Cranbrook: How a female teacher was extorted for nude photos at one of Australia’s most prestigious schools – as ‘toxic’ boys’ club culture is laid bare

A female teacher at one of Australia’s most prestigious schools was the victim of an attempted blackmail attempt by a male student who demanded she send him nude photos.

Jasmin Hyde, who taught maths at Cranbrook in Sydney’s exclusive Eastern Suburbs, was subject of a blackmail attempt by a student in June 2020.

It is one of several allegations of a toxic culture within the elite school made in a Four Corners documentary which aired on Monday evening, with other female teachers allegedly subjected to wolf-whistling and catcalls.

The pupil threatened to accuse Ms Hyde of sexually abusing him if she did not send him nude pictures.

The boy was eventually suspended and chose to leave the $46,000-a-year school.

He wrote Ms Hyde an apologetic letter saying he was ashamed and devastated by his behaviour. 

Jasmin Hyde (pictured), who taught maths at Cranbrook in Sydney’s exclusive Eastern Suburbs, was subject of a blackmail attempt by a student in June 2020

It is one of several allegations of a toxic culture within Cranbrook made in a Four Corners documentary which aired on Monday evening, with other female teachers allegedly subjected to wolf-whistling and catcalls.

It is one of several allegations of a toxic culture within Cranbrook made in a Four Corners documentary which aired on Monday evening, with other female teachers allegedly subjected to wolf-whistling and catcalls.

‘I have caused so much hurt and disappointment to you, my teachers and the wider school community, my friends and my family,’ the student wrote. 

But Ms Hyde was most disappointed in the school’s response and took her complaint to the Australian Human Rights Commission.

‘In my experience, Cranbrook did not have a safe, inclusive and supportive culture for me and its female teaching staff,’ she told the commission in October 2023.

‘That must change. It must change for my sake, and it must change for the sake of your current and future teaching staff, and the many young girls who are about to embark on their studies at Cranbrook.’

After the sextortion attempt, Ms Hyde said she was taken to a café to discuss her concerns with the headmaster and his deputy.

But she was taken aback when the deputy allegedly suggested it was no surprise she received attention from the boys given she was good-looking.

‘Justifying sexual harassment empowers future abuse,’ Ms Hyde wrote to the commission.

‘This is the standard that Cranbrook management condones, the tone from the top – that young, attractive women at your school should not only expect but tolerate sexual harassment.

‘I wonder how the parents of your future female students would feel about this.’

Cranbrook said in a statement that the deputy never intended to offend and ‘is sorry if [he] has done so’.

The Australian Human Rights Commission upheld Ms Hyde’s complaints about sexual discrimination.

Alumni of Cranbrook include tech billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes, two generations of the Packer media and gaming dynasty, Kerry and James, along with a string of illustrious business high-flyers, politicians, academics and media and sports stars. 

ABC investigative journalist Louise Milligan revealed seven legal threats were made ahead of her expose on Cranbrook School on Monday evening.

Daily Mail Australia approached Cranbrook for comment.  

ABC investigative journalist Louise Milligan has revealed seven legal threats have been made ahead of her expose on Cranbrook School

ABC investigative journalist Louise Milligan has revealed seven legal threats have been made ahead of her expose on Cranbrook School

Milligan tweeted earlier on Monday that she knew of multiple legal threats already made in relation to the segment on the elite private school in Sydney's eastern suburbs

Milligan tweeted earlier on Monday that she knew of multiple legal threats already made in relation to the segment on the elite private school in Sydney’s eastern suburbs 
