Cosplay for everyone thanks to 3D design and 3D printing services

If there were ever a couple made for each other, it would probably be cosplay and 3D printing. Although cosplay has been a popular hobby for decades, its popularity has skyrocketed in the last few years, and it has become completely trendy.

And it’s probably not entirely coincidental that desktop 3D printing is simultaneously moving out of the development realm and into the mainstream. A group of professional costume and prop designers has always been working closely with cosplayers.

Still, when they were introduced to 3D printing, it became a coincidence in comics.

If you are interested in 3D printing of cosplay, then contact Designed by 3D, a prop-making and cosplay studio with experience more than 8 years.

How 3D printing works

One of the most critical components of 3D printing is the scanner. It collects the physical data of an object or environment (volume, texture, and color) to create a digital model.

There are two main types of 3D scanners: contact and non-contact. The first explores an object through physical contact. The second collects radiation from a target object using a laser, structured light, photogrammetry, or optical coordinate measurement.

SLS technology manufactures parts of mechanisms and objects with complex geometries.

It helps achieve high strength and precision. The roller rolls the powder, consisting of nylon spheres with a diameter of 50 microns, onto a platform, and the printer heats it to the sintering temperature.

Then, using a laser, these spheres are sintered layer by layer until the desired part is obtained.

Advantages of 3D printing in the production of film props

Short production cycle of props. Regarding custom manufacturing, 3D printing technology significantly reduces production cycles and increases efficiency compared to traditional methods.

Quick repair and replacement of props. Additionally, props often get damaged or lost during filming. 3D-printed movie props can be quickly repaired or replaced, saving the crew valuable time and money.

Overcoming the limitations of traditional craftsmanship. More importantly, 3D printing can overcome the limitations of traditional craftsmanship, creating props with complex shapes and intricate details.

Large selection of materials. The modern market for materials for 3D printing is replete with various types of 3D plastic and photopolymers. You can easily make flexible, transparent, fluorescent, and other elements for your props.

Difficulties in printing for cosplay

Why do you need the help of specialists in 3D printing of cosplay elements? There are a lot of nuances that only those who are well acquainted with the capabilities of 3D printing can easily cope with.

Choice of printing technology—In most cases, FDM printing is used since this is the most cost-effective option. However, variations are also possible. It all depends on the specific task.

The choice of equipment is no secret; different models of 3D printers differ in size, print quality, accuracy, ability to combine materials, etc.

Choice of material – after printing, most products undergo processing and coloring, so it’s not only, and sometimes not so much, about color, but about the characteristics of the materials.

Some materials are hard, elastic, flexible, hard, and transparent. It all depends again on the requirements. In addition, post-processing will also play a role since not all materials can be easily post-processed.

The choice of 3D printing characteristics—printer settings, printing, and use of supports—is very important for the result.

The accuracy of 3D modeling is a professional issue on which a lot will depend. If errors are made in the modeling, the result will also be unimportant. Thus, 3D printing is a complex process that is best left to specialists.
