Coronavirus US: Influencer and friends all infected after party

A 20-year-old social media star from South Carolina says that she and her friends have all come down with coronavirus after hanging out together when local lockdown rules lifted — which she now admits was ‘dumb.’

In a series of TikTok videos, Victoria Bachlet explained that she and her friends had been bored after months of doing nothing, and recently all had a group gathering — but they didn’t learn until afterward that one of the young women there had COVID-19.

Now the virus has spread through the group, and Victoria is documenting her experience, sharing descriptions of her symptoms, of videos of herself getting tested, and details of how she and her friends are coping.

Whoops! Social media star Victoria Bachlet is taking her followers through her coronavirus experience after she hung out with a group of friends

Sharing the love: She and her friends all hung out together after South Carolina's restrictions lifted, and one girl came who ¿forgot¿ to tell anyone she had coronavirus

Sharing the love: She and her friends all hung out together after South Carolina’s restrictions lifted, and one girl came who ‘forgot’ to tell anyone she had coronavirus

Sick: Victoria and her friends soon came down with symptoms and went together for a test

Sick: Victoria and her friends soon came down with symptoms and went together for a test

Sick: Victoria and her friends soon came down with symptoms and went together for a test

Watch: Victoria recorded as she swapped her own nose at the testing center

Watch: Victoria recorded as she swapped her own nose at the testing center

Watch: Victoria recorded as she swapped her own nose at the testing center 

Prior to her coronavirus update, Victoria had shared several videos on her page that  showed her spending time with friends over the past few weeks — and no one is wearing a mask in a single clip.

In one, a large group danced outside in the rain in swimsuits, all touching one another and laughing with their faces uncovered.

In another, a group of young women are seen in a pool, and in yet another, a very large group is shown partying, sans masks, on a boat. 

Despite several large group outings taken without proper safety measures of masks or social distancing, Victoria seemed a bit surprised and put out when, earlier this week, she she admitted to followers that she was pretty sure she had coronavirus.  

She explained: ‘Basically, this girl came over and ‘forgot’ to tell us that she had corona, and now we’re all sick. Also, we went to our friends’ house, and then their roommate tested positive for corona the next day.’

Victoria described her symptoms, which include fever, runny nose, cough, chills, loss of taste and smell, and body aches. She motioned to three other young women in a car with her who were experiencing similar symptoms. 

Yikes! Victoria had shared several videos on her page that showed her spending time with friends over the past few weeks ¿ and no one is wearing a mask in a single clip

Yikes! Victoria had shared several videos on her page that showed her spending time with friends over the past few weeks — and no one is wearing a mask in a single clip

The rules don't apply! She and her friends danced in the rain and hung out in a pool without masks or any distance between them

The rules don’t apply! She and her friends danced in the rain and hung out in a pool without masks or any distance between them

Bad idea: A large group also went out on a boat shortly after the restrictions lifted in South Carolina

Bad idea: A large group also went out on a boat shortly after the restrictions lifted in South Carolina

In that video, she captured herself driving up to a testing facility, where the young women were given tests to administer themselves in the car. Victoria recorded herself swabbing the inside of her nose, saying ‘that does not feel good,’ and coughing after she removes it from far up her nostril.

In an update the next day, Victoria was home quarantining and said that while they aren’t ‘sure’ yet that it’s COVID-19, they’re ‘pretty positive.’

She showed off all of their supplies, including Garorade, chicken soup, medicine, tea, and disinfectant wipes.

‘Overall, I’m feeling OK. I finally got my fever to go down,’ she said. ‘I’m just super congested, and [my cousin] Lauren is too. My body is also super, super sore and I can’t taste or smell.

‘Also, my sore throat has not gone away,’ she said before coughing.

The next day, she updated again with a noticeably scratchy voice, saying her throat was still sore and scratchy but she thinks her fever is gone.

‘I’m still nauseous whenever I eat, I still can’t taste or smell, my body’s still extremely sore. But it’s really not that bad. It’s really like I did an intense workout. But I didn’t.’

Yuck:  She described her symptoms as fever, runny nose, cough, chills, loss of taste and smell, and body aches

Yuck:  She described her symptoms as fever, runny nose, cough, chills, loss of taste and smell, and body aches

Bland: While her fever has improved, she lamented that she still couldn't taste anything

Bland: While her fever has improved, she lamented that she still couldn’t taste anything

Update: Several of her friends already got positive test results back

Update: Several of her friends already got positive test results back

¿And I know, there¿s so many comments that are like, ¿Victoria, why didn¿t you social distance?¿ I was dumb,' she said

¿And I know, there¿s so many comments that are like, ¿Victoria, why didn¿t you social distance?¿ I was dumb,' she said

‘And I know, there’s so many comments that are like, ‘Victoria, why didn’t you social distance?’ I was dumb,’ she said

On Thursday afternoon, she told followers that she learned that three more of her friends who had been at the gathering had tested positive, ‘so it’s almost a definite that I have it.’

‘And I know, there’s so many comments that are like, ‘Victoria, why didn’t you social distance?’ I was dumb.

‘They opened everything up a couple weeks ago and I had been so tired of sitting that I just wanted to hang out with my friends. But we tried to make sure that everyone who came over was clear, didn’t have any symptoms, and hadn’t been in contact with anyone,’ she said.

Unfortunately, people can have the virus and spread it while being asymptomatic.

‘And we also spent a majority of the time outside,’ she added.

‘But some people did not tell us that they had been exposed,’ she added, seemingly unaware that someone might not know they’d been exposed. ‘Which is fine, I’m not mad at anybody because we’re having a whole outbreak in my whole, like, county right now. And my county’s actually considered a hotspot.’

She admitted: ¿They opened everything up a couple weeks ago and I had been so tired of sitting that I just wanted to hang out with my friends'

She admitted: ‘They opened everything up a couple weeks ago and I had been so tired of sitting that I just wanted to hang out with my friends’

On Thursday, health officials in South Carolina announced 987 new cases of coronavirus Thursday, which broke the record for the largest single-day increase in cases

On Thursday, health officials in South Carolina announced 987 new cases of coronavirus Thursday, which broke the record for the largest single-day increase in cases

In her most recent update, Victoria said that ‘one of the worst things about this is that I cannot taste anything.’

The symptom does have some plus-sides, though: Her foul-tasting medicine doesn’t bother her, and she can eat more vegetables that she doesn’t usually like.

She signed off by saying that she was going to take a nap because she is tired much of the time.

Victoria’s followers are still waiting for her test results, which are likely to come in today.

Victoria’s state of South Caroline is seeing a massive uptick in coronavirus cases. On Thursday, health officials announced 987 new cases of coronavirus Thursday, which broke the record for the largest single-day increase in cases.

The state currently has 21,533 cases and 621 deaths.