County lines drug gang recruited 25 teenagers from London care homes to act as couriers

Social workers and teachers were facing serious questions last night after a county lines gang plucked 25 boys and girls from care homes and units for expelled pupils to sell drugs 70 miles away.

Drug dealers infiltrated at least three care homes and four pupil referral units (PRU) to recruit vulnerable teenagers as young as 14 from under the noses of staff.

No one noticed when the youngsters – who were dubbed ‘perfect couriers’ – disappeared for days after they were sent from London to peddle drugs in Portsmouth, making profits of up to £2,000 per child each day for gangmasters.

The children barely received a penny and were forced into submission through threats to their life or their families.

It was not until 15 of the teenagers from three London boroughs had been arrested for possession of drugs on the South Coast that a children’s worker raised the alarm – sparking Britain’s first county lines police investigation into modern slavery.

Today the three ruthless criminals at the heart of the scandal face jail when they are sentenced at Inner London Crown Court for trafficking six teenagers. 

The astonishing case illustrates how pupils excluded from schools and youngsters in the care system are being exploited by gangs.

Michael Karemera is pictured above. The children barely received a penny and were forced into submission through threats to their life or their families

The National Crime Agency estimates that 10,000 children as young as 11 have been enslaved by 2,000 county lines gangs – named after the mobile phone lines they use to transfer drugs from big cities to the provinces. 

The number of drug-dealing operations has almost tripled from 720 last year to around 2,000, with teenagers aged 15 to 17 making up most members of the gangs in the £500million industry.

Yesterday the Children’s Commissioner Anne Longfield said: ‘These children are too readily able to disappear from view – missed by the system that shouldn’t miss them. They are, in the minds of these drug gangs, the least important, most disposable and replaceable links in the entire criminal chain. Much more needs to be done to ensure our vulnerable children are not missed, are supported, and can’t just vanish from view only to surface in police cells and the courts.’

The five-year investigation into the landmark case began in 2014 when a succession of children aged 14 to 16 from Lewisham, Croydon and Bromley were found wandering the streets of Portsmouth selling crack-cocaine and heroin at all hours.

Drug dealers infiltrated at least three care homes and four pupil referral units (PRU) to recruit vulnerable teenagers as young as 14 from under the noses of staff. A stock photo is used above for illustrative purposes only [File photo]

Drug dealers infiltrated at least three care homes and four pupil referral units (PRU) to recruit vulnerable teenagers as young as 14 from under the noses of staff. A stock photo is used above for illustrative purposes only [File photo]

Initially, the teenagers were treated as criminals and prosecuted. But gradually detectives realised that they were vulnerable victims lured with the promise of earning £600 a day. 

In some instances, the teenagers had only been recruited 48 hours earlier at their PRU before being put on a train to Portsmouth carrying bundles of drugs worth £3,000.

In one case, two 15-year-old boys lured from the same unit worked alongside each other, taking turns to sell drugs and re-stock the line.

Some of the children were threatened with violence if they did not comply. A 15-year-old girl from a PRU was held hostage for two days and told her grandmother would be hurt if she refused to go to Portsmouth. 

Police relied on DNA and phone evidence to show how the crooks used their child army to serve hundreds of drug users demanding crack cocaine and heroin at all hours. A stock photo is used above for illustrative purposes only [File photo]

Police relied on DNA and phone evidence to show how the crooks used their child army to serve hundreds of drug users demanding crack cocaine and heroin at all hours. A stock photo is used above for illustrative purposes only [File photo]

A 19-year-old autistic boy from a hostel was forced to work on Christmas Day delivering drugs for the gang.

When he tried to escape, he was kidnapped, stripped naked and had a gun shoved in his mouth.

Police believe 25 child couriers were made to work for three county lines. They said this was the first investigation to treat children caught selling drugs as victims rather than criminals.

The ringleaders, Dean Alford, Michael Karemera, and Glodi Wabelua, all 25, from Lewisham, boasted about their exploits in drill rap music videos.

The trio were first arrested in September 2014 after police launched a major operation involving at least 250 officers. But it took years to bring them to justice after their trial collapsed due to an incorrect interpretation of the law. 

Scotland Yard took the case to the Court of Appeal and last month the trio were finally convicted at Inner London Crown Court.

Officers believe at least 25 children were enslaved between November 2013 and September 2014. 

But they only took six cases to court involving three girls aged 14, 15 and 16 and three boys aged 15, 16 and 19 because the case would have been too unwieldy to prosecute if they included all of the victims.

Kate Bex, QC, prosecuting, told jurors: ‘You have heard evidence that children make perfect couriers because they do what you want, they are less likely to steal the drugs or money, less likely to be stopped and searched on trains. It is pretty brutal.’

Alford and Karemera admitted human trafficking for exploitation but Wabelua was convicted by the jury. 

Youngsters targeted were too scared to give evidence in the case, and the 19-year-old threatened at gunpoint had to be given a new identity. 

Police relied on DNA and phone evidence to show how the crooks used their child army to serve hundreds of drug users demanding crack cocaine and heroin at all hours.

The trio were first convicted for drug supply in February 2016 but the trafficking element of the case was tried separately. 

Alford was sentenced to 11 years and Karemera to 10 years for the drug charges alone. Wabelua received a sentence of six years and eight months.

But today they will get additional sentences for people trafficking. Acting Detective Inspector Simon French said: ‘It was a landmark case. We approached the young people as victims.’

They were promised an easy life of riches, earning £600 a day.

But the reality for the vulnerable children targeted by the gang was much grimmer. 

Here, we look at the cases of four of those recruited by Dean Alford, Michael Karemera and Glodi Wabelua. 

Handed a knife and told to start selling crack 

A girl of 14 from Croydon, officially deemed a ‘child in need’, was recruited through a pupil referral unit (PRU) in South London by a 15-year-old working for the gang. 

She was told she would earn £600 a day selling drugs and spend most of her time shopping.

But after agreeing to work for the gang, she was held against her will in a flat in Croydon for two nights, where police believe she was plied with drugs and may have been sexually assaulted.

After being released from the flat, she was given a disposable ‘burner’ phone and sent to Portsmouth by train with a quantity of drugs. On arrival, she was met by a girl who gave her a knife and instructed to start selling crack cocaine and heroin. She was arrested in Portsmouth and later convicted of possession of class A drugs and given a 12-month referral order.

She has left her troubled upbringing behind and is now working in retail. 

Dealt drugs after threats to her grandmother 

A girl of 15 from Bromley, who was in a PRU, was approached by a man who suggested they go for a meal.

But as she entered the car another man got in. Frightened, she started screaming but was warned to be quiet or her grandmother, with whom she lived, would be hurt. The men said someone was with her grandmother and could easily ‘get at her’.

They drove her to a block of flats in Portsmouth where she was forced to stay with five drug users.

The next day she was sent out to start selling drugs until she was arrested dealing crack cocaine and heroin.

Later, she revealed that the reason she could not run off while she was out selling drugs was because she feared for the safety of her grandmother.

The frightened schoolgirl also said she had no idea where she was. 

A girl of 15 from Bromley, who was in a PRU, was approached by a man who suggested they go for a meal. A stock photo is used above for illustrative purposes only and the girl described is not the model pictured above [File photo]

A girl of 15 from Bromley, who was in a PRU, was approached by a man who suggested they go for a meal. A stock photo is used above for illustrative purposes only and the girl described is not the model pictured above [File photo]

Hounded by gangster, hid crack cocaine in his underwear 

A boy of 16 from Lewisham who went to a PRU in South London was dispatched to Portsmouth within 24 hours of meeting Wabelua.

He made three journeys to the coastal city over five days, receiving more than 200 calls from the gangster, mostly in the middle of the night.

He was eventually arrested with another 16-year-old boy from Lewisham. The pair were caught a second time days later in a car with Wabelua and three other men.

Both boys had around 100 rocks of crack cocaine hidden in their underpants. 

Wabelua claimed they were being paid £500 a week, plus expenses, but it is unclear whether the children received anything. 

A boy of 16 from Lewisham who went to a PRU in South London was dispatched to Portsmouth within 24 hours of meeting Wabelua. A stock photo is used above for illustrative purposes only and the boy described is not the model pictured above [File photo]

A boy of 16 from Lewisham who went to a PRU in South London was dispatched to Portsmouth within 24 hours of meeting Wabelua. A stock photo is used above for illustrative purposes only and the boy described is not the model pictured above [File photo]

So naive she led police officers to drug dealer’s stash 

A girl of 15 from Croydon who was living in a care home was arrested in Portsmouth outside the home of a drug dealer eight days after going missing. 

She was so naive that she took police to the flat where officers found the dealer’s drugs.

The girl was convicted of possession of drugs with intent to supply, but has never reoffended and now has a job in retail.

A girl of 15 from Croydon who was living in a care home was arrested in Portsmouth outside the home of a drug dealer eight days after going missing. A stock photo is used above for illustrative purposes only and the girl described is not the model pictured above [File photo]

A girl of 15 from Croydon who was living in a care home was arrested in Portsmouth outside the home of a drug dealer eight days after going missing. A stock photo is used above for illustrative purposes only and the girl described is not the model pictured above [File photo]

Gangsters in the UK outnumber Army soldiers by TWO TO ONE, National Crime Agency boss reveals as she calls for billions in extra funding

There are more than twice as many offenders linked to serious and organised crime in Britain than there are soldiers in the Army, a shock report has warned.

The National Crime Agency wants billions more pounds invested in order to keep up with the ‘chronic and corrosive’ problem, which it labelled the ‘deadliest threat to the nation’.

NCA Director Lynne Owens warned that the public would pay the price if funding is not boosted by £2.7billion over the next three years.

There are an estimated 180,000 offenders linked to serious and organised crime, the NCA says. This is more than double the 79,000 regular soldiers serving in the Army. A stock photo is used above for illustrative purposes only [File photo]

There are an estimated 180,000 offenders linked to serious and organised crime, the NCA says. This is more than double the 79,000 regular soldiers serving in the Army. A stock photo is used above for illustrative purposes only [File photo]

She said the cost to the UK economy of serious and organised crime was at least £37billion a year – equivalent to almost £2,000 per family – and the figure rises every year. It kills more people each year than terrorism, war and natural disasters, she added.

‘Enhancing our capabilities is critical to our national security,’ Mrs Owens warned. ‘If we don’t, the whole of UK law enforcement, and therefore the public, will feel the consequences. Some will say we cannot afford to provide more investment, but I say we cannot afford not to.’

A report into the staggering scale of crime in the UK, published today, reveals: 

  • Reports of online child sexual abuse and exploitation have increased by 700 per cent since 2013; 
  • There was a 294 per cent rise in cocaine seizures at the UK border in the first quarter of 2018 compared to the previous year; 
  • Reports of possible victims of modern slavery have increased by more than 80 per cent since 2016;
  • Fraud losses soared by 32 per cent between just April and September last year, with an estimated overall cost of £190billion;
  • Children and young people are increasingly being sucked in, and some are running their own crime empires;
  • Bent accountants, solicitors and other ‘professional enablers’ are increasingly using their expertise to facilitate crimes.

‘Use boxing to keep youths out of crime’

Boxing and martial arts should be harnessed to help fight knife crime and gang violence, a report has recommended.

The Commons digital, culture, media and sport committee said sporting and cultural activities were being overlooked by ministers in favour of arresting and imprisoning young people.

Taking part in activities could also be key to solving social problems in health, education and urban regeneration, it said.

The report recommended that sport and culture should be ‘better integrated within the work and policy objectives’ of Government departments.

The committee concluded that the benefits of sporting and cultural participation were undisputed, but the Government does not do enough to use them in its own policy objectives.

The report highlighted boxing and martial arts programmes as a way of reaching the young.

Damian Collins, the committee’s chairman, said: ‘We cannot break the debilitating cycle of gang violence and knife crime just by arresting those who commit offences.’

There are an estimated 180,000 offenders linked to serious and organised crime, the NCA says. This is more than double the 79,000 regular soldiers serving in the Army.

And the estimate was described as ‘conservative’ because it only takes into account ‘active’ members of organised crime gangs, believed to be around 37,000, and the worst online paedophiles. 

There are estimated to be a staggering 144,000 British paedophiles registered on the most extreme abuse websites on the ‘dark web’.

The NCA’s annual threat assessment says the agency needs a cash boost of £650million a year to spearhead the fight against crime.

Mrs Owens said: ‘The choice is stark. Failing to invest will result in the gradual erosion of our capabilities and our ability to protect the public.’

The NCA report said that the ‘traditional idea of organised crime groups is becoming old-fashioned’.

It said that hierarchies are changing, with leadership increasingly fragmented, and now more likely to be run by youngsters relying on technology. But it warned they are still capable of ’employing extreme violence’.

Mrs Owens said: ‘Serious and organised crime is chronic and corrosive, its scale is truly staggering. We need significant further investment to keep pace with the scale and complexity.

‘These groups are preying on the most vulnerable in society, including young children and the elderly.’