Dance partner battles millionaire’s daughters over fortune

A pensioner is embroiled in a legal battle over a slice of her former jive dance partner’s £1million fortune.

Carole Taylor, 70, met charismatic James Redmond at a jive-dance evening and claims they lived as ‘man and wife’ for the last seven years of his life.

She has been left with nothing because the millionaire’s will, written 20 years before they met, leaves everything to his adult daughters.  

In a court claim, Mrs Taylor is now demanding £325,000 maintenance from the Berkshire gas safety manager’s fortune.

Carole Taylor, centre left, is fighting for a share of her millionaire late dance partner James Redmond’s, centre right, fortune

Lynn Leberknight

Jane Redmond

Mr Redmond’s daughters Lynn Leberknight, left, and Jane Redmond, right, who have had their father’s estate left to them in his will, dispute Mrs Taylor’s claim and told a court ‘she was one of many of his girlfriends’

His daughters, Jane Redmond, 54, and Lynn Leberknight, 51, say she is not due a penny of their dad’s money – because their relationship was not ‘exclusive’.

They said in the years before his death from prostate cancer aged 74 in 2014, their father was ‘not the marrying type’ and had numerous romances with ladies – all of whom knew about each other.

One lady, with whom he had had a 15-year relationship, lived at a property of his in Somerset, which he often visited at weekends, the sisters say.

HR director Mrs Redmond, of Ascot, Berkshire, said: ‘My father was very charismatic and he did love Carole, I’m not disputing that.

‘But it wasn’t an exclusive relationship. It was common knowledge that my father had a house and a girlfriend in Somerset.’

Mrs Taylor insisted she was the ‘lucky one’ of his lady friends because she was the only one invited to spend Christmas with his family.

She said: ‘We were very much in love, we didn’t need to be married. I was his partner and he was mine.’

Central London County Court heard Mrs Taylor was still married to her husband of 42 years when she first met divorcee Mr Redmond while going dancing at Slough Irish Club.

Mrs Taylor, pictured with Mr Redmond in front of the Sagrada Familia, claims they 'lived together as man and wife for the last seven years of his life before he died of prostate cancer in 2014

Mrs Taylor, pictured with Mr Redmond in front of the Sagrada Familia, claims they ‘lived together as man and wife for the last seven years of his life before he died of prostate cancer in 2014

They hit it off and formed a friendship, but it was not until after her divorce that she agreed to move in with Mr Redmond at his home in Langley, near Slough, in 2007. 

Mrs Taylor says that, because she and Mr Redmond lived together as ‘man and wife’, it was wrong that he did not make ‘reasonable provision’ for her in his will.

Her barrister Rory Brown said: ‘The deceased was obliged to provide for Mrs Taylor in his will. He knew this and gave her assurances she would be provided for.

‘She had a legitimate expectation he would honour his assurances in light of both the care she provided for him, her contributions to renovations of the home, and his provision of free shelter and upkeep for seven years.’

Following his death she said she had been left with nowhere to go and had to move away from the home they had shared in Slough to stay with her son and his partner in Grantham, Lincolnshire.

She claims she has been left with very little to live on and wants £325,000 to buy herself a home and to help cover the costs of day-to-day living.

Representing the daughters, solicitor William Richmond-Coggan said Mrs Taylor cannot expect to be provided for because she was not Mr Redmond’s only girlfriend.

Mrs Taylor, pictured outside court, is suing for £325,000 to buy a house and claims she has been left with nothing since his death

Mrs Taylor, pictured outside court, is suing for £325,000 to buy a house and claims she has been left with nothing since his death

He said: ‘The deceased was a man who, after he divorced his wife, the late Sylvia Redmond, enjoyed a range of friendships – some of them deep friendships – with other women.

‘It is our case that those were relationships which were enjoyed non-exclusively and openly as regards each of the women concerned.

‘We say the quality of the relationship which they had was not of the necessary character of exclusivity to be considered a relationship of husband and wife.’

He added: ‘According to his ex-wife, he had romantic associations with a number of these other women right up to his death, and made clear to all of them, including Mrs Taylor, that none of those relationships was exclusive.’

Mr Richmond-Coggan claimed Mr Redmond had only asked Mrs Taylor to move in with him because she was a ‘vulnerable friend’ going through a divorce, and ‘after her ex-husband died he asked her to move out’.

The solicitor told the court the millionaire planned to move to France with his daughter Jane and only his declining health had stopped him from ‘insisting Mrs Taylor leave his flat’.

Mr Brown, representing Mrs Taylor, said there was a great deal of evidence to suggest she had a loving relationship with Mr Redmond until the end of his life.

He said they were ‘well-known on Slough’s dancing scene’ and enjoyed cruises together, including sharing a cabin on a ship during the summer before Mr Redmond died.

Margaret Maher, a friend of the couple, told the court: ‘They were madly in love with each other. You could see that down the club, the way they danced together.’

Mr Brown said even Mrs Leberknight, who lives in the United States with her retired sailor husband, had once backed Mrs Taylor’s claim to effectively be one of the family.

In a letter to the NHS, she had described Mrs Taylor as her ‘step-mother’, adding: ‘They’re a vibrant, engaging couple. They do the jive, they giggle at each other’s jokes. They’re fun to be around.’

Judge Stephen Hockman QC said: ‘This is a sad dispute. It’s a great pity to see people, who I am sure are inherently decent people, falling out and accusing each other of lying.’

He will give his ruling on the case at a later date.