fuller said Cash would be sentenced separately for breaching that suspended sentence and failing to attend his trial when he returns or is extradited to the UK.
