Couple forced to live apart after family tragedy reunited

A couple who held their same-sex marriage in the United Kingdom because there was no option to marry in Australia, were forced apart by tragedy then reunited in a touching way. 

Lisa Harris and Hayley Angell originally met in Australia and later moved together to the UK. In 2014, the pair were engaged in Paris, and in 2015 they walked down the aisle.

While a wedding in Australia would have been preferable, Hayley said this wasn’t an option at the time because of Australia’s laws on same sex marriage.

‘It was quite difficult knowing that my parents wouldn’t be able to come to the wedding,’ she told FEMAIL.


Lisa Harris (pictured left) and Hayley Angell (pictured right) have been managing their relationship long-distance since Valentine’s Day

The pair have been managing their relationship between their home in Glasgow and Australia after the tragic news Hayley’s father’s tongue cancer had become terminal.

The shocking news forced Lisa and Hayley to separate just after Valentine’s Day, and not long after Hayley’s dad died. Since then Hayley has been living in Australia, taking care of her mum who suffers Muscular Dystrophy.

‘It has been difficult being here in Australia during the whole same-sex marriage debate as well as dealing with the emotional challenge of being away.

‘Being dragged through the arguments and negativity of same-sex marriage has been hard to take.

‘To have my marriage degraded or ranked as lesser while being separated has been difficult at times,’ she said.

Though the couple resolved to stay together, distance was was taking it’s toll, which prompted Lisa, a police officer, to write to British Airways BA Magic campaign and share their story.

Hayley lost her father to cancer shortly after she returned to Australia and has been supporting her mum Debbie (pictured centre) in Australia since

Hayley lost her father to cancer shortly after she returned to Australia and has been supporting her mum Debbie (pictured centre) in Australia since

Working with Lisa, Debbie (Hayley’s mum) and her boss Adam, the BA Magic team planned the surprise of a lifetime.

Speaking to FEMAIL, Hayley revealed she was beyond words after finding she would be travelling to London business class, with her mother, to see her wife, Lisa.

‘It all happened so fast and was like a dream and a fairy tale. One day I was at a conference, the next I was in a British Airways business class seat on my way to London to be reunited with my wife!’ said Hayley.

Hayley described the moment she found out she would be travelling to London to see Lisa as 'a dream come true'

Hayley described the moment she found out she would be travelling to London to see Lisa as ‘a dream come true’

‘In hindsight there were a few things that were a little strange like mum wanted to buy a new pair of slippers and it’s coming up to an Aussie summer.

The trip of a lifetime saw Hayley and her mum ‘given the royal treatment’ all the way to London, with flight attendants going above and beyond to make sure Debbie, whose movement is limited due to her condition, was as comfortable as possible. 

‘I just kept thinking “Who does this happen to?”, Hayley said of the experience. 

Hayley was surprised with the gift at a conference after Lisa wrote to the BA Magic campaign explaining their situation

Hayley was surprised with the gift at a conference after Lisa wrote to the BA Magic campaign explaining their situation

‘You hear these sorts of stories and you don’t even imagine you will know the people let alone your the one in it.’

‘The biggest thing was coming to terms with all of this was possibly happening to me.’

Lisa greeted Hayley and Debbie at the airport with their dog Hettie before the trio set about sightseeing in the capital.

Lisa greeted Hayley and Debbie at the airport with their dog Hettie

Lisa greeted Hayley and Debbie at the airport with their dog Hettie

‘I barely slept a wink the night before they arrived and Hettie and I were at the airport bright and early waiting for the flight. It was so wonderful to see them both appear through arrivals and we had the most amazing time seeing friends and family,’ said Lisa.

The two week adventure saw Debbie and Hayley travel to Darbyshire for 9 days – Lisa’s hometown and where the couple had married in 2015, and then on to London for five fun-filled days.

While the trio took in all the sights, Lisa had planned an extra special surprise for Hayley for her birthday which had been just before she traveled.

The two-week adventure included a trip to Darbyshire where Lisa and Debbie were married in 2015

The two-week adventure included a trip to Darbyshire where Lisa and Debbie were married in 2015

The trio took in all the sights London had to offer, capturing new memories along the way

The trio took in all the sights London had to offer, capturing new memories along the way

No trip to the British capital would be complete without a spot of high tea 

No trip to the British capital would be complete without a spot of high tea 

‘When we were living in London I had always wanted to see the show The Book of Mormon on the West End.

‘We could never get tickets, and when they were available they were hundreds of pounds. 

‘My actual birthday present from Lisa was tickets to see the Book of Mormon which was genius and so brilliant.’ 

Lisa and Hayley made the most of their time together since tragedy forced them apart

Lisa and Hayley made the most of their time together since tragedy forced them apart

Apart from being reunited with her wife Lisa, Hayley said the most special part of her trip was being able to share the adventure with her mum. 

‘She’d never been on a long-haul flight before and it would have been Dad’s dream to take her on holiday like this.

‘It has awakened so many possibilities within her. This is just the beginning of a new chapter and I know there are many adventures in store for her yet.’ 

Apart from being reunited with her wife Lisa, Hayley said the most special part of her trip was being able to share the adventure with her mum

Apart from being reunited with her wife Lisa, Hayley said the most special part of her trip was being able to share the adventure with her mum

Carolina Martinoli, British Airways’ director of brand and customer experience, said: ‘As soon as we read Lisa’s email, we wanted to help. They’ve all had an incredibly tough time and it was in our gift to make a big difference. 

‘It looks like they’ve had an amazing trip to London and we were delighted to hear that it has opened up a world of travel for Debbie again and shortened the distance between Lisa and Hayley seeing each other next. It’s lovely that we’ve been able to help them create some incredible memories and we wish them all the very best for the future.’ 

The airline has requested that other customers who have booked a trip with them to email their stories in, in the hope of making their trip a little bit more magical.

Hayley said the couple would most likely look to reuniting permanently in the United Kingdom next year.