Cornell donor calls for university president to be fired over ‘DEI’


One of Cornell University’s major donors is yanking his funds unless the school’s president resigns and the institution turns its back on diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. In an open letter addressed to the Board of Trustees, Jon Lindseth asked the university to reevaluate its ‘misguided commitment’ to DEI, arguing it has led to the ‘disgrace’ of the Ivy League institution in the last several years.

Lindseth and his family have long been prominent donors to the upstate New York school, but the graduate of the class of 1956 now says he is 'alarmed by the diminished quality of education offered lately by my alma mater because of its disastrous involvement with DEI policies that have infiltrated every part of the university.' Specifically, Lindseth identified what he sees as a lack of sufficient leadership coming from the office of the university president, a position currently held by Martha Pollack. He called her response to multiple acts of overt anti-Semitism on campus in the wake of October 7, ' shameful .'

Lindseth and his family have long been prominent donors to the upstate New York school, but the graduate of the class of 1956 now says he is ‘alarmed by the diminished quality of education offered lately by my alma mater because of its disastrous involvement with DEI policies that have infiltrated every part of the university.’ Specifically, Lindseth identified what he sees as a lack of sufficient leadership coming from the office of the university president, a position currently held by Martha Pollack. He called her response to multiple acts of overt anti-Semitism on campus in the wake of October 7, ‘ shameful .’

Lindseth believes the horrifying displays of anti-Semitism, which included violent threats made against the school's Jewish students and kosher dining hall, in addition to an associate professor declaring publicly his joyous support of Hamas ' October 7 attacks, are a manifestation of the progressive ideology the school has adopted. The wealthy alumnus identified several concerns, including the school's apparently lackadaisical approach to the increase in anti-Semitism, as well as a 'general intolerance' on campus and the formal elimination of an SAT requirement and some forms of grades.

Lindseth believes the horrifying displays of anti-Semitism, which included violent threats made against the school’s Jewish students and kosher dining hall, in addition to an associate professor declaring publicly his joyous support of Hamas ‘ October 7 attacks, are a manifestation of the progressive ideology the school has adopted. The wealthy alumnus identified several concerns, including the school’s apparently lackadaisical approach to the increase in anti-Semitism, as well as a ‘general intolerance’ on campus and the formal elimination of an SAT requirement and some forms of grades.

He argued the elimination of some of the most basic standards of academic rigor and competition promote a DEI-influenced system focused on outcomes above merit. In the letter, Lindseth also revealed that he had requested calls for Pollack's resignation be added to the emergency board meeting that will beheld on January 26.

He argued the elimination of some of the most basic standards of academic rigor and competition promote a DEI-influenced system focused on outcomes above merit. In the letter, Lindseth also revealed that he had requested calls for Pollack’s resignation be added to the emergency board meeting that will beheld on January 26.

'Alumni of Cornell have organized to offer support and feedback over the past year, providing policy recommendations and whistleblower accounts of problematic behavior on campus by students, faculty and administrators alike,' he wrote. 'The intent has been to see Cornell’s excellence restored by a determined rolling back of DEI and the toxic academic environment it creates.

‘Alumni of Cornell have organized to offer support and feedback over the past year, providing policy recommendations and whistleblower accounts of problematic behavior on campus by students, faculty and administrators alike,’ he wrote. ‘The intent has been to see Cornell’s excellence restored by a determined rolling back of DEI and the toxic academic environment it creates.

'With my writing of this letter, an increasing number of Cornell alumni are refusing to continue donating to their alma mater. Unfortunately, President Pollack and her administration have refused to engage with concerned alumni and their sound policy recommendations to correct Cornell’s course.' Lindseth is also hoping to see some of his other suggestions incorporated, which include ridding the institution of bureaucratic bloat by eliminating al DEI staff, and canceling plans for proposed 'Cornell Center for Racial Justice.'

‘With my writing of this letter, an increasing number of Cornell alumni are refusing to continue donating to their alma mater. Unfortunately, President Pollack and her administration have refused to engage with concerned alumni and their sound policy recommendations to correct Cornell’s course.’ Lindseth is also hoping to see some of his other suggestions incorporated, which include ridding the institution of bureaucratic bloat by eliminating al DEI staff, and canceling plans for proposed ‘Cornell Center for Racial Justice.’

President Pollack has been under public fire since astonishing acts of anti-Semitism began occurring on her campus in the wake of Hamas' barbaric attack on Israel. Last year, at the upstate New York Ivy League university, a series of vile posts were written threatening the Cornell Jewish community and specifically the kosher dining hall.

President Pollack has been under public fire since astonishing acts of anti-Semitism began occurring on her campus in the wake of Hamas’ barbaric attack on Israel. Last year, at the upstate New York Ivy League university, a series of vile posts were written threatening the Cornell Jewish community and specifically the kosher dining hall.

One post threatened to shoot Jewish students on campus, others called for more graphic violence, a third said the Jewish student center should - like Israel - be eliminated altogether. Pollack told the Cornell community that she'd alerted the FBI about the threats. 'We take all threats seriously and are working closely with Cornell and our law enforcement partners at every level to determine the credibility, share information, and take appropriate investigative action,' wrote the agency in a statement.

One post threatened to shoot Jewish students on campus, others called for more graphic violence, a third said the Jewish student center should – like Israel – be eliminated altogether. Pollack told the Cornell community that she’d alerted the FBI about the threats. ‘We take all threats seriously and are working closely with Cornell and our law enforcement partners at every level to determine the credibility, share information, and take appropriate investigative action,’ wrote the agency in a statement.

'Nothing is more important than the safety of our communities and we will not tolerate violence motivated by hate and extremism.' Cornell - and many other college campuses - have seen a rise in anti-Semitic activity since Hamas' October 7 terror attack on Israel. Pollack, were she to be removed from her position, would join the ranks of former Harvard President Claudine Gay and former UPenn President Liz Magill both of whom were ousted in part for their inadequate responses to campus anti-Semitism post-October 7. Pictured: Pictured: Russell Rickford, an associate professor of history Cornell University. Read the full story:

‘Nothing is more important than the safety of our communities and we will not tolerate violence motivated by hate and extremism.’ Cornell – and many other college campuses – have seen a rise in anti-Semitic activity since Hamas’ October 7 terror attack on Israel. Pollack, were she to be removed from her position, would join the ranks of former Harvard President Claudine Gay and former UPenn President Liz Magill both of whom were ousted in part for their inadequate responses to campus anti-Semitism post-October 7. Pictured: Pictured: Russell Rickford, an associate professor of history Cornell University. Read the full story:

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