Coogee Beach, Sydney: Teenage boy, 17, falls off a cliff at one of Australia’s most popular beaches 

Tragedy as a teenage boy dies after falling off a cliff at one of Australia’s most popular beaches

  • Young man falls from cliff at Coogee Beach, Sydney
  • Police and paramedics attended pictured at scene
  • Helicopter was seen circling above packed beach 

A young man has fallen from a cliff at Sydney’s Coogee Beach sparking a major response from emergency services.

The 17-year-old boy fell 15metres from the rocks at about 4pm on Tuesday. 

Police and several ambulance crews rushed to the scene shortly after with a PolAir helicopter circling above dozens of swimmers at the packed eastern suburbs beach.

Despite the efforts of paramedics the teenager could not be revived and died at the scene, police said in a statement.  

A report will be prepared for the coroner. 

Police and several ambulance crews rushed to the scene shortly after with a PolAir helicopter circling above dozens of swimmers at the packed eastern suburbs beach 

There are grave fears for the man who plunged from rocks at about 4pm on Tuesday

There are grave fears for the man who plunged from rocks at about 4pm on Tuesday
