Cricket Vs Football which one is the Most Popular Sports?

If someone asked, what your favorite sport is, then maybe eighty percent of people would answer cricket or football. These are undoubtedly the two most popular sports for us today. But which of these is ahead?

If you want to compare between two sports, you have to look at several things. So let’s get started.

Actually Cricket and football both are popular sports in the world.

However, some of the biggest countries in the world play this sport. Overall, with about 2 to 3 billion fans, cricket has the 2nd highest number of fans in the world. On the other hand, we have Football or Soccer is played by 250 million players in over 200 countries, making it the world’s most popular sport. So, consider to this number we can say cricket is popular sport but football is most popular in the world.

The cricket is called the royal sport. It has been named mainly because of the elite equipment compared to other sports. And compared to other sports, this game requires a lot of equipments. So the cost is much higher.

Bat and ball are the most important equipment. The Players used heavyweight and lightweight cricket bat both consider to personal demand.

On the other hand, the equipment and cost of football is less than that of cricket. If there is a football, some people can go down to the field with it. The cost of playing a match at an international level is much lower in football than in cricket.

Cricket is basically a long-term game. Football, on the other hand, is a short-lived, exciting sport. In this game of ninety minutes, every moment from the beginning to the end is full of excitement. The color of the game changes every moment.

Football is an all-season sport again. The sun, the storm, the rain, the cold, the heat, nothing can stop this game. The game can be organized at any time of the year. Optimal for football throughout the year. On the other hand, cricket is played only when it rains a little.

In cricket, the focus is always on just one person. Any batsman, bowler or fielder. As a result, in cricket, others go off the screen. But in football the focus is on the ball. And every moment that ball goes from one to the other. As a result the whole game and all the players get a place on the screen. The spectators also watched the whole game.

Again, one of the most important things in football is commentary. Just as the color of the game changes from moment to moment, so does the commentary change. When the extreme excitement spreads in the game, that excitement spreads in the same way in the voice of the commentator. The goal moments became more exciting in the words of the commentator.

In cricket, on the other hand, commentary is very exciting and boring. There is nothing here but a description of playing in the same rhythm all the time.

Football matches are almost always unpredictable until the last minute. Because goals can be scored at any moment, and that changes the whole look of the game.

On the other hand, the excitement in cricket is much less than in cricket. Most of the time cricket is predictable. After some time has elapsed it is usually possible to predict what the outcome will be.