DAILY MAIL COMMENT: BBC is flunking the test on political bias 

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: BBC is flunking the test on political bias

So much for Tim Davie’s spirited promise to man the barricades against political bias at the BBC. Today, the barricades stand empty and the director-general’s credibility is in danger of suffering a shattering blow.

Yesterday he had a golden opportunity to restore trust in the corporation’s impartiality. But he flunked it.

There are growing fears he will let sanctimonious footballer turned TV pundit Gary Lineker get away with his repellent Twitter outburst comparing the Government’s policy for ending the small boats crisis to the evils of the Third Reich.

Nobody denies the presenter is entitled to his opinions, however offensive. But it is highly inappropriate for the broadcaster’s highest-paid star to spout off in such a politically partisan manner. If the BBC is not neutral, it is nothing.

With Lineker having been warned before about publicly airing his ultra-woke views, the corporation could have called his bluff and fired him. Or at the very least insisted that strict impartiality became a condition of his future employment.

So much for Tim Davie’s spirited promise to man the barricades against political bias at the BBC

But yesterday, as the controversy continued to rage, Mr Davie did what too many BBC bosses do: dithered and scurried for the bunker. To compound his humiliation, Lineker spent yesterday laughing in his employer’s face. He is making Mr Davie look spineless and foolish.

But perhaps there’s a reason why the corporation is so reluctant to stand up to its £1.35million man. Lineker’s metropolitan bien pensant worldview is shared overwhelmingly at Television Centre. Imagine if a presenter had taken to social media in support of the illegal migration crackdown. They’d have been out on their ear.

This unedifying episode reinforces how woefully detached the BBC remains from the real world, where most people – the ones who pay the licence fee – want stronger border controls.

If the corporation cannot guarantee political even-handedness, it can no longer justify being funded by the taxpayer.

All at sea on migrants

The Mail hopes the Government’s new multi-million-pound handout to France will tackle the Channel migrants.

Previous hefty payments to President Macron haven’t stopped record numbers arriving on our shores in small boats

Previous hefty payments to President Macron haven’t stopped record numbers arriving on our shores in small boats

Paying for more French beach patrols, drones, buggies and surveillance equipment should help smash more trafficking gangs. But previous hefty payments to President Macron haven’t stopped record numbers arriving on our shores in small boats.

As former home secretary Priti Patel says, the only way to end this crisis is if France takes back every illegal migrant, destroying the people smugglers’ business model.

The Prime Minister must convince Mr Macron that is the moral course to take. He can’t just throw good money after bad.

Invited to reconcile

They may agonise theatrically over whether or not to accept their invitation, but we report today that Harry and Meghan are expected to attend the King’s Coronation.

Having inflicted great harm on the Royal Family, this would make the duke and duchess shameless hypocrites. But they refuse to relinquish the prestige of a monarchy they claim to loathe.

Many would find their presence distasteful, but Charles would hate to be estranged from his son on this historic occasion.

We can only hope that if the pair do come, they behave with dignity – not turn the event into their own soap opera.

  • HS2 has hit the buffers again. To cut costs, Transport Secretary Mark Harper is delaying part of the high-speed railway by another two years. It is already vastly over budget and behind schedule, while demand for trains has plummeted. But this vacillation over HS2 just adds to a sense of dither. We should either build the thing in its entirety or not at all.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk