Corbyn tells thousands of supporters at rally the ‘best way to settle Brexit’ is a general election

Jeremy Corbyn called for another general election tonight as he addressed supporters at a rally for Labour’s annual conference.

Speaking to thousands of supporters, the 69-year-old hinted that he would prefer a general election to another Brexit referendum.

Corbyn told the Labour voters, some of whom were waving EU flags: ‘We’ve got big issues coming up in Parliament in the near future.

Jeremy Corbyn addressed thousands of supporters at a rally in Liverpool today

Corbyn hinted that the best way to settle the issue of Brexit was to hold a general election

Corbyn hinted that the best way to settle the issue of Brexit was to hold a general election

‘We will challenge this Government on whatever deal it brings back, on our six tests – on jobs, on living standards, on environmental protection and protection of those jobs and the ability of an incoming Labour government to invest and intervene in an economy to bring about decent wages, jobs and full employment.

‘And if this Government can’t deliver then I simply say to Theresa May: the best way to settle this is by having a general election.’

Shortly after getting off stage, Corbyn posted a picture of himself addressing the crowds on his Twitter page.

Supporters of Corbyn hold up placards for the Labour leader as he addressed the crowds

Supporters of Corbyn hold up placards for the Labour leader as he addressed the crowds

He wrote: ‘Our movement is about bringing people together. Tonight in Liverpool, people came out to defend jobs, to demand properly funded public services and say we have to rebuild Britain so it works for the many, not the few.’

Shadow chancellor John McDonnell had taken to the stage earlier in the evening, also indicating that he was willing to take the fight to the Conservative should there be another General Election.    

McDonnell said: ‘The Tories hate each other now more than they hate us.

‘So I believe they could fall apart at any time.’ 

Earlier today, McDonnell said he did not want to take the ‘option of a people’s vote on the table’ after Labour has come under increased pressure to back another Brexit referendum.

He added that the Prime Minister should call another general election following her break-down in talks with Brussels.

McDonnell told ITV News: ‘In a general election you have a wider debate, but also you choose the team. We need a Labour team negotiating.’

Corbyn took to the stage after Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell also called for a general election

Corbyn took to the stage after Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell also called for a general election

Despite the Labour leadership calling for another general election, twice as many voters believed the party was more ‘decent’ under Gordon Brown than the current leader.

A new opinion poll by ComRes for Jewish News found 48 per cent considered the party was more decent when Mr Brown was leader as against 24 per cent who thought it was under Mr Corbyn.

Following a string of headlines of alleged anti-Semitism within Labour, half of voters said the party was doing enough to stamp out the issue, while just 19 per cent thought it was.

Nearly a third of voters, 31 per cent, said Labour deserved the title ‘the nasty party’ – nearly as many of the 34 per cent who believed it belonged to the Tories when the term was originally coined.

The ComRes survey was carried out on 2,002 British adults online between 19 and 20.