Darwin sexual predator who groomed girl on Facebook promised cannabis for sex is banned from city

Sexual predator, 45, who groomed a girl, 15, over Facebook and promised her drugs in exchange for sex is banned from Darwin for two years

  • A 45-year-old man had sex with a 15-year-old girl before giving her cannabis
  • He groomed the girl online and knew she was underage during intercourse
  • The man was given a three year sentence to be suspended after 15 months
  • The sentence was on the condition he live in the bush for two years

A sexual predator who gave a 15-year-old girl cannabis so he could have sex with her has been banned from the city of Darwin for two years. 

The 45-year-old man, who has not been named for legal reasons, groomed the girl on Facebook before having sex with her and giving her cannabis at Gray Oval in Darwin, Northern Territory on June 24 last year. 

After the incident, the girl told her parents and they managed to track the man down, allowing police to arrest him the next day. 

The man told police officers he knew the girl was just 15 years old but despite this, still ‘wanted to have sex with her anyway’, according to NT News. 

Gray Oval in Darwin, where a 45-year-old man had sex with a 15-year-old girl and gave her cannabis on June 24 last year

He pleaded guilty to having sex with a child under the age of 16 and supplying her with less than a commercial quantity of cannabis at the NT Supreme Court on Friday.

His sentence was three years in jail to be suspended after 15 months on the condition he live in the bush and not come back to Darwin for two years.    

The 45-year-old first contacted his victim on Facebook Messenger on June 24 last year, asking her how old she was. 

The girl said she was ’15 turning 16′ before the man offered her cannabis and alcohol in exchange for sex, to which the she agreed. 

He asked the girl if she knew how to have sex before he met her at Gray Oval on the evening of June 24. 

He initiated sexual intercourse with her, to which she complied. After having sex with the underage girl, the man gave her some cannabis. 

When the girl got home, she told her mother what happened. Her family tracked the man to an address, where the girl identified him.  

They then called the police, who arrested the man on June 25. 

The 45-year-old first contacted his victim on Facebook Messenger on June 24 last year, asking her how old she was. The girl said she was '15 turning 16' before the man offered her cannabis and alcohol in exchange for sex (stock image)

The 45-year-old first contacted his victim on Facebook Messenger on June 24 last year, asking her how old she was. The girl said she was ’15 turning 16′ before the man offered her cannabis and alcohol in exchange for sex (stock image)

In court on Friday, Justice Judith Kelly condemned the man for his actions. 

‘Offering cannabis and alcohol to a young girl in exchange for sex is very wrong,’ she said.    

But Justice Kelly accepted the man had no prior convictions for sex offences and that his offending was out of character. 

She also said the man had good prospects for rehabilitation and had expressed genuine remorse. 

As a result, she sentenced him to three years in jail, to be suspended after 15 months. 

After the 15 months are up, the man must live in the bush for two years and not come back to Darwin.  

The city of Darwin, where the man is banned from for two years. He was sentenced to three years in jail to be suspended after 15 months on the condition he live in the bush

The city of Darwin, where the man is banned from for two years. He was sentenced to three years in jail to be suspended after 15 months on the condition he live in the bush

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk