Creepy video shows AI-made faces of ‘fake’ celebrities

They may look like they came straight from the cover of a magazine, but these images show ‘famous’ people who don’t actually exist. 

Scientists have combined a pair of artificial intelligence systems to generate photo-realistic faces of fake celebrities. 

In an eerie video showing the process, faces can be seen shifting and warping as the networks gradually tweak each feature over the course of 20 days.

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The system, developed by researchers at US microchip maker Nvidia, used a new type of algorithm called a a generative adversarial network (GAN). 

Artificial neural networks are systems designed to think like the human brain, and in a GAN two of the networks are pitted against one another.

Nvidia trained its software using images from CelebA-HQ’s database of photos of famous people.

One AI, the ‘generative network’, then created a low-resolution image based on this large dataset.

The other, the ‘discriminator network’ then assessed the work of the first by comparing them to real world images.

The two created sharper and more realistic faces by competing against one another.

The system, developed by researchers at US microchip maker Nvidia, uses a new type of algorithm called a generative adversarial network (GAN).

Artificial neural networks are systems designed to think like the human brain, and in a GAN, two of the networks are pitted against one another.

One network is tasked with generating something, like an image or audio pattern, while the other plays an adversarial role by challenging the results of the first.

The idea is that the two create sharper results by competing against one another.

Nvidia, based in Santa Clara, California, trained its software using images from the publicly available CelebFaces Attributes (CelebA)-HQ database of photos of famous people.

The ‘generative network’ of the two would then create a low-resolution image based on this large dataset.

The artificially intelligent software used a database of photos of famous people to create hundreds of realistic faces of people who don’t exist. Pictured are some of the faces generated by the two networks

Microchip maker Nvidia trained its software using images from the publicly available CelebFaces Attributes  database of photos of famous people. Pictured are the faces created by the system (top line) above their nearest neighbours from the training data (bottom line)

Microchip maker Nvidia trained its software using images from the publicly available CelebFaces Attributes database of photos of famous people. Pictured are the faces created by the system (top line) above their nearest neighbours from the training data (bottom line)

The ‘discriminator’ network would then assess the work of the first by comparing them to the real-world images.

As the system improved the researchers added new layers that looked at higher-resolution details until the GAN ended up with photo-realistic images.

‘The key idea is to grow both the generator and discriminator progressively, starting from low-resolution images, and add new layers that deal with higher resolution details as the training progresses,’ the researchers, led by Dr Tero Karras, wrote in their research paper, published in arXiv.

‘This both speeds the training up and greatly stabilises it, allowing us to produce images of unprecedented quality.’ 

Since the CelebA training dataset varied in resolution and visual quality, the researchers first generated a higher-quality version of the images. Their dataset consisted of 30,000 images, each at 1024 x 1024 resolution. Pictured left to right is the process of improving image quality

Since the CelebA training dataset varied in resolution and visual quality, the researchers first generated a higher-quality version of the images. Their dataset consisted of 30,000 images, each at 1024 x 1024 resolution. Pictured left to right is the process of improving image quality

The system used two networks. A 'generative network'  created a low-resolution image based on the large data-set of real celebrity faces. A 'discriminator' network then assessed the work of the first by comparing them to the real-world images. Pictured are the results

The system used two networks. A ‘generative network’ created a low-resolution image based on the large data-set of real celebrity faces. A ‘discriminator’ network then assessed the work of the first by comparing them to the real-world images. Pictured are the results

Since the (CelebA) training dataset varied in resolution and visual quality, the researchers first generated a higher-quality version of the images.

Their HD dataset consisted of 30,000 images, each at 1024 x 1024 resolution.

The team trained the two networks for 20 days until they deemed there were no more qualitative between the results of each AI.

The same method was also used to generate realistic images of ‘fake’ objects and scenery.