Correction: FAA-Acting Administrator story | Daily Mail Online

WASHINGTON (AP) – In a story Jan. 5 about Daniel Elwell’s appointment as acting administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, The Associated Press reported erroneously, based on information provided by the Transportation Department, that he was formerly a lieutenant general in the Air Force. The FAA now says Elwell was formerly a lieutenant colonel.

A corrected version of the story is below:

Former Air Force and airline pilot named acting FAA chief

A former Air Force officer and airline pilot will become acting FAA administrator

WASHINGTON (AP) – A former Air Force and airline pilot will become the acting administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration.

Daniel Elwell, who has been deputy administrator of the FAA since June, will take over for Administrator Michael Huerta, whose term ends Sunday.

The Transportation Department announced the appointment Friday. No permanent replacement for Huerta has been named.

Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao praised Elwell’s background as a military and commercial pilot.

Elwell was a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force and flew for American Airlines for 16 years. He also served in government affairs for American and was an executive at two trade groups, Airlines for America and the Aerospace Industries Association.

Huerta was picked by former President Barack Obama and led the FAA for six years.

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