Darren Dunn’s drug smuggling racket from his prison cell in Salford

Darren Dunn, 35, was serving a stretch for ‘public protection’ when he masterminded the scam

A gangland Mr Big masterminded a smuggling racket from his prison cell during which he got drugs flown into jail – by remote controlled drones.

Darren Dunn, 35, was serving a stretch for ‘public protection’ yet used a contraband iPhone to organise flights from outside the prison walls.

Cannabis and the ‘zombie drug’ Spice were then collected inside by inmates at the Category B Forest Bank jail in Salford, Greater Manchester, and sold on.

At least one prisoner burrowed a hole in the exterior wall of his cell so he could put his hand through and grab deliveries from drones as they hovered outside. 

Two machines crashed into netting above the exercise yard but it is thought other deliveries were made successfully.

Police spotted one of Dunn’s associates loitering outside the jail and seized his rucksack to find it contained a drone plus £28,000 worth of Spice, cannabis and steroids.

A knotted sock was also found in the bag stuffed with ten mobile phones and three chargers. All were due to be flown in over the walls of the 1,500-inmate prison. Mobile phones with a charger can be worth £500 each inside jail.

The contents of the rucksack seized outside which contained a drone plus £28,000 worth of Spice, cannabis and steroids. A knotted sock was also found (top) which contained ten mobile phones and three chargers

The contents of the rucksack seized outside which contained a drone plus £28,000 worth of Spice, cannabis and steroids. A knotted sock was also found (top) which contained ten mobile phones and three chargers

The drone used in the plot at the Category B Forest Bank jail in Salford, Greater Manchester

The drone used in the plot at the Category B Forest Bank jail in Salford, Greater Manchester

The international crime racket began to crumble in December 2016 when two of the men were stopped as they arrived back at Portsmouth by ferry and their vehicle was found to have 5.6kg of cannabis worth up to £170,000

The international crime racket began to crumble in December 2016 when two of the men were stopped as they arrived back at Portsmouth by ferry and their vehicle was found to have 5.6kg of cannabis worth up to £170,000

The drone was later analysed and was found to have been used on 41 recorded flights – including four over the perimeter fence of the jail and a further 22 conducted in the grounds around or outside of the prison.

Convicted armed robber Dunn himself had two iPhones in jail – one of which was later found hidden in his cell. 

It emerged he had been using them to direct a team of dealers to import drugs into the UK from Spain before flying the substances into the jail for trafficking to inmates.

A woman who had a child with Dunn had more than £10,000 deposited into her bank account as a result of the operation.

The huge stash of Cannabis destined for Forest Bank was also found to be hidden inside a spare wheel arch

The huge stash of Cannabis destined for Forest Bank was also found to be hidden inside a spare wheel arch

During the inquiry 556 mobile phones and 237 sim cards were seized inside the jail over a year long period.

At Manchester Crown Court, Dunn, from Walkden, Salford, was given a further ten years behind bars after he pleaded guilty to conspiracy to convey articles into prison, conspiracy to import class B drugs and money laundering. 

The ruling came as he was due to face a parole hearing about a possible imminent release from jail.

The court heard Dunn had been originally been jailed at Leeds in 2008 for public protection after he was involved in a series of robberies upon cash-in-transit vans in which one guard were held at gunpoint and others were threatened with sledgehammers, crowbars and an axe.

Daniel White

Stephen Roberts

Daniel White (left) was jailed for three years and ten months and Steven Roberts (right) was jailed for seven years four and months for their part in the plot

At the time police described him as ‘dangerous and out of control’ and he was given an indeterminate sentence.

Dunn was freed in February 2016 after serving eight years but the following June he was brought back to prison to resume his stretch with a recommendation he serve a further 40 months after he was arrested over an arson attack.

Shortly afterwards Dunn illegally acquired a phone in prison and set up his crime operation which saw six men involved in the ordering, purchase and smuggling of drugs into the UK. One man flew to Barcelona on three occasions and had ‘significant telephone contact’ with Dunn.

The racket began to crumble in December 2016 when two of the men were stopped as they arrived back at Portsmouth by ferry and their vehicle was found to have 5.6kg of cannabis worth up to £170,000.

Christopher Paul

Anthony Redmond

Christopher Paul, (left) was jailed for seven years and four months and Anthony Redmond (right) got 20 months

Police then discovered drones were being used to smuggle drugs and mobile phones into Forest Bank and officers saw two of the gang parking in a nearby car park and then assembling the device about 10 metres from the exterior wall of the jail.

At the time the officers decided against arresting the pair because there was a ‘difficulty in deploying covert surveillance investigators’ but swooped later when they suspected a further flight was about to take place. One of the gang seen cycling to the prison perimeter fence escaped but he dropped his rucksack and it was found nearby.

Sentencing Dunn Judge Timothy Edwards told him: ‘There were at least two drone incidents – they are considerably lucrative and sophisticated and what was being run was an organised operation with you the chairman sat in a cell in A Wing and others as your operational directors.

Michael Madden was jailed for 20 months

Michael Madden was jailed for 20 months

‘You played a leading role in the conspiracy to enter contraband including drugs and phones to inmates. There was undoubtedly a significant financial reward and your previous convictions act as an aggravating feature. You were running a business from your own prison cell.

‘A number of drones flew over Forest Bank with a treasure trove of illicit contraband including cannabis, syringes, steroids, Spice and mobile phones.

‘On one occasion a drone was seen flying near the prison and that day a significant amount of drugs, syringes, iPhones, SIM cards were found inside. One search found a hole coming out of a cell which allowed the prisoner to grab or put their arms through to conceal contraband from a drone hovering outside. In essence it was a drone delivery service.’

‘The drone was found to have 41 recorded flights, 22 of which were in the vicinity of Forest Bank prison – and four of those went over the area of the A wing. It is unclear how many were successful but a significant quantity of drugs were found. The harm caused in incalculable.’

Daniel White, 31, of Westhoughton, Bolton, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to convey articles into prison and was jailed for three years and ten months.

Sean Tierney, 25, of Salford, was jailed for 28 months after admitting possession with intent to supply class B drugs.

Steven Roberts, 37, of Salford, was jailed for seven years four and months and Christopher Paul, 29, of Nelson, were each jailed for seven years and four months after they pleaded guilty to conspiracy to import and supply class B drugs.

Anthony Redmond, 59, and Michael Madden, 58, both of Swinton, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to import class B drugs. Redmond got 20 months and Madden 11 months.

The jail has been at the centre of previous drug issues with inmates claiming the use of ‘Spice’ in the prison had reached ‘catastrophic levels.’ Two inspections of the prison, run by the French multinational Sodexo, found that drugs were ‘easily available’ and fuelling violence among its inmates.  

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk