Dancer nearly died from a horrific pacemaker infection

A young dancer says she was left ‘hanging on by a thread’ after being fitted with a pacemaker which should have saved her life – but instead infected her body with a deadly bug.

Traumatized Mikayla Meres, 21, of Altamonte Springs, Florida, shared shocking photos of herself fighting for her life in hospital, revealing how bacteria on the device sent her into septic shock and nearly killed her.

The dancer suffers from a condition which caused erratic heartbeat and forced her to give up the modern and contemporary dance she was passionate about aged 17.


Shocking: Mikayla Meres has told how she was left clinging onto her life after a pacemaker that was supposed to cure a heart condition actually caused a deadly infection

End of the road? The former dancer, now 21, thought that being fitted for a pacemaker would cure a condition that caused her to suffer from shortness of breath and an irregular heartbeat

End of the road? The former dancer, now 21, thought that being fitted for a pacemaker would cure a condition that caused her to suffer from shortness of breath and an irregular heartbeat

Hopeful: Despite being full of optimism when she went into hospital for surgery in November 2016 (pictured), Mikayla developed a deadly infection 48 hours later

Hopeful: Despite being full of optimism when she went into hospital for surgery in November 2016, Mikayla (pictured recently) developed a deadly infection 48 hours later

Hopeful: Despite being full of optimism when she went into hospital for surgery in November 2016 (left), Mikayla (pictured right recently) developed a deadly infection 48 hours later

Doctors said surgery to implant a heart rate-regulating pacemaker might fix the problem and Mikayla hoped it would help her get back up on stage.

But within 48 hours of the operation last November Mikayla claims she was in agony and unable to move with endocarditis, an infection in her heart valve, which had turned septic.

Terrifying: This grab of a text send to her father from a sibling reveals just how bad Mikayla's condition was

Terrifying: This grab of a text send to her father from a sibling reveals just how bad Mikayla’s condition was

Medics removed the device but that caused the infection to spread to the rest of her body, causing her to gain 40lbs of fluid and her vital organs to begin to fail.

Miraculously Mikayla defied the odds to battle back with the help of antibiotics and she finally returned home earlier this year after six months in hospital.

Tragically she is no longer able to dance due to ongoing problems with her heart, but has vowed to live life to the fullest – and wants to inspire others to do the same.

Mikayla said: ‘The pacemaker was supposed to help save my life but instead it did the complete opposite.

‘I was so optimistic going in to get it fitted. I thought I was finally on the right road and that it would really change things.

‘But afterwards I started having pain at the pacemaker site and fluids were coming out.

‘Within two days I was completely disabled – unable to move, eat, drink or go to the bathroom. Part of me knew I was dying.’

Mikayla had the pacemaker fitted at Florida Hospital Orlando and claims she was told staphylococcus bacteria on the device caused her ill health.

Dream big: As a young girl and a teen, Mikayla was an incredibly dedicated dancer, and hoped to continue contemporary and modern dance into adulthood 

Dream big: As a young girl and a teen, Mikayla was an incredibly dedicated dancer, and hoped to continue contemporary and modern dance into adulthood 

Devastating news: After surviving the deadly endocarditis infection, Mikayla has been told that she will likely never be able to dance again 

Devastating news: After surviving the deadly endocarditis infection, Mikayla has been told that she will likely never be able to dance again 

Looking forward: Snapchat grabs taken by Mikayla before the surgery show just how determined she was that the pacemaker would 'fix her heart'

Looking forward: Snapchat grabs taken by Mikayla before the surgery show just how determined she was that the pacemaker would ‘fix her heart’ 

The end result: Mikayla has ended up being in and out of hospital for the last year, as she continues to recover from the horrific infection which nearly killed her 

The end result: Mikayla has ended up being in and out of hospital for the last year, as she continues to recover from the horrific infection which nearly killed her 

Confusion: Poor hygiene has been blamed for previous cases of endocarditis at other hospitals but it is not known what exactly led to the rare complication in Mikayla's case

Confusion: Poor hygiene has been blamed for previous cases of endocarditis at other hospitals but it is not known what exactly led to the rare complication in Mikayla’s case

Poor hygiene has been blamed for previous cases of endocarditis at other hospitals but it is not known what exactly led to the rare complication in Mikayla’s case.

The hospital said it could not comment due to privacy laws.

Mikayla added: ‘They said I shouldn’t have survived it. They didn’t believe I was going to.

‘Now I’m trying to live my life more than I did before because it really scared me.

‘I’m still in pain 24/7 but I have told myself I’m going to go to work and I’m going to do everything I wanted to do before this all happened.’

Mikayla loved contemporary, modern and lyrical dance through high school and enjoyed performing in shows in her hometown.

Heartbreakingly she was forced to give it all up after being diagnosed with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome at 17.

The condition causes erratic heartbeat which left Mikayla feeling faint and short of breath, so she also had to study from home and cut her hours working as a barista.

Staying strong: Mikayla has this inking over her pacemaker scar in order to remind herself - and others - of just how strong she is

Staying strong: Mikayla has this inking over her pacemaker scar in order to remind herself – and others – of just how strong she is

To the future: The former dancer is heartbroken to have given up her passion, however she says she is determined to continue living life to the fullest 

To the future: The former dancer is heartbroken to have given up her passion, however she says she is determined to continue living life to the fullest 

Fighting: In addition to her heart problems, Mikayla also suffers from endometriosis and lupus

Fighting: In addition to her heart problems, Mikayla also suffers from endometriosis and lupus

In addition to her heart problems the youngster suffers from endometriosis, a painful condition where the tissue lining the inside of the uterus grows on the outside.

She was diagnosed with lupus – where the immune system attacks its own tissues – in December and has suspected multiple sclerosis.

Despite her ailing health Mikayla has vowed to battle through the pain and plans to enrol in college to become a nurse or child psychologist.

She also dreams of one day being able to dance again.

Mikayla said: ‘I loved being able to tell a story and express emotion through movement. It made me really happy.

‘When I got sick I hoped that one day I would get better and start dancing again.

‘I’m still hoping one day I’ll find the right treatments that’ll make it possible again.’

She added: ‘I’m fighting for my life all the time and it is exhausting, but whenever you are at your lowest and don’t believe you can last another second, you can.

‘There were so many times when I thought, “I can’t do this any more,” but I am still here.

‘I’m very very stubborn and I’m going to be here for as long as I physically can be. I’m not going to give up.’