Fifty years ago today, thousands of Soviet tanks rolled across the Czechoslovakia border just before midnight.
They had been sent by the Kremlin to crush the burgeoning democratic reform movement, known as the ‘Prague Spring’ and led by newly elected Communist Party leader Alexander Dubček who promised to bring the nation individual rights and loosen state control.
But by the following morning, 50 people had been killed and the central European country was occupied by 200,000 Soviet soldiers who would brutally ensure its citizens followed the totalitarian regime: its aspirations for democracy warded off for another 20 years.
Fifty years on, Czechs and Slovaks will remember the legacy of the ‘Prague Spring’ and honour an anniversary which parallels similarities to the situation today.
Thousands of Soviet tanks rolled across the Czechoslovakia border just before midnight on the night of August 20, 1968 (left). By the following morning, the central European country would wake up to an occupation by 200,000 Soviet soldiers. In 2018 luxury Western cars drive in downtown Prague (right)
Around 50 Czechs and Slovaks were killed on that first day alone, as protesters threw burning torches and shouted insults at the troops, such as ‘Gestapo’, or ‘Long live Dubcek’, in an attempt to stop Soviet tanks (left). The total number of victims of the Soviet occupation is 402, according to historians. Pictured: Downtown Prague in 2018 shows a sports car driving past a restaurant (right)

Fifty years on, Czechs and Slovaks will remember the legacy of the ‘Prague Spring’, where Soviet tanks were sent by the Kremlin to crush the burgeoning democratic reform movement and brutally ensure citizens followed the totalitarian regime. Pictured: Tanks rolling into Prague in 1968 (above) and the streets of Prague in 2018 (below)
The anniversary will be marked by ceremonies, exhibitions and films.
Hundreds of demonstrators met late Monday afternoon in front of the Russian embassy in Prague, waving banners and flags of the Czech Republic, the European Union and NATO.
Slogans read: ‘We will never forget’, ‘Stop Russian imperialism’ and ‘Freedom is in the truth’.
One activist, Tomasz Peszynski, said: ‘We penned a letter to Russian citizens in which we ask them to rise up against the current regime which continues to pursue an imperialist policy, just like during the Soviet era.
‘An intervention like the one 50 years ago is taking place today as well, but this time not with the help of tanks but propaganda, fake news and electoral influence,’ the pro-EU citizen’s initiative ‘Pulse of Europe’ activist said.
Another protester Vaclav Bozdech, who attended the rally holding a Ukrainian flag, said: ‘There are certainly parallels between the 1968 invasion perpetrated by the communist Soviets and the situation today where Russia is practically dominated by oligarchs.’

Czech citizens (left) expressed their opposition to the invasion through acts of nonviolent resistance. Thousands of protesters are seen sitting at Wasceslas square (left) where one student set himself on fire to protest against the renewed suppression of free speech and increased state control. Pictured: Prague’s Wenceslas Square in 1968 (left) and 2018 (right)

Many ceremonies, concerts and gatherings are planned for Tuesday across the Czech Republic. A tribute to the victims of the occupation will take place in front of the radio station in downtown Prague where around 15 unarmed people, mostly youths, died trying to prevent the Soviets from taking the building

A man holds a 1968 placard during a demonstration to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Soviet-led invasion of former Czechoslovakia
Communist Party leader Alexander Dubcek had tried to put ‘a human face on socialism’ through democratic reforms to the totalitarian regime.
Reforms included the abolition of censorship, freedom of assembly and association, and cautious economic reforms.
But on the night of August 20-21, 1968, Soviet soldiers backed by Bulgarian, east German, Hungarian and Polish units brutally put an end to the movement.
Around 50 Czechs and Slovaks were killed on that first day alone, while the total number of victims of the Soviet occupation is 402, according to historians.
People shouted insults at the troops, such as: ‘Gestapo’, or ‘Long live Dubcek’.
Many only learnt of the invasion of their country via their radios.
From dawn, hundreds of Prague citizens gathered in front of the radio building, surrounded by tanks.
Soldiers fired bursts of machine-gun fire at the building and nearby houses, killing 100 people in the first days.
The Soviet Red Army arrested Dubcek and Prime Minister Oldrich Cernik, where they were taken to the Kremlin and joined by president Svoboda.
All were forced to sign the Moscow Protocol, a diktat which formalised the Soviet occupation, cooperating after four days of fraught talks.
Dubcek was kept in power but he was deliberately and progressively weakened.
The last Soviet soldier left the country only in 1991, two years after the Velvet Revolution that toppled totalitarian communist rule.
Many ceremonies, concerts and other gatherings are planned for Tuesday across the Czech Republic.
A tribute to the victims of the occupation will take place in front of the radio station in downtown Prague where around 15 unarmed people, mostly youths, died trying to prevent the Soviets from taking the building.
Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis from the populist ANO movement and senate president Milan Stech will deliver speeches at the event.
At night, local pop stars such as Marta Kubisova will perform an outdoor concert at Wenceslas Square in Prague.
In 1968, Kubisova openly took part in the Prague Spring and later sang the era’s most famous song ‘Prayer for Marta’.
Lyrics included: ‘Let peace remain with this country. Malice, envy, hate, fear and contention. Let these pass away.’
With the country back in the grip of loyal communist leaders who followed Moscow’s line, the powerful song was banned and Kubisova silenced – until the regime was toppled in 1989.
Kubisova joined the dissident movement and became close with playwright Vaclav Havel who headed a human rights group and later became the country’s first post-communist president.
Czech public television will air special programmes about the events of August 21, 1968 all day Tuesday. At night the station will broadcast a speech by Slovak President Andrej Kiska.
His Czech counterpart Milos Zeman, an ex-communist who is known for his pro-Russian views, has however decided to stay silent on the occasion.
Zeman’s decision not to attend the commemoration ceremonies has been strongly criticised by right-wing opposition parties.
The president’s spokesman Jiri Ovcacek has replied that Zeman already ‘showed his courage by publicly opposing the occupation in 1968’.
‘It’s a crucial subject for us: the pro-Russian president, the populists’ electoral win, the government backed by communists,’ Peszynski said.
‘We can see the harmful effect of Russian propaganda, which there is a lot of in the Czech Republic.’
Czechoslovakia did not finally shed totalitarian rule until 1989, four years before splitting into the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
In August of 1968, Soviet soldiers backed by Bulgarian, east German, Hungarian and Polish units brutally put an end to the movement (left). Hundreds of demonstrators met late Monday afternoon (right) in front of the Russian embassy in Prague, waving banners and flags of the Czech Republic, the European Union and NATO

At 11pm on August 20 1968, Soviet tanks rolled into communist Czechoslovakia and by 4:59am on August 21, Radio Prague announced that the capital and the rest of the country had been occupied by 200,000 soldiers, rising to 600,000

The government urged citizens to ‘remain calm and not to take up arms against the foreign troops.’ Many learnt of the invasion of their country only via their radios, gathering in front of the radio building, surrounded by tanks

Soldiers fired bursts of machine-gun fire at buildings and nearby houses, killing 100 people in the first days

A tank drives on a Prague street during confrontations between demonstrators and the Warsaw Pact troops and Soviet tanks

Czechoslovakia did not finally shed totalitarian rule until 1989, four years before splitting into the Czech Republic and Slovakia. ‘An intervention like the one 50 years ago is taking place today as well, but this time not with the help of tanks but propaganda, fake news and electoral influence,’ a pro-EU citizen’s initiative ‘Pulse of Europe’ activist said