Conwoman who stole £130,000 from her bosses blames PMT

Caroline Geoghegan (pictured), 45, was handed a suspended sentence blamed the sudden death of her father and premenstrual tension for going off the rails

A conwoman who stole £130,000 from her bosses and blamed PMT has been spared jail. 

Caroline Geoghegan, 45, was handed a suspended sentence after she blamed the sudden death of her father and premenstrual tension for going off the rails.

A court heard her elderly mother remortgaged the family home to repay part of the debt she had built up from stealing money, which gifted her a more lenient sentence. 

Geoghegan, from Seaford, East Sussex started taking petty cash from Eastbourne accountants Plummer Parsons where she had been working for ten years in June 2015.

Her deception continued until August 2017 when she was caught out by a random twist of fate, by which time she had paid herself an extra £133,698.

Beverley Cherrill prosecuting told Hove Crown Court: ‘She started taking from petty cash, then paying about £21,000 of cheques to cash.

‘She graduated then to raising two cheques for each invoice.

‘The first one she made out to herself by having the clients name printed on clear tape then getting one of the partners to sign off.

‘Then she would take off the tape and substitute her own name.’

Geoghegan opened up three bank accounts specifically to deposit the stolen money. 

Ms Cherrill continued:  ‘She would then raise the second cheque in the customer’s name, this time getting a different partner to sign the cheque.

‘She managed to continue these thefts without being detected for two years.

‘It came to light in August when a client contacted the company querying a payment.

‘The computers had gone down due to a power cut.

‘Mrs Geoghegan was on leave and someone else looked into it and they discovered a number of cheques made out to her benefit.’

Judge Recorder Joshua Swirsky agreed to suspend Geoghegan’s prison sentence after hearing she had paid £108,000 of the money back after her elderly mother released the equity in her home.

Pleading for leniency, Rosalind Crook defending the mother-of-two said her offending had started after he father died suddenly from liver cancer.

She told the court: ‘Her father became ill at the beginning of 2015.

People don’t understand what it is like having depression and watching someone die. 

Caroline Geoghegan, 45, who was handed a suspended sentence and blamed the sudden death of her father and premenstrual tension for going off the rails

‘He went to hospital in April and was diagnosed with liver cancer and died two weeks later.

‘She then had to keep going and look after her mother who is in her eighties.

‘She was concentrating on looking after her family and unfortunately started stealing.

‘She doesn’t know why she did it, she just did.

‘Apparently the death of her father started this and there can be a link between death and stealing.

‘Mrs Geoghegan has taken steps to find out why she has done this and what the problem is.

‘She accepts she has a problem with depression and PMT and alcohol.

‘At times drinking a bottle of wine a day.’

Geoghegan opened up three bank accounts specifically to deposit the stolen money

Geoghegan opened up three bank accounts specifically to deposit the stolen money

Geoghegan pleaded guilty to theft and false accounting at a previous hearing.

Following the sentencing hearing at Hove Crown Court on Thursday, Caroline Geoghan told The Argus: ‘My dad died and I went off the rails.

‘I did it and I have any excuse.

‘People don’t understand what it is like having depression and watching someone die.

‘Now I’m just trying to protect my children.’

When asked if she wished to apologise to the employers she betrayed she said: ‘Of course I want to apologise to them.

‘But I don’t suppose any amount of apologising will make up for what I have done.’