Couple gave up the daily grind and now travel around Europe in a van

A couple with two children have told how they quit their jobs and rented out the family home so they travel around Europe in a transit van.

Rachel Bradbury, 33, and Ali Gordon, 28, set off with their children four-year-old Lily and two-year-old Archer last December and have since visited Portugal, Spain, France and Italy.

The family, from Chilcompton in Somerset, got bored of the daily grind and decided to rent out their three-bedroom £225,000 Victorian terrace home to fund their open-ended journey.

Rachel Bradbury and her children Archer and Lily Gordon in Rome after they gave up living in England and travel around Europe on the money they make from renting out their home

The family turned a Mercedes Sprinter van into a mobile home and now travel around Europe

The family turned a Mercedes Sprinter van into a mobile home and now travel around Europe

Mr Gordon with his daughter in Rome. The couple say they will home school their children until they get tired of life on the road

Mr Gordon with his daughter in Rome. The couple say they will home school their children until they get tired of life on the road

Ms Bradbury, a former daycare manager, said: ‘It all started when we wanted a van so that we could go on cheap holidays, then before we knew it the whole thing snowballed.

‘We had normal jobs in a normal village. We bought a house and renovated it and bought all this cool stuff.

‘But when we got to the end of it all the excitement had gone. We thought that could be it for a really long time and then we thought while the kids are young we could probably get away with the travelling.’

They originally bought their £13,000 Mercedes Sprinter for holidays, but then realised they could rent out their home and live in the van full-time. 

Ms Bradbury said: ‘One sunny day last June, we just thought let’s go to the beach and never come back.

‘It was a bit crazy, but it worked, we just built the van on the road and we rented the house out to the neighbours.

‘We would drive to a national park for the day and I would take the kids out while Ali built the van up.’

Dinner time in the van, which is fitted out with a hob, sink, toilet and insulation

Dinner time in the van, which is fitted out with a hob, sink, toilet and insulation

Lily in her morning bath. The family fell in love with life on the road and chose to do it full time

Lily in her morning bath. The family fell in love with life on the road and chose to do it full time

The couple now live out of the back of the van and in cheap accommodation they can find

The couple now live out of the back of the van and in cheap accommodation they can find

They gave up a combined annual income of £60,000 and now live on the £700-a-month they make from renting out their home, as well as they as money they can make from odd jobs. 

He lined the inside with insulation and wood and fitted it with a gas hob, sink, toilet, storage cabinets, lighting and beds for all four of them.

After kitting out the van, but becoming sick of the British weather, they decided to take the vehicle to the continent, and set off for Sagres in Portugal.

The mother-of-two added: ‘We were all so excited just to be able to have the van doors open. We knew it would be amazing, but it was even better than we had ever imagined.’

After exploring the south of Portugal for four months, Rachel and Ali travelled with their children and new dog Luna to the north of Spain then on to the south of France before reaching Rome, where they are currently based.

Ms Bradbury at the Colosseum. The family have not looked back since buying the van

Ms Bradbury at the Colosseum. The family have not looked back since buying the van

After getting sick of the English weather, they drove to Portugal, where the van is pictured

After getting sick of the English weather, they drove to Portugal, where the van is pictured

Despite getting regular income from their rented house in Somerset, Rachel admits that the money only covers their fuel and food so she will sometimes take part in a ‘workaway’ scheme in return for bed and board, saving them some money for activities.

The children are not yet school age but the couple plan to home school them so they can carry on their trips abroad.

Ms Bradbury said: ‘We were quite scared of the home schooling as we both come from traditional families and went through school.

‘We were apprehensive but we love it now. Lily had the choice in the UK to go to nursery and she went but she didn’t like it.

‘It works so well. I didn’t want to put the full pressure on her. She taught herself to swim and is really good at letters and numbers. Lily just picks things up so I am hoping she really catches on to the languages.’

Mr Gordon spend just over £2,500 turning the Mercedes van into a family home

Mr Gordon spend just over £2,500 turning the Mercedes van into a family home

They say having to live together, with a dog, in such a small space and brought them closer together as a family

They say having to live together, with a dog, in such a small space and brought them closer together as a family

She added: ‘If they ever turned around and told us they wanted to go to school there is no way I would stop them. But for now, what we are doing is working. We will travel for as long as we can or until the kids are fed up. 

‘Although all four of us living in a van with a dog can get a bit tense at times but I think it has helped us.

‘We talk through arguments and we have learnt a lot about each other, so it still works in that way.’

The family’s monthly spend when living at home in the UK 

House costs – (mortgage, utilities, council tax, insurances etc) – £1,250

Costs of running cars & motorbike – (MOT, tax, insurance, fuel etc) – £430.00

Food – £600

Other basic essentials (including kids clothes, toys, home and car maintenance – mower repair, oil for car, new washing machine etc) – £400

Eating out, days out and travel – £400

TOTAL = £3,080 

The family’s monthly spend now they are living on the road 

Van insurance and maintenance costs – £65

Diesel – £240

Food and shopping – £325  

Gas bottle – £20.00

Washing clothes – £20.00

Pay-as-you-go internet SIM – £15.00

Home school supplies – £10.00

Days out – £40.00

TOTAL = £735