Cover your eyes Jamie! Bernard Matthews hints at the return of Turkey Twizzlers

Cover your eyes Jamie! Bernard Matthews hints at the return of Turkey Twizzlers… famously LOATHED by TV chef

  • Turkey Twizzlers could return 15 years after Jamie Oliver’s anti-junk food drive
  • The TV chef convinced schools to drop them and switch to healthier dinners 
  • But food manufacturer Bernard Matthews promises ‘comeback of the century’

Food manufacturer Bernard Matthews has hinted at the comeback of Turkey Twizzlers.  

The news may come as a blow to TV chef Jamie Oliver who campaigned for them to be dropped from school menus for healthier lunches instead.

He hit out at the spiral snack, which had only 34 per cent turkey in them at the time, in his Channel 4 series Jamie’s School Dinners.

Food manufacturer Bernard Matthews has hinted at the comeback of Turkey Twizzlers, pictured above

He said at the time, referencing their 30 per cent turkey content: ‘The prospect of what else is in them isn’t particularly good’. 

School students staged protests against Jamie Oliver at the time as he convinced schools to switch to healthier dinners.  

But almost 30,000 people signed a petition in 2018 to re-introduce twizzlers. 

The news may come as a blow to TV chef Jamie Oliver who campaigned for them to be dropped from school menus for healthier lunches instead

The news may come as a blow to TV chef Jamie Oliver who campaigned for them to be dropped from school menus for healthier lunches instead

Kirsty Rogers started the petition on, writing: ‘I used to live of turkey twizzlers used to make sure my mum stocked up lol. 

‘But to think my kids will never experience the taste of them makes me want to get this petition as far as possible’.

In a video posted on their Facebook account, Bernard Matthews references the petitions to bring back twizzlers and promised ‘the comeback of the century you have all been waiting for’.

Almost 30,000 people signed a petition in 2018 to re-introduce Turkey Twizzlers, with the iconic packaging seen above

Almost 30,000 people signed a petition in 2018 to re-introduce Turkey Twizzlers, with the iconic packaging seen above