David Clark ‘killed wife 2 days after she told him of lesbian affair’

A man on trial for killing his wife has said that she told him she had a lesbian affair with his best friend’s daughter two days before stabbing her in her bed.

David Clark, 49, who’s accused of wife Melanie’s murder on New Year’s Eve, told the court that his wife confided in him the next morning of the lesbian tryst.

Birmingham Crown Court heard that South-African born Melania, 44, claimed she bragged to her husband about how Katie Bastians had oral sex with her when they enjoyed drinks at their Worcestershire home just after Christmas Day. 

Mr Clark, who grew up in South Africa and moved to the UK with his wife in 2011, said that Katie and father Steve had come over for the evening and the four of them had enjoyed a ‘fun night.’

David Clarke, left, is accused of stabbing his wife Melanie, right, to death on New Year’s Eve at their home in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, two days after telling him of lesbian affair

He said that later that evening Melanie and Katie shared a bed together before having a lesbian encounter while he was asleep in the next room, where he had been staying for a ‘couple of months.’

‘I wasn’t really aware of anything happening. There was a lot of giggling and talking and things like that. It went on into the early hours of the morning.’ 

Clark told the court that he did not remember when he went to bed but rose the next morning and took Steve and Katie to the train station.

He then described how Melanie confided in him when they returned home.

‘We had a coffee and she said ”I want to tell you something but don’t get mad”. 

‘And then she said Katie started doing things to her. Me and Steve never discussed his daughter’s sexuality. 

 ‘She said ”will you pinkie promise” never to tell anyone what had gone on? I was fine with that so I left it at that.

‘Mr Bastians is my only friend. But I was just glad that my wife was honest with me. I did not hold anything against her.’ 

‘Then when my wife was saying these things that Katie was doing to her, I said ‘well surely you could stop it – you could say no or turn away’. She did not answer me. 

Clark told Birmingham Crown Court  that Melanie had told her husband of affair and taunted him about it on New Year's Eve before he fatally stabbed her in her bed

Clark told Birmingham Crown Court that Melanie had told her husband of affair and taunted him about it on New Year’s Eve before he fatally stabbed her in her bed

On the night Melanie died the couple had spent the night at a friend’s house where they played drinking board games.

‘When we got in the house, we started going upstairs and my wife started talking about Katie.

‘She said ‘would I like Katie in her sexy underwear?’ and at that stage I said I’m going to go to bed by myself.

‘I was confused why my wife would bring it up when she said to me we promised not to talk about it again.

Ms Clark was originally from South Africa. The couple met there and are said to have share a turbulent ten year relationship 

Ms Clark was originally from South Africa. The couple met there and are said to have share a turbulent ten year relationship

Ms Clark was originally from South Africa. The couple met there and are said to have share a turbulent ten year relationship 

 ‘She was in my face, in a nasty, nasty way like she was proud of what she had got up to.

‘I was on the landing between my wife’s bedroom and my bedroom.

‘She was speaking at first quietly and then she was turning it up – forcing the issue onto me and her voice was raised.

 ‘I thought about all the things she used to do to me – say horrible things, taunt me – and all of that was going through my mind and I was just more convinced.

‘After that, she went on and on. She came back into my room a few times.’

Breaking down in tears, he added: ‘I was trying to stand up for myself.

‘When she said everyone had been laughing at me for ten years, I wanted to crawl in a hole and go away.

Clark broke down in court and described that his wife often disparaged him and made comments about his penis size

Clark broke down in court and described that his wife often disparaged him and made comments about his penis size

‘The last time she came into my room I was feeling so low. She had a smile on her face like she was enjoying it.

‘The last thing I remember she just left the door open and she was shouting some stuff so I got out of bed and closed the door. She said I should just f ***in g kill myself.

‘I remember was that on my phone she was texting me stuff and that I was a piece of s**t. I felt low and worthless. I just really wanted to go to bed.

Giving evidence today, Clark admitted swearing at a house guest after she left a door open when they had been drinking.

Jurors heard how he asked the woman if she was ‘born in a barn b****,’ allegedly causing the friends to cut off contact with each other for a year.

The former military medic conceded that his wife had scolded him after he allegedly used bad language towards her two grown-up children, both in their twenties. 

Birmingham Crown Court, pictured here, heard that Melanie confided in Mr Clark that she had a lesbian tryst with his best friend's daughter two days before he stabbed her

Birmingham Crown Court, pictured here, heard that Melanie confided in Mr Clark that she had a lesbian tryst with his best friend’s daughter two days before he stabbed her

The court was also told yesterday how the pair had a turbulent relationship and Mrs Clark had mocked her husband about having a ‘small penis’.

He told jurors she would taunt him and ‘say horrible things’,and would often refer to his penis size.

‘Comments in conversation, she would nearly always refer to it. Just say it was small.’  

‘It made me feel inadequate. I felt so sad.’ 

David Clark denies the murder. The trial continues.

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