Dad puts notes in his daughter’s lunchbox to teachers who won’t let her eat her snacks

Furious dad places an angry note in his daughter’s lunchbox for teachers to see – after they told her off for unhealthy food

  • Dad tapes note to his kid’s lunchbox
  • Teachers were telling her what she was allowed to eat
  • The dad wanted to let them know she can eat what she wants 

A dad has gone to extreme lengths to keep his daughter’s teachers from controlling what she does and doesn’t eat from her lunchbox. 

The father-of-three stuck a note to his daughter Isabelle’s teachers on the inside of her lunchbox asking them to let her eat whatever she wants. 

He said school staff will insist Isabelle eat her vegetables and sandwich before her sweet treats.

The dad, from the UK, made the note in an effort to stop them ‘sticking their nose in (his) daughter’s business’ and let her eat what she wants when she wants during lunch breaks.  

Many applauded the dad’s efforts and shared their own stories of schools trying to take control over what their students eat from their own lunchboxes. 


A frustrated dad stuck a note to his daughter Isabelle’s teachers in her lunchbox instructing them to let her eat what she wants when she wants

In a TikTok clip the dad said he was ‘irritated’ at one of the dinner ladies at Isabelle’s school who has been telling her what she’s allowed to eat.

He said the badgering has been ‘putting Isabelle off from taking her lunch with them’. 

‘It’s alright if you eat the chocolate cake the school gives you but if you put one in their lunchbox they go ‘oh no you shouldn’t have that’,’ he said adding he’s now added a message to Isabelle’s lunchbox lid. 

The note read: ‘Welcome to Isabelle’s lunch box! We are aware of the contents of this box and are happy for Isabelle to eat whatever she wants’.

He said he was tempted to ‘ram (the lunchbox) full of sweets’ but added a sandwich, carrot sticks, an apple, a pear, a small bag of crisps, rainbow drop lollies and a chocolate egg.  

He was 'irritated' at one of the dinner ladies at Isabelle's school who has been telling her what she was allowed to eat. The badgering had 'put Isabelle off from taking her lunch with them'

He was ‘irritated’ at one of the dinner ladies at Isabelle’s school who has been telling her what she was allowed to eat. The badgering had ‘put Isabelle off from taking her lunch with them’

‘In short stop telling kids what they should and shouldn’t eat, let the f***ing parents decide,’ he said.  

After the dad put the note in the lunchbox, he hoped Isabelle’s teachers would see it and comply however he went through what she ate when she got home from school the next day. 

‘Right, let’s have a look what she brought home in her lunchbox. First thing’s first, she didn’t touch her rainbow drops, apparently she could only eat them if she had her carrots first,’ he said in a follow-up video.

He claimed Isabelle didn’t eat her carrots because they had fallen on the floor but she was too afraid to speak up to the dinner lady. 

‘She did eat her sandwich, which for reference this sandwich would have contained  more sugar than these rainbow drops,’ he said. 

‘That is six grams of rainbow drops – calm down.’

Isabelle ate some of her apple but didn’t touch her pear, crisps or chocolate gg because she said she didn’t have time.  


Should teachers be allowed to tell students what to eat from their lunch boxes?

‘Of course she got in the car and was immediately hungry and nothing was said about the label,’ the disgruntled dad said.

‘In short stick your f***ing nose out of my kid’s business hopefully this will get dealt with but I f***ing doubt it.’

Hundreds of parents in the comments sympathised with the dad with many sharing his frustration. 

‘Sick of schools being able to dictate what kids eat! Do they check all the teachers bags to make sure they’re not bringing in junk?’ one mum replied. 

‘This literally winds me up so much! Kids have minds of their own and can choose what they want to eat! You obviously approved everything in there!’ another agreed. 

‘My son’s preschool don’t allow jam sandwiches… As my small act of parental rebellion, I always send jam sandwiches,’ laughed a third. 

‘My son’s primary school used to go round taking stuff out! Let them eat! It’s better than nothing!’ a fourth wrote. 
