Conviction card game has players convict Trump allies

On the one year anniversary of Donald Trump’s election win, two critics have come up with a way to play away the pain: a card game in which the aim is to put all of the President’s allies behind bars.

Called Conviction, the satirical game is now available for pre-order and ‘puts key public figures on trial in front of Lady Justice herself.’

Players — or ‘prosecutors’ — file motions and hold trials by tossing dice and flipping playing cards, trying to convict as many public figures in Trump’s inner circle as they can before the game is through.


Playing Mueller: A new card came called Conviction satirizes the Trump administration

How to play: The aim of the game is to convict as many people who are close to Trump as possible, with higher-level people earning more points

How to play: The aim of the game is to convict as many people who are close to Trump as possible, with higher-level people earning more points

Behind bars: Influential people, or those who have been viewed as particularly close to Trump, get the highest points

Behind bars: Influential people, or those who have been viewed as particularly close to Trump, get the highest points

Going after them: Other cards include Vladimir Putin and white supremacist Richard Spencer

Going after them: Other cards include Vladimir Putin and white supremacist Richard Spencer

Going after them: Other cards include Vladimir Putin and white supremacist Richard Spencer

Democratic fun: Players act as 'prosecutors' and hold trials

Democratic fun: Players act as 'prosecutors' and hold trials

Democratic fun: Players act as ‘prosecutors’ and hold trials

'Saving America': Of course, they aren't real trials — players roll dice and flip 'Motion' cards to determine their next moves

‘Saving America’: Of course, they aren’t real trials — players roll dice and flip ‘Motion’ cards to determine their next moves

A packaged deal: Ivanka Trump is worth two points, though she's worth more to a player who has also 'convicted' her husband Jared Kushner

A packaged deal: Ivanka Trump is worth two points, though she’s worth more to a player who has also ‘convicted’ her husband Jared Kushner

Players get more points for convicting high-level figures, like Paul Ryan, Rex Tillerson, and Vladamir Putin. 

Everyone tied to Trump is assigned a point value. Five-pointers include Jeff Sessions, Mitch McConnel, Steve Bannon, and Paul Ryan, while four-pointers include Mike Pence, James Comey, and Rex Tillerson.

Steve Mnuchin, Ted Cruz, John Kelly, and Paul Manafort each earn three points, while Kellyanne Conway, Melania Trump, Jared Kushner, Chris Christie, Sean Spicer, James Matthis, John McCain, Marco Rubio, a generic Fox News journalist, and Donald Trump, Jr. all get two each. 

Rick Perry, Ben Carson, and Hope Hicks each earn one point.

Then, there are the figures who lose players points should they happen to convict them, like Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and a ‘Nasty Woman’.

Each card is illustrated with a caricature — which, in the case of Trump’s team, are all unflattering.

Picture perfect: Each of the cards has an unflattering caricature

Picture perfect: Each of the cards has an unflattering caricature

Picture perfect: Each of the cards has an unflattering caricature of a Trump ally, highlighting some of their more critiqued traits, such as Betsy DeVos’ and John McCain’s support of guns

Fancy! The cards are color-coded as well. Gold cards are Trump's inner circle, green are Cabinet members, red are GOP leadership, and white are people who helped get him elected

Fancy! The cards are color-coded as well. Gold cards are Trump’s inner circle, green are Cabinet members, red are GOP leadership, and white are people who helped get him elected

The founders: The game is the brainchild of San Francisco-based friends Dan Peterson and Neil Patel

The founders: The game is the brainchild of San Francisco-based friends Dan Peterson and Neil Patel

The founders: The satirical game is the brainchild of San Francisco-based friends Dan Peterson and Neil Patel

Not a fan: The two men were frustrated after the election and came up with this to do something about it

Not a fan: The two men were frustrated after the election and came up with this to do something about it

Feel better: They say the game provides an emotional release and is also educational

Feel better: They say the game provides an emotional release and is also educational

Feel better: The friends say the game provides an emotional release and is also educational

Poking fun: In addition, all profits from the game will be donated to charity

Poking fun: In addition, all profits from the game will be donated to charity

Serious satire: The profits will benefit organizations that fight Trump policies

Serious satire: The profits will benefit organizations that fight Trump policies

Serious satire: The profits will benefit organizations that fight Trump policies

Therapy: 'Making Conviction was cathartic and actually turned a negative situation into a positive,' said Patel 

Therapy: ‘Making Conviction was cathartic and actually turned a negative situation into a positive,’ said Patel 

The game is currently available for pre-order for $24.99, with orders placed before December 15 arriving before the holidays.

It’s the brainchild of San Francisco-based friends Dan Peterson and Neil Patel, who felt frustrated after the election last year.

‘As President-Elect Trump started discussing his Cabinet picks, Supreme Court appointments, policy agenda and White House Advisors, it became clear that this wasn’t a nightmare, but a reality that we may have to live with for the next four years,’ Peterson said in a press release. 

‘We made Conviction to channel our own frustration, and provide an emotional release to those that play the game. And it’s fun and educational.’

‘After the election and through the inauguration, Dan and I would send news articles back and forth to each other, but it wasn’t productive,’ added Patel. ‘Making Conviction was cathartic and actually turned a negative situation into a positive. 

Good cause: They plan to donate to benefit organoizations that promote things like civil rights, clean energy, educationgun control, LGBQT rights, and women's rights

Good cause: They plan to donate to benefit organoizations that promote things like civil rights, clean energy, educationgun control, LGBQT rights, and women's rights

Good cause: They plan to donate to benefit organizations that promote things like civil rights, clean energy, education, gun control, LGBQT rights, and women’s rights

Getting it going: The game also includes these Motion cards, a play on legal motions in court and motion in the game

Getting it going: The game also includes these Motion cards, a play on legal motions in court and motion in the game

Getting it going: The game also includes these Motion cards, a play on legal motions in court and which prompt a player’s actions in the game

Political play: They cards have scenarios that move cards around

Political play: They cards have scenarios that move cards around

Political play: They cards have scenarios that move different players and characters around

Pro-left: There are also cards that subtract points. For example, convicting Trump's opponent Hillary Clinton will lose a player several points

Pro-left: There are also cards that subtract points. For example, convicting Trump’s opponent Hillary Clinton will lose a player several points

On their side: Convicting an innocent Muslim American or Elizabeth Warren also loses points

On their side: Convicting an innocent Muslim American or Elizabeth Warren also loses points

On their side: Convicting an innocent Muslim American or Elizabeth Warren also loses points

Nasty! Players draw cards like these and role two dice to play the game

Nasty! Players draw cards like these and role two dice to play the game

In time for Christmas: The game is available for pre-order for $24.99

In time for Christmas: The game is available for pre-order for $24.99

‘We had a lot of fun and learned a lot bringing Conviction to life. It’s our hope that players do the same while contributing to organizations that are fighting the good fight.’

Peterson and Patel aren’t just poking fun, either — they’re putting money on the line. One-hundred percent of the profits from sales of the game will be donated to causes they say are endangered by Trump’s current and proposed policies.

They plan to donate to benefit affordable housing, affordable quality healthcare, campaign finance reform, civil rights, clean energy, climate change, education, environmental protections, financial regulations, gun control, LGBQT rights, net neutrality, and women’s rights.

‘So while you and your friends are having fun with legally dubious speculation at the expense of Trump and his close allies, you’ll also be giving money to the organizations that are leading the fight against his administration’s dangerous policies,’ Peterson says in a video for the game.

Another idea: For Halloween this year, people could by this 'Ride on Trump' costume

Another idea: For Halloween this year, people could by this ‘Ride on Trump’ costume

Resemblance: The step-in costume featured a disheveled-looking Trump wearing a navy suit, a long red tie, and an American flag pin on the lapel of his jacket

Resemblance: The step-in costume featured a disheveled-looking Trump wearing a navy suit, a long red tie, and an American flag pin on the lapel of his jacket

Resemblance: The step-in costume featured a disheveled-looking Trump wearing a navy suit, a long red tie, and an American flag pin on the lapel of his jacket

In writing: Other gag gifts with the Presidents face abound, including this talking pen

In writing: Other gag gifts with the Presidents face abound, including this talking pen

There are also several dolls, like this Troll-like figurine

There are also several dolls, like this Troll-like figurine

Nice hair: There are also several dolls, like this Troll-like figurine

His face has turned up on clothing, too, like this swimsuit that went viral earlier this year

His face has turned up on clothing, too, like this swimsuit that went viral earlier this year

Quite a few companies have been using humor to take out their feelings of frustration with the president.

This year, the team behind the @F**kJerry Instagram account released a ‘Ride on Trump’ costume for Halloween, which was designed to make it look like the wearer is sitting on the president’s shoulders. The getup features a disheveled-looking Trump wearing a navy suit, a long red tie, and an American flag pin on the lapel of his jacket.

‘Hate Trump? Love Trump? Want to cry? This costume is for you!’ the site said of the $79.99 costume, which went on sale late this summer.

‘Haters can make fun of his scary face, s**t on him (figuratively), and express themselves with signs and other augmentations. While lovers can suit up and throw on a MAGA hat for a presidential Halloween,’ they explained. 

There are also several Donald Trump dolls and action figures on the market, as well as sweatshirts and swimsuits baring unflattering images of his face.