Dad donates kidney to his adopted four-year-old daughter

A father and his adopted daughter were photographed in an emotional reunion after he gave up part of his liver to save her life.

Peter McKay, 38, of Brooklyn, New York, was moved to tears as he watched over baby Darcy – who was just two at the time – hours after a portion of his vital organ was transplanted into the sick tot back in 2015.

Darcy had been battling progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 2, or PFIC2, which prevents liver cells from flushing out bile, forcing it into the bloodstream.

Proud dad: Peter McKay, 38, of Brooklyn, New York, is seen in the emotional moment he was reunited with his adopted daughter after donating part of his liver to her

Loving family: Peter (left) adopted Darcy, now aged four, with his partner Chris (right), 35. They are also parents to one-year-old Sebastian

Loving family: Peter (left) adopted Darcy, now aged four, with his partner Chris (right), 35. They are also parents to one-year-old Sebastian

The rare genetic disease left the little girl writhing in discomfort as she suffered debilitating body-wide itching and turned her skin yellow.

College admissions officer Peter, who adopted Darcy, now aged four, with his partner Chris, 35, said: ‘It was painful to witness. It broke our hearts.

‘We wanted our child to be exploring the world and it was hard to see her beautiful, bubbly, outgoing personality be hampered by this condition.’

Doctors initially said the youngster might need a transplant at some point in her life but as her condition rapidly deteriorated the clock began to tick.

Rather than wait for a donor to become available, Peter and Chris decided to get tested to see if they were a blood match for the baby girl and, incredibly, they both were.

Snuggled up: Peter said that watching his 'bubbly' daughter deal with progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 2, or PFIC2, 'broke our hearts'

Snuggled up: Peter said that watching his ‘bubbly’ daughter deal with progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 2, or PFIC2, ‘broke our hearts’

Still smiling: When Darcy was two months old, the parents began to notice that she had a yellowish tint to her skin and eyes

Still smiling: When Darcy was two months old, the parents began to notice that she had a yellowish tint to her skin and eyes

The following month Peter underwent surgery to remove 15 per cent of his liver which was transplanted into Darcy.

A few hours after the seven-hour procedure, Peter was reunited with Darcy and an emotional photo taken by Chris shows him sitting at the side of her hospital bed.

Speaking through tears, Peter recalled: ‘At that moment I wasn’t feeling the gravity of the situation, or pride for having donated a piece of my liver.

‘I was just a dad looking at his kid, just knowing that now she has a future.’

The liver – which can regenerate – grew back in both patients, and now little Darcy is back to full strength.

Peter, added: ‘Facing the real possibility that our child could die was devastating and we were going to do absolutely everything we could to help her.

‘Having that piece of biology that now connects Darcy and I means so much to me. It was magic and science coming together.’

Chris added: ‘We knew what Darcy was going through every second of every day, and we knew what the final outcome would be if the transplant didn’t happen.

‘To be able to give her the gift of health, the gift of a regular life, wasn’t even a question for us.’

Growing family: Peter and Chris adopted Darcy into their family in 2013, three years after they got married in June 2010

Growing family: Peter and Chris adopted Darcy into their family in 2013, three years after they got married in June 2010

Sweet girl: Doctors told the dads that if the condition was left untreated, she could die

Sweet girl: Doctors told the dads that if the condition was left untreated, she could die

On the line: Both Peter and Chris were tested to see if they were a match - and they both were

On the line: Both Peter and Chris were tested to see if they were a match – and they both were

Peter and Chris, who works in entertainment marketing, adopted Darcy into their family in 2013, three years after they got married in June 2010.

They were in the delivery room when she was born and had a relationship with the birth mother through the pregnancy, even picking Darcy’s name themselves.

But when she was two months old they began to notice that she had a yellowish tint in her eyes and skin, and a check-up hinted that she was seriously ill.

The family were referred to a liver specialist and after undergoing a string of tests, doctors, Darcy was diagnosed with PFIC2 in in January 2014.

If left untreated, the disease – which affects just 50,000 to 100,000 worldwide – would shut Darcy’s liver down and, without a transplant, she could die.

Rather than having Darcy’s name added to a 2,000-strong liver waiting list, Peter and Chris got tested to see if they could be living donors – and were both matches.

Peter decided to donate because his job is more flexible – and also so he would have a special biological link with Darcy, who shares Chris’s surname.

Out and about: Two years after the surgery, Darcy now has a normal life expectancy

Out and about: Two years after the surgery, Darcy now has a normal life expectancy

The bubbly girl is back: Darcy and her dad now have matching scars from their surgery, which Peter describes as 'a wonderful physical reminder of the way we are connected'

The bubbly girl is back: Darcy and her dad now have matching scars from their surgery, which Peter describes as ‘a wonderful physical reminder of the way we are connected’

On June 30 2015, Peter was sedated so surgeons could remove 15 per cent of his liver, which was then carried over to Darcy and transplanted into her.

Peter was discharged after five days and Darcy went home two days later. Two years on and the youngster, now aged four, is fighting fit and has a normal life expectancy.

And as well as a liver, the dad and daughter duo even share matching scars. Peter’s is 3ins long and stretches across his waist, and Darcy’s is in the shape of peace sign.

Peter, who also has a second child, one-year-old Sebastian, with Chris, added: ‘It’s a wonderful physical reminder of the way we are connected.’

Dr. Benjamin Samstein, chief of liver transplants at the hospital’s Weill Cornell Medical Center, added: ‘Darcy is a beautiful child who you couldn’t tell had a liver transplant.

‘Without the transplant she would not be alive but when you are a living donor you actually save two lives; it also enables the next person on the list to get a transplant.’