David Beckham personal trainer shares tips shape summer

With summer just around the corner and the mercury creeping up with every day that passes, you wouldn’t be alone if you’re thinking about slimming down before the new season officially kicks in.

Which is where Tegan Haining comes in.

The Sydney-dwelling model and celebrity personal trainer – who has worked with the likes of David Beckham, Jessica Gomes and Lara Stone in the past – recently shared her health and fitness tips with FEMAIL.

She also revealed the exercise routine that keeps her abs toned and lithe. 

Sydney-dwelling model and celebrity personal trainer, Tegan Haining (pictured) – who has worked with the likes of David Beckham, Jessica Gomes and Lara Stone in the past – shared her health and fitness tips with FEMAIL

These include lifting weights (pictured) and focusing on your food and your fitness in equal measures

These include lifting weights and focusing on your food and your fitness in equal measures (pictured: Tegan Haining)

These include lifting weights (left) and focusing on your food and your fitness in equal measures (pictured: Tegan Haining)

The fitness guru (pictured) said that if you want to slim down, you need to 'limit your cheat meals to just three per week'

The fitness guru (pictured) said that if you want to slim down, you need to ‘limit your cheat meals to just three per week’

She also recommends eating anti-inflammatory foods such as fermented foods, blueberries and leafy greens

She also recommends eating anti-inflammatory foods such as fermented foods, blueberries and leafy greens

According to Tegan, whose work as a health and fitness guru with James Duigan’s Bodyism, has seen her travel around the world, the most important thing to do if you want to stay in shape is to think about food and fitness as equals:

Tegan Haining’s exercise routine

* Dumbbell thrusters

* Lying flies

* Side plank twister

* Single leg glute bridge

* Hill/beach sprints for 100 metres

* Perform 15 reps for each exercise and repeat for 3-5 sets. 

‘Food and fitness count equally to get in shape,’ she told Daily Mail Australia.

‘Challenge your body with weights and burn off your fat stores with interval training.’

The fitness guru added that if you want to slim down, you need to ‘limit your cheat meals to just three per week’.

‘Inflammation is the biggest cause of disease in modern society,’ she added. ‘Aim to incorporate anti-inflammatory foods into your daily meal plan such as Omega 3 fish oil, leafy greens, blueberries, garlic and fermented products.’

A good rule of thumb for when it comes to your diet is to think about ‘where did my food come from and how was it processed’, Tegan told FEMAIL. 

‘If you can’t make it in your own kitchen, don’t eat it,’ she explained, emphatically.

Tegan explained that if you can't make your food in your kitchen, then it is most likely heavily processed and therefore you shouldn't eat it

Tegan explained that if you can’t make your food in your kitchen, then it is most likely heavily processed and therefore you shouldn’t eat it

According to Tegan Haining, the much-worked-on Beckham (pictured) core comes from a mixture of exercises - including cable woodchops, bench and chest presses

According to Tegan Haining, the much-worked-on Beckham (pictured) core comes from a mixture of exercises - including cable woodchops, bench and chest presses

According to Tegan Haining, the much-worked-on Beckham (pictured) core comes from a mixture of exercises – including cable woodchops, bench and chest presses

On the training side of things, the fitness guru recommends weight lifting as the key to healthy weight loss:

‘Don’t go for a run. The fastest way to burn fat its to lift weights,’ Tegan said. ‘It creates learn muscle mass which creates a greater metabolic demand after your exercise.’

Tegan Haining’s day on a plate 

* First thing: 2-3 glasses of warm water with pre and probiotic powder, the PT told Pedestrian. 

* Breakfast: 2 fried eggs in sauerkraut and a 1/4 of an avocado with coffee.

* Mid Morning: Green juice.

* Lunch: Chicken broth with extra seaweed and any vegetables she has in the fridge.

* Mid afternoon: Dry roasted almonds.

* Dinner: 150 grams of sirloin steak with tomato, red onion and cucumber salad, steamed broccoli, lots of butter for the steak and Dijon mustard.

* Supper: Turmeric latte with coconut milk, cracked pepper and ginger. 

Tegan’s own exercise routine is centred around weights, and includes dumbbell thrusters, side planks, glute bridges and more.

Previously speaking to FEMAIL, Tegan added that variety is key in exercise.

While she is not a fan of long-distance running, she will do one simple circuit that blasts fat in double-fast time:

 ‘Go to the park, do a 100 metre sprint every two minutes and repeat it 10 times. That’s a 20-minute workout that does far more for your body than a regular run,’ she said.

‘My formula for both myself and my clients – whether they’re celebs or yummy mummies – is to do some form of weights training for three days a week, and then some form of movement for three other days.

‘Whether it’s tennis, running or even a walk, the main thing is to make sure you’re moving – and stretching – as much as possible.’ 

The Bondi-based PT recommends side planks to well and truly engage your abdominals (pictured)

The Bondi-based PT recommends side planks to well and truly engage your abdominals (pictured)

When it comes to her day on a plate, Tegan swears by eggs, avocado, fermented foods such as sauerkraut and seaweed and turmeric lattes (pictured)

When it comes to her day on a plate, Tegan swears by eggs, avocado, fermented foods such as sauerkraut and seaweed and turmeric lattes (pictured)


* According to Tegan Haining, the much-worked-on Beckham core comes from a mixture of exercises.

* ‘Crunches do nothing if that’s all you’re doing!,’ she said. ‘The cable woodchop move is one I did with David a lot, as well as a lot of chest work, which he enjoyed.’

* ‘Bench presses and chest presses are also good,’ Tegan said. ‘And planks will always help with the abdominals, too.’

* ‘It’s important not to forget about lower or inner abdominals,’ Tegan advises. ‘Bear crawling is really good for lower abdominal muscles, and planks and other moves will work on the inner abs’.

* She warned that she sees lots of men with the outline of a six pack, but also a pregnant stomach. ‘This is because they’ve simply forgotten to work their inner abs,’ she said.

* Tegan also said that David Beckham does lots of spinning in order to achieve peak fat-burning potential – he is a huge fan of cult studio, Soulcycle, in Los Angeles.

Lastly, the PT said that rewards and sleep are intrinsic to a successful health and fitness programme - you need to 'sleep yourself slim'

Lastly, the PT said that rewards and sleep are intrinsic to a successful health and fitness programme – you need to ‘sleep yourself slim’

'Rest days are absolutely vital for overall health and a lean, toned frame,' she said (pictured working out at Bondi Beach)

‘Rest days are absolutely vital for overall health and a lean, toned frame,’ she said (pictured working out at Bondi Beach)

Lastly, the PT said that rewards and sleep are intrinsic to a successful health and fitness programme:

‘It’s great to treat yourself with something when you reach a new fitness goal,’ she said. Tegan recommends new activewear over food, in the hope that it will inspire you on to more goals.

She is a particular fan of the label, Bondi Active. 

‘Sleeping yourself slim is what myself and James [Duigan] always say, too,’ she said previously.

 ‘It’s so important. When I see clients coming in to the gym to see me at 6am, when they still have to do a 14 or 15 hour day at work, I sometimes find myself saying: “An extra hour in bed might do just as much good as an hour of training”.

‘Rest days are absolutely vital for overall health and a lean, toned frame.’  

For more information about Tegan Haining, please click here. You can also follow her on Instagram here.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk