Could YOU pass your driving theory test? Try these 40 official questions

How long has it been since you took your driving theory test? Try these 40 DVLA questions to see how well you really know the road.

According to analysis, more than 50,000 driving tests a year are taken by learners who have already failed at least five times. 

This comes following news that current driving test waiting times at most test centres – as of February 2023 – are still around six months. 

While cancellations do come up – meaning it might be possible to get a test for around four months time – there is still a huge backlog which was sparked by the coronavirus pandemic.

A theory test costs £23 for cars, so it is important you are confident in answering all of the questions you will be faced with.

Meanwhile, a practical driving tests cost between £62 and £75, depending on when they are taken.

Can you answer these 40 official driving theory questions? Take the test below to find out if you would be able to pass the test (File image)

And the first step for anyone is to apply for a provisional UK driving licence – which will set you back £34. 

The total bill for repeated failures could see you cash out thousands of pounds when you also take into account the rocketing cost of the lessons. 

In December last year, Derbyshire Police released an image of a woman who is suspected of being linked to having sat driving tests for other people.

She was suspected by driving centre staff in Quintin Road, Derby, on November 18, as an impostor. Suspicions were raised by staff when a member realised she might be taking a test on behalf of someone else.

It is believed that she has been linked to ‘similar incidents’ in 12 other counties.

The cops have confirmed that enquiries are still ongoing this year, and would welcome anyone coming forward with any information that could help with their investigation. 

And most recently, the the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) warned drivers that they could face a fine of up to £1,000 if they fail to renew their licence every ten years.

This means those who passed their test before 2014 need to renew next year. 

News of this comes following DVLA staff walk outs in February in protest of stagnating pay and poor working conditions. 

The walkout – which ran from 20 to 25 February – affected the Public and Commercial Service (PCS) union members working on drivers’ medical issues at DVLA’s Swansea headquarters and its Birmingham base. 

Following this, MailOnline asks…can you answer these 40 official driving theory questions?

1. The meaning of the sign illustrated on the right is: 

  • Pay and display parking 
  • No stopping 
  • Parking restricted to permit holders 
  • No Parking  

2. The meaning of the sign illustrated below is:

  • Loose chippings
  • Quarry ahead
  • Falling or fallen rocks
  • Falling snowballs

3. Using the rear view mirror to hang objects on can:

  • Restrict your view
  • Make you a more careful driver
  • Give you a better view
  • Help your concentration

4. An MOT certificate is normally valid for:

  • 10,000 miles
  • 30,000 miles
  • Three years after the date it was issued
  • One year after the date it was issued

5. The meaning of the sign illustrated below is:

  • Motorway closed 
  • End of motorway 
  • Start of motorway 
  • Motorway services

6. What do AMBER studs on the motorway show?

  • The right hand edge of the carriageway 
  • The left hand edge of the carriageway 
  • The separation of the lanes 
  • The slip road off the motorway 

7. The use of the horn in a built-up area is prohibited at what times?

  • Between 8pm and 8am
  • Between dusk and dawn
  • Between dusk and 8am
  • Between 11.30pm and 7am

8. There are no speed limit signs on the road. How is a 30mph limit indicated?

  • By hazard warning lines
  • By street lighting
  • By double yellow lines  
  • By pedestrian islands

9. The meaning of the sign illustrated below is:

  • No through road 
  • Telephone kiosk 
  • Road closed 
  • Car park ahead

10. Once you have passed your Theory and practical tests, your licence is usually valid until you reach?

  • 70 years of age 
  • 65 years of age 
  • 60 years of age 
  • For ever

11. Who has priority at an unmarked crossroads?

  • The faster vehicle
  • The smaller vehicle
  • The larger vehicle
  • No one has priority

12. The meaning of the sign illustrated below is:

  • No parking
  • Minimum speed limit
  • Urban clearway
  • Crossroads

13. The meaning of the sign illustrated on the right is:

  • Give way to traffic on major road
  • Stop
  • Stop and give way
  • Pedestrians crossing

14. The meaning of the sign illustrated below is:

  • Pedestrians in road ahead 
  • Pedestrian crossing 
  • No pedestrians 
  • Accompany all children

15. You are following a vehicle on a wet road. You should leave a gap of at least: 

  • One second
  • Two seconds
  • Three seconds
  • Four seconds

16. On a windy day, how is it safest to overtake a cyclist?

  • Overtake very closely
  • Overtake quickly
  • Sound your horn repeatedly
  • Allow extra room

17. The meaning of the sign illustrated below is:

  • Gated road ahead 
  • Level crossing with gate 
  • Cattle grid with gate 
  • No through road

18. You should use front fog lights ONLY when: 

  • You think its safer
  • Visibility is seriously reduced
  • Daylight is fading
  • Driving after midnight

19. You are at the scene of an accident. Someone is suffering from shock. You should:

  • Tell them to pull themselves together
  • Keep them warm
  • Offer them a warm drink
  • Offer them a cigarette

20. When using an emergency telephone on the motorway should you:

  • Make sure someone else is with you
  • Face the oncoming traffic
  • Keep your back to the traffic
  • Stand on the hard shoulder

21. The meaning of the sign illustrated below is:

  • Cattle 
  • Wild animals 
  • Accompanied animals 
  • Farmhouse ahead

22. Apart from pedestrians, who else should you be aware of at a toucan crossing?

  • Oncoming traffic
  • Buses pulling out
  • Trams crossing in front
  • Cyclists riding across

23. Red routes in major cities have been introduced to:

  • Allow lorries to load more freely
  • Raise the speed limits
  • Help the traffic flow
  • Provide better parking

24. A vehicle with a green flashing light is a:

  • Fire engine 
  • Road maintenance vehicle 
  • Ambulance 
  • Doctor’s car

25. The meaning of the sign illustrated below is:

  • A. Bend in the road
  • B. Give way
  • C. No left turn
  • D. Left turn ahead

26. What is the maximum speed for lorries on a motorway? 

  • 40 mph 
  • 50 mph 
  • 60 mph 
  • 70 mph 

27. You are approaching a bend at speed. You should begin to brake:

  • On the bend 
  • After the bend 
  • After changing gears 
  • Before the bend 

28. You may make a U-turn: 

  • By mounting both pavements carefully
  • In a wide one-way street
  • On a motorway, when it is safe
  • When it is safe on a wide road

 29. The meaning of the sign illustrated below is:

  • Use both lanes
  • No overtaking
  • No motor vehicles
  • Car park

30. How near to a junction can you park?

  • 10 metres (32 feet)
  • Anywhere as long as you are not on road markings
  • 15 metres (49 feet)
  • 20 metres (66 feet)

31. The extreme right-hand lane of a four-lane motorway should be used:

  • If your speed exceeds 60mph
  • Solely for emergency vehicles
  • Solely for cars
  • For overtaking

32. The meaning of the sign illustrated below is: 

  • Hump bridge
  • Uneven road
  • Road subsidence
  • Hills ahead

33. Carrying too much weight in your vehicle could seriously affect the:

  • Tyres
  • Steering
  • Engine Oil level
  • Battery life

34. You are driving along a motorway. A vehicle in front switches on its hazard warning light while it is still moving. What does this mean?

  • There is a police car ahead
  • The vehicle is leaving the motorway
  • The vehicle is changing lanes
  • There is a hazard ahead

35. The meaning of the sign illustrated below is:

  • Uneven road
  • Hump bridge
  • Low bridge
  • Tower Bridge

36. You must take extra care when refuelling with diesel fuel because when spilt it is:

  • Difficult to remove from skin and clothing
  • Odourless
  • Clear
  • Slippery

37. You use ‘kick down’ in a car with automatic transmission for what purpose?

  • Cruise control
  • Quick acceleration
  • Emergency stops
  • Fuel economy

38. The driver in front has not cancelled the right indicator. Should you:

  • Flash your lights to alert the driver 
  • Sound your horn before overtaking 
  • Ignore it and overtake anyway 
  • Stay behind and not overtake 

39. The meaning of the sign illustrated below is: 

  • Temporary Lane Closure
  • Permanent Lane Closure
  • No Overtaking
  • Road works

40. A police officer asks to see your driving documents. You don’t have them with you. You must produce them at the police station within?

  • 5 days
  • 7 days
  • 14 days
  • 21 days


  1.  Parking restricted to permit holders
  2. Falling or fallen rocks
  3. Restrict your view
  4. One year after the date it was issued 
  5. End of motorway
  6. The right hand edge of the carriageway
  7. Between 11.30pm and 7am
  8. By street lighting
  9. No through road 
  10. 70 years of age
  11. No one has priority
  12. Urban clearway
  13. Give way to traffic on major road
  14. Pedestrians in road ahead
  15. Four seconds
  16. Allow extra room 
  17. Level crossing with gate
  18. Visibility is seriously reduced
  19. Keep them warm
  20. Face the oncoming traffic
  21. Cattle
  22. Cyclists riding across
  23. Help the traffic flow
  24. Doctor’s car 
  25. No left turn 
  26. 60 mph  
  27. Before the bend 
  28. When it is safe on a wide road 
  29. No overtaking 
  30. 10 metres (32 feet) 
  31. For overtaking 
  32. Uneven road 
  33. Steering 
  34. There is a hazard ahead 
  35. Hump bridge 
  36. Slippery 
  37. Quick acceleration
  38. Stay behind and not overtake
  39. Temporary Lane Closure 
  40. 7 days 
