Cystic fibrosis sufferer didn’t tell family he was dying

Jaime Green has labelled her son Ben a ‘hero’ after his death from cystic fibrosis

A cystic fibrosis sufferer who refused to let his family know he was dying in a bid to protect their feelings has been labelled a ‘hero’ by his grieving mother. 

Ben Green, 21, had fought a life-long battle against cystic fibrosis before falling seriously ill earlier this month – but did not want to his parents to see him on his deathbed.

When medical staff warned him that he was coming to the end of his life, Ben asked them not to tell his parents how seriously ill he was.

He died at the Bristol Royal Infirmary on November 11 leaving behind heartbroken mother, Jaime, 46, and father, Phil, 43.

Jaime had been a full-time carer for Ben.

She only found out after his death that he had asked staff not to disclose the seriousness of his condition.

Mrs Green, from Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, said: ‘To not say anything about what was happening to him…he was just a hero.

‘He just wanted to protect me. I wish I had known because I could have done so much more.

‘He suffered in silence, he didn’t want anyone to know.’

The 21-year-old leaves behind heartbroken mother, Jaime, 46, and father, Phil, 43 (pictured together)

The 21-year-old leaves behind heartbroken mother, Jaime, 46, and father, Phil, 43 (pictured together)

Adding to the heartbreak, she discovered that Ben had posted on social media before his death saying that he had never been so scared.

She added: ‘He has left such a hole in everyone’s heart. I’m struggling, it’s so raw, I’m a lost soul at the moment.

‘You couldn’t ask for a better son. He was absolutely incredible – so loving, so caring. He could be so poorly but would worry about everyone else.

‘He didn’t want to be wrapped in cotton wool. If I tried to talk to him about certain things, he would say ‘Don’t be so deep mum’.

‘He was always about everyone else. If he did go out, he would give £10 to a tramp, that sort of thing.’

Jaime and Phil said they felt they would never meet a stronger person in their lives.

The couple are now trying to console Ben’s five sisters and four brothers after his death.

The siblings are aged three to 22 and seven of them still live in the family home.

Jaime had been a full-time carer for Ben. The parents now trying to console Ben's five sisters and four brothers after his deat

Jaime had been a full-time carer for Ben. The parents now trying to console Ben’s five sisters and four brothers after his deat

They will be among hundreds of people expected to attend Ben’s funeral in St Mark’s Church, at 1.30pm on November 29.

All are welcome to attend it, before a private burial at Cheltenham Cemetery.

Jaime plans to have his coffin carried to the church in a VW camper van, saying it will be ‘like he will be going on a holiday’ and adding that he would not have had wanted to be carried in a traditional black hearse.

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic condition that affects more than 10,400 people in the UK.

People with cystic fibrosis experience a build-up of thick sticky mucus in the lungs that affects their digestive system and other organs, causing a wide range of challenging symptoms affecting the entire body.