Could UK small caps offer opportunities for income-seeking investors?

Inflation may have passed its peak, but it continues to eat into our savings pots – even with banks raising their savings rates.

More investors are therefore looking to add dividend-paying investments to their portfolio to provide reliable income and capital growth.

The FTSE 100 has had a strong start to the year and has become the go-to place for income-seeking investors. AJ Bell forecasts it is set to distribute a record £85.8billion to shareholders.

Smaller companies have struggled by comparison, meaning they have largely been overlooked by investors looking for generous dividend payouts.

But lower valuations, paired with greater earnings potential, mean there remains plenty of opportunities in small caps – provided income-seeking investors don’t fall into the dividend trap.

Small caps offer generous dividend yields, but have been overlooked by investors

Low valuations mean small caps are well positioned

Large caps have been a reliable source of dividend income – 88 per cent of all UK dividends come from the FTSE 100 – but investors tend to look on small and mid caps as riskier growth bets.

In the UK, the junior markets are more reflective of the wider economy and tend to be more cyclical, so are more vulnerable to economic slowdowns.

It might, therefore, seem like an odd time to invest in small and mid caps given inflation remains at elevated levels. While the UK might have so far dodged a  recession, the outlook is still volatile.

In times of uncertainty investors become more risk-averse and seek security in larger, more established companies. But Schroders data reveals investing in small caps during recessions has generated superior investment returns.

‘The market tends to sell small companies heading into a recession in favour of more liquid large cap stocks,’ says Luke Biermann, equity fund manager at Schroders. ‘The selling, however, gets overdone.’ 

Once a recession has hit, Biermann says there is a rush of capital back into small caps, meaning investors could be poised to benefit.

There are two main reasons for this: undervaluation and the ability to grow.

Smaller companies tend to have less coverage by analysts which leads to a deficiency of consensus forecasts, and a larger pool of mispriced assets

Much has been made of how unloved and cheap the UK market is. The FTSE 100 is generally considered attractively valued – it is trading on a P/E ratio of 11, against 19.5 for the US S&P 500 – but a period of underperformance for small and mid caps means stockpickers are looking on favourably.

Simon Moon, manager of the Unicorn UK Smaller Companies Fund says: ‘Generally, when compared to large caps, there are a greater number of listed smaller companies. 

‘These tend to have less coverage by analysts which leads to a deficiency of consensus forecasts, and a larger pool of mispriced assets, as such smaller companies provide ample prospects for stock-pickers to unearth undervalued opportunities.’

A volatile economic outlook also means a higher number of insolvencies. Martin Turner, manager of the Diverse Income Trust says ‘the greatest upside potential will lie with quoted smaller companies that can take market share or buy assets.’

He adds the low valuations ‘offer better prospects for capital appreciation given potential for superior income and income growth.’

Aside from valuation, plenty of small and mid caps can pay out a dividend and simultaneously grow earnings.

Moon says this combination ‘is harder to come by in larger companies.’

He adds: ‘This mix of earnings and dividend growth is likely to lead to a greater total returns; a fact which is demonstrated by the significantly stronger longer term returns enjoyed by small caps when compared to large.’

Between 1955 and the end of 2022, the FTSE All Share, which is weighted towards large caps, returned 11.1 per cent, while the Numis Smaller Companies Index returned 14.2 per cent.

‘Having endured a tough year compared to large caps in 2022, smaller companies are well positioned from a relative value perspective,’ says Moon. ‘Small caps tend to overreact against a toughening economic backdrop, as they did in 2022, but the converse is also true, so if the economy fares better than expected in 2023 and beyond we are optimistic for meaningful returns.’

While there might be some opportunity coming out of a recession, investors should be mindful that the FTSE 100 has a more defensive tilt, with exposure to financials, commodities and consumer heavyweights, with a significant portion of revenues generated outside of the UK.

This means it is better positioned in the short to medium term, should inflation remain high and the economy stall.

Beware the dividend trap

When you’re looking at dividend-paying stocks, it is wise to look at the broader picture and not just opt for the one with the highest yield.

Simply going for a stock with the highest yield means you risk falling into the so-called dividend trap.

The first thing you want to consider is whether a company is paying a much higher dividend than its peers. If that’s the case, you’ll want to look under the bonnet and see just how sustainable the yield is, as well as what the company’s total return has been.

Big dividend yields can often be because of a collapsing share price. For example, if a companies share price started off at 200p with a 10p dividend, that’s a 5 per cent yield. If the shares fall to 100p, the 10p dividend is now a 10 per cent yield.

Direct Line Insurance Group is a cautionary tale. The insurer has among the highest dividend yields in the FTSE 250 at 12.99 per cent, according to Morningstar Direct data.

Cautionary tale: Direct Line had to cancel its cash dividend despite offering a high yield

Cautionary tale: Direct Line had to cancel its cash dividend despite offering a high yield

However, in January the group revealed £90million of bad-weather claims following December’s cold snap and it cancelled its cash dividend. Its share price collapsed 23.5 per cent and is currently down 20 per cent year-to-date.

Its total return has been -21.01 per cent year-to-date, and -30.43 per cent over the last year.

For now, Direct Line doesn’t offer a cash yield which is exactly what investors want to avoid when they’re looking for income.

Similarly, banking group Close Brothers currently offers a 6.66 per cent yield, one of the highest in the FTSE 250, but it has returned -7.21 per cent in the past year after its share price fell 13 per cent.

Over five years, its shares have collapsed 33 per cent while returning -4.06 per cent.

There is a lot more to a good income stock than a high yield, and investors should consider other factors.

Laith Khalaf, head of investment analysis at AJ Bell says: ‘Investors should consider the earnings growth prospects of the company in question, as well as its balance sheet, as ultimately these will determine the future stream of dividend payments.’

Investors should also consider the payout ratio, which is how much of the company’s net income is going to dividend payments. A company that is paying out most of what it takes, or indeed more than it takes, will not be able to sustain a dividend for long.

Similarly, if earnings growth is falling but the dividend yield remains high, investors should consider the company’s health.

Laith Khalaf: Investors should blend equity income funds focused on smaller companies with traditional large cap holdings

Laith Khalaf: Investors should blend equity income funds focused on smaller companies with traditional large cap holdings

Where should investors look?

If you’re stuck with where to start looking in the small and mid cap space, there are plenty of UK equity income funds which look for smaller companies.

Khalaf highlights Montanaro UK Income, Chelverton UK Equity Income and Premier Miton UK Multicap Income.

‘Income investors should blend these sort of funds with more traditional large cap holdings, and indeed some international income funds, to produce a well-rounded portfolio with a diversity of dividend streams,’ he says. 

Investors might also want to consider investment trusts – the AIC UK Smaller Companies average dividend yield is 3.23 per cent.

Among the highest yielding is Montanaro UK Smaller Companies at 5.5 per cent, currently trading at a -2.51 per cent discount. It has returned 26.96 per cent over five years.

As for specific stocks, there are plenty of small quoted companies – though inexperienced investors must again beware of the dividend trap. 

Moon highlights commercial flooring manufacturer James Hasted, which has grown its dividend every year since it started paying one in 1977 at a rate of 16 per cent per annum, on a compound basis.

Primary Health Properties REIT has increased its dividend ever year since 1997, and enjoyed a compound annual growth rate of eight per cent.

Mark Chadwick, manager of the SVS Dowgate Wealth UK Small Cap Growth Fund highlights asset manager Pollen Manager, which currently has a yield of 8.5 per cent.

‘The current market cap is £360m and the total dividend is expected to be £30m in 2022 and £32m in 2023. 

‘Assuming the credit portfolio remains stable investors are getting the asset management business – pencilled in to make £19m profit this year – for free along with an 11 per cent dividend for 2023.’
