Customer finds a Chinese restaurant with food, dirty plates, and bowls left out on tables overnight

Shocked customer is disgusted to find a Chinese restaurant with food, dirty plates and bowls left out on tables overnight

  • Food blogger has posted a picture of meals left out overnight at a restaurant 
  • Poppy Reid posted the pictures to the Sydney Food Bloggers Facebook page 
  • Other foodies’ were shocked at the half eaten meals and used tissues left out 
  • The restaurant has said the incident is not normal and they are retraining staff  

A shocked food blogger has snapped a picture of half eaten meals with dirty plates and bowls left out overnight at a Chinese restaurant.

She posted the picture to the Sydney Food Bloggers Facebook group on Friday.

She was walking through the Sydney suburb of Ultimo when she saw dirty plates, bowls and cutlery left on a table at Chuan Town restaurant.

The pictures were posted to the Sydney Food Bloggers Facebook group on Friday 

Bowls and plates half filled with food and dirty tissues can be seen strewn over two different tables at the restaurant.

‘Whoa this is not okay. It’s 7am and the food from last night has been left out at this restaurant,’ Ms Reid posted. 

‘This is not the first time I’ve walked passed in the morning to see this. This is Chuan Town on Broadway in Ultimo.’ 

One of Chuan Town’s owners, Jack Wong, told Daily Mail Australia that the incident was not normal for the restaurant. 

‘I left early last night. The staff must have had a late night and the tables near the window were missed,’ Mr Wong said.  

‘They would have been cleared first thing when staff arrived in the morning’. 

‘I will talk to the staff today and retrain them about how we should do things’. 

Sydney Food Bloggers is a popular page for foodies to post about restaurant in the city

Sydney Food Bloggers is a popular page for foodies to post about restaurant in the city  

The restaurant’s accountant Cindy Han echoed the statements saying the restaurant was revising procedures. 

‘The restaurant was open late last night. All the staff were busy at the back with cleaning the kitchen, dishes and preparation. They forgot about the last tables and tried to finish up the cleaning so that they were able to catch up the last train or bus,’ she said.

‘The manager is responsible for making the staff aware of this issue and proper staff training. A change in the procedure manual is under way.’