Daniel killed his mother because she was a ‘bogan’ and buried her in bushland – now he’s free and living it up with a new name and hopes for a new career 200km away from her secret grave

A steroid junkie who killed his own mother because he despised her as ‘a bogan’ and buried her body in a bush grave is now living it up on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast.

Daniel Paul Heazlewood, who has changed his name since moving to the Maroochydore area, is working, partying and enjoying water sports since being released from jail.

Now a roofing contractor, the 37-year-old has even boasted at local pubs about  getting a job in the lucrative FIFO mining sector, or as a pilot.

Going by the name Daniel Blake, he is living 200km away from the lonely patch of bushland where he dumped his mother’s body after killing her at the Gold Coast home they shared.

Linda Sidon’s killing was concealed for years by Heazlewood, who wasn’t convicted until 2018, and her body has never been found despite police scouring parts of the 116 square kilometre Numinbah Valley, south-west of the Gold Coast.

Heazlewood discarded his mother’s remains there and covered the body with lime in an effort to dissolve her flesh and bones.

Daniel Paul Heazlewood, now going by the name of Daniel Blake (above) is living life as a free man on the Sunshine Coast , where he is a water ski enthusiast and works a as a roofer

Heazlewood told friends he hated his mother, who he called 'a bogan' and a 'wh**e' but who was a socially isolated 46-year-old anorexic he boasted on throwing across the room

Heazlewood told friends he hated his mother, who he called ‘a bogan’ and a ‘wh**e’ but who was a socially isolated 46-year-old anorexic he boasted on throwing across the room

Party boy and steroid taker Daniel Heazlewood grew to despise his own mother before he killed her and buried her boy in a hole in bushland and kept it quiet for years

Party boy and steroid taker Daniel Heazlewood grew to despise his own mother before he killed her and buried her boy in a hole in bushland and kept it quiet for years

Ms Sidon, a 46-year-old cleaner is believed to have been killed by Heazlewood around June 20, 2009 after he boasted it would be ‘so easy to snap her neck’.

Heazlewood, who denigrated his mother as as ‘a bogan, a whore and a c***’, was aged 22 and still living with Ms Sidon in her housing commission flat at Ashmore when he murdered her.

Before she vanished, Heazlewood had told others he had thrown her across the room ‘and was surprised at how far she went’. 

Ms Sidon, a single mother, had told her father that Heazlewood ‘beat her up a lot’. 

At the time, Heazlewood frequented Gold Coast nightclubs such as Sin City, Shooters and the Rendezvous Members Lounge, exhibited steroid-fuelled rage and wrote on Facebook about blowing up women with hand grenades.

Ms Sidon, who was anorexic, and later described by police as ‘anxious’ and ‘a fairly socially isolated person’ took medication for depression and was last seen at a doctor’s appointment.

Childhood photos of Heazlewood and Ms Sidon show the mother and son relaxed and laughing, but by the time he killed her, he was a muscled-up and hard-bodied young adult who had apparently believed she wasn’t classy enough.

Heazlewood never reported his mother missing, only telling others she had returned to New Zealand. Her father alerted NZ authorities to her disappearance in late 2010.

Heazlewood threw his mother across the room at their Gold Coast housing commission unit (above) then killed her and buried her body in bushland 36km away

Heazlewood threw his mother across the room at their Gold Coast housing commission unit (above) then killed her and buried her body in bushland 36km away

Linda Sidon vanished on mid-2009 and has never been seen again with her son unable to show police precisely where he dumped her body and covered it with lime to dissolve it

Police search the Numinbah Valley in the Gold Coast hinterland for Linda Sidon's remains, but the lonely bush grave her son Daniel dug for her remains a secret to this day

Police search the Numinbah Valley in the Gold Coast hinterland for Linda Sidon’s remains, but the lonely bush grave her son Daniel dug for her remains a secret to this day

In January 2011, Heazlewood told Queensland police that he ‘just came home one day and she was gone’.

Detectives secretly bugged his car and later listened to a bizarre confession he made to his dog while driving to the isolated location where he had left Ms Sidon.

He told his pet he was ‘checking on the body’ during the 36-minute journey.

Investigators used traffic noises and the sound of expansion joints on a large bridge in the Numinbah Valley to deduce where Heazlewood had dumped his mother’s body.

Police charged Heazlewood with murder in 2015 but he repeatedly denied killing his mother in the ensuing years 

His lawyer said he was ‘quite taken aback when he was arrested’ and ‘­consistently denied having anything to do with her disappearance’.

As well as sending an excavator and teams of officers with shovels to the Numinbah Valley, police used lasers capable of detecting blood under paint at Ms Sidon’s unit .

The murder charge was downgraded to manslaughter in 2018 after Heazlewood finally told police his mother had come at him with a butter knife and they both fell before he left the house.

He claimed he didn’t know his mother had died until he he returned two days later to find her dead body.

In May 2018, Heazlewood was finally convicted in the Queensland Supreme Court of  manslaughter, interfering with a corpse, and a range of drug and weapons charges.

Daniel looked relaxed and happy with his mother when he was young (above)

But he grew up to despise Linda Sidon as she became socially isolated with anorexia and depression

Daniel looked relaxed and happy with his mother when he was young, but he grew up to despise Linda Sidon as she became socially isolated with anorexia and depression

Daniel Heazlewood was arrested in 2015 but refused to admit he killed his mother until 2018 when he agreed she had died and he left her body for two days before disposing of it

Daniel Heazlewood was arrested in 2015 but refused to admit he killed his mother until 2018 when he agreed she had died and he left her body for two days before disposing of it

The drug charges related to a hydroponic cannabis operation police found at his house, and steroids. 

He was also convicted of driving dangerously, interfering with the operation of a motor vehicle, and excessive speeding or taking part in an unlawful speed trial. 

Justice David Boddice sentenced him to eight years, admonishing him for his ‘disgraceful behaviour’ and his disdain after killing his mother.

‘You left her on the floor. You then moved her to the bedroom. You left her there for a day or so,’ Justice Boddice said.

‘You acquired a shovel and lime, wrapped her body, and took her to an isolated location… where you dug a hole which filled with water. 

‘You placed her body and the lime in that hole. You were the deceased’s own son. You disrespected her completely.’

After just 29 months in prison, Heazlewood was quietly granted parole.

Police interview Heazlewood (above, centre) who finally confessed to killing his mother. although he said it was during a struggle in which she produced a butter knife and not murder

Police interview Heazlewood (above, centre) who finally confessed to killing his mother. although he said it was during a struggle in which she produced a butter knife and not murder

Ms Sidon’s body still lies somewhere in bushland off Pine Creek Road in the Gold Coast hinterland.

Despite Heazlewood assisting police on searches, it may never be found due to the fact that water levels have risen and may have washed away her bones.

During their investigation of Ms Sidon’s unlawful death, police interviewed a former girlfriend who said Heazlewood was ‘mentally abusive and manipulative’ and regularly used steroids in 2009, which made him ‘aggressive and violent’.

Police also read his Facebook page, finding a post written in 2012, three years after his mother disappeared.

It said: ‘A lot of girls deserve a warm gift … such as a live grenade.’

He also posted: ‘What do 80,000 battered wives have in common? They just don’t know when to shut the f*** up.’

In another post he swore off women saying: ‘Gym, xbox and porn is all this boy needs.’

Heazlewood was a member of the Gold Coast Pistol Club where he regularly used the firing range, and posted on Facebook about guns and his aim being that of an army commando.

After his release on parole, Ms Sidon's two sisters, Pam and Pauline, said they were devastated their nephew was back out in the community and believed he hadn't properly assisted police to find her body

After his release on parole, Ms Sidon’s two sisters, Pam and Pauline, said they were devastated their nephew was back out in the community and believed he hadn’t properly assisted police to find her body

‘Time to empty some clips,’ he said in a Facebook post in 2012. ‘1st ever shot with a 9mm Glock was centre bullseye … Die paper piggy.’

Heazlewood’s friends told detectives he disliked his mother and ‘spoke unkindly of her lifestyle, her appearance and her family’. 

After his release on parole, Ms Sidon’s two sisters, Pam and Pauline, said they were devastated.

Pam McLaren said she felt ‘physically sick’ knowing her nephew had been released back into the community.

Under Queensland legislation, a killer cannot be granted parole if the body of the victim remains undiscovered.

But the Queensland Parole Board said it was ‘satisfied that the applicant has cooperated satisfactorily in the investigation of the offence to identify the victim’s location’, though noted ‘the body or remains of the victim … have not been located’. 

Ms McLaren did not believe her nephew properly assisted police and that ‘Daniel is just carrying on as usual, making everyone look like idiots,’ she said.

‘I don’t feel like it’s safe for the community. I don’t think it’s right… this is how you get away with (killing) your mum. You just say that you don’t know where the body is and you get out of jail within a few years. It’s a bit of a joke.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk